- tester <command> <?value> <optional args>
- run: runs the test on given executable
tester run <executable>
- gen: generates the required file structure, number represents the count of input entries, it's argument is optional
tester gen <?number>
Planned commands:
- diff: takes in a testcase (it's name or id
tester diff 4
,tester diff testcase4
) and prints out unified diff of the output and expected output or instead of a new command just print the diff to the output txt?
- --discard-output, -d: the produced output of executable won't be saved (By default every output produced from each testcase is saved to individual txt files)
- --name, -n: specify the name of the input xml file, by default it is test_schema.xml
├── test_schema.xml
├── your_executable
├── tester
└── outputs/ (This folder will be auto generated, if -d not provided)
Test cases are specified in xml file. Use this format to add test cases entries.
- If exit code not given, the tester assumes it should be 0.
- Every element/tag inside a
is omittable, it means that an empty testscase is totally valid, so it will run a testcase with no arguments, empty input, no output is expected and the exitcode should be zero, otherwise the testcase will fail <input>
have attribute named newline, which is useful when you need enters at the end of you input (or expect), see in example- Make sure your inputs and expects (only if they are on multiple lines, see last testcase in the example) are indented exactly as you want it!!!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<args>-c -w</args>
<args>-l -u</args>
<input newline="2">jednoVelkeSpojeneSlovo</input>
<expect newline="1">jednoVelkeSpojeneSlovo</expect>
<input>slovo ? + 1 aaa AAA</input>
<expect>slovo aaa AAA</expect>
<input> C84ha .o+t ?i c W[o ]r .D)</input>
<expect> C ha o t i c W o r D </expect>
<input newline="2"> *-+ A b e c 8 A llllvs [e][t]ko{}JeNa t.lac89e741ne +V+ L??A?V ??O</input>
<expect newline="1">AbecAllllvsetkoJeNatlaceneVLAVO</expect>
<input newline="2"> *-+ A b e c 8 A llllvs [e][t]ko{}JeNa t.lac89e741ne +V+ L??A?V ??O</input>
<expect newline="1">AbecAllllvsetkoJeNatlaceneVLAVO</expect>
<input>The ladies of Longbourn soon waited on those of Netherfield The
visit was soon returned in due form Miss Bennets pleasing
manners grew on the goodwill of Mrs Hurst and Miss Bingley and
though the mother was found to be intolerable and the younger
sisters not worth speaking to a wish of being better acquainted
with them was expressed towards the two eldest By Jane this
attention was received with the greatest pleasure but Elizabeth
still saw superciliousness in their treatment of everybody
hardly excepting even her sister and could not like them though
their kindness to Jane such as it was had a value as arising in</input>
args: lorem -a --help
input: dolor sit amet
EXIT_CODE: got: 1, expected: 0
PROGRAM_EXITED_WITH: segmentation fault (core dump)
args: lorem -a --help
input: dolor sit amet
OUTPUT: not matching with expected
args: lorem -a --help
input: dolor sit amet
EXIT_CODE: got: 0, expected: 2
args: lorem -a --help
input: dolor sit amet
OUTPUT: not matching with expected
EXIT_CODE: got: 132543 expected: 0
PROGRAM_EXITED_WITH: exit code 132543
Ran 9 tests (passed: 5, failed: 4)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed eu nisi at nibh semper cursus ac et neque.
Why would you think the doggy is little?
the doggy is the most big canis familiaris of all.
Are you upset by how monstrous it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the doggy so large-scale?
I cannot help but stop and look at the mad tabby.