- A fullstack application that has 2 types of users
- Can signup (feature not implemented yet)
- Can login
- Can deactivate account (feature not implemented yet)
- Can subscribe to magazines (feature not implemented yet)
- View catalog
- Add, update, or stop subscription
- Can login with special admin password (“password”)
- Presented with admin menu options which include queries for:
- Viewing all customers
- View catalog
- Various other queries that tell insightful information about users or magazines (i.e. avg cost of magazines across categories) - feature not implemented yet
- Navigate to the directory containing the app on your terminal or command line
cd DirectoryWhereAppIs
- Create a virtual environment (if not already created)
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install pip packages
- Mac
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Windows/Linux
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Turn on flask server
flask run
- Open a separate terminal or command line
- Navigate to client folder within application
cd client
- Install npm depdendecies
npm install
- Start the react server
npm run start
Existing client users can login and then once authenticated is redirected to their dashboard containing their current subscriptions.
User logins are cached in local storage (do not have to login again).
Users who are signed in can add magazines to their cart, checkout or clear their cart. Checking out will save the magazine subscription for that user which is reflected under the user’s subscription page.
Admin user can login and is presented with admin menu options
Admin user logins are not cached (intentionally).
The first 3 admin menu options are working (get all customers, get magazines catalog, get avg magazine cost per category); the other options are disabled for the user as they are not functional yet.
Redirects - redirects users appropriately after clicking on links or logging in.
Error handling when login with a username that does not exist or enter invalid password.
Error handling when signing up; user cannot sign up with a username that already exists.
SQL Queries have been all written, but not all of them are implemented in the application.
API unit test script
Not yet mobile responsive
No JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) yet
Note: admin user password is simply “password”
- In some instances after creating an account, an error message comes up (even though a user has been created).
- No other bugs found.
password: password
username: 6LiI-Dorothy password: !9Fq