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TabbyLD is a web-based software for semantic interpretation of spreadsheets.

TabbyLD is based on PHP 7 and Yii 2 Framework.

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  assets/             contains assets definition
  commands/           contains console commands for creation of langs by-default and table data annotation
  components/         contains core modules for semantic table interpretation (CanonicaltableAnnotator and RDFCodeGenerator)
  config/             contains application configurations
  modules/            contains single module:
      main/           contains controller, models and views
  web/                contains the entry script and Web resources


The minimum requirement by this project template that your Web server supports PHP 7.0 and PostgreSQL 9.0.


Install via Composer

If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at

You can then install this editor using the following command:

composer create-project tabbydoc/tabbyld



Edit the file config/db.php with real data, for example:

return [
    'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
    'dsn' => 'pgsql:host=localhost;port=5432;dbname=tabbyld;',
    'username' => 'postgres',
    'password' => 'root',
    'charset' => 'utf8',
    'tablePrefix' => 'tabbyld_',
    'schemaMap' => [
        'pgsql'=> [
            'defaultSchema' => 'public'


  • TabbyLD won't create the database for you, this has to be done manually before you can access it.
  • Check and edit the other files in the config/ directory to customize your application as required.


Commands for configuring database

Applying migrations (creating tables in database):

php yii migrate/up

Creating default locale records in database:

php yii lang/create

Commands for working with TabbyLD

Starting process of annotating spreadsheets:

php yii spreadsheet/annotate

Deleting all records for annotated datasets from database:

php yii annotated-dataset/remove


  • Commands are entered sequentially into the console, being in the folder with the project