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mapStoreConfig File
: Geostore URL (if empty http://<server>:<port>/geostore/rest/ is used) -
:proxy URL -
: xmlJsonTranslate service URL (if empty http://<server>:<port>/xmlJsonTranslate/ is used), -
: default language code, -
: Sources for getCapabilities: example:{ "mapquest": { "ptype": "gxp_mapquestsource" }, "osm": { "ptype": "gxp_osmsource" }, "google": { "ptype": "gxp_googlesource" }, "bing": { "ptype": "gxp_bingsource" }, "ol": { "ptype": "gxp_olsource" } },
: additional proj4js Definitions example:{"EPSG:3003":"+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs"}
Map Configuration. Example:{ "projection": "EPSG:900913", "units": "m", "center": [1250000.000000, 5370000.000000], "zoom":5, "maxExtent": [ -20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34 ], "layers": [{ "source": "mapquest", "title": "MapQuest OpenStreetMap", "name": "osm", "group": "background" }] }
:Optional Array of tools configurations. If present, overrides the configuration in Composer.js. -
: Optional Array of tools configurations. If present adds the panels in the same container of the main mapPanel -
: Optional configuration to override gxp Viewer configuration. -
: Optional Array ofExt.Panel
configurations. If present andtools
is not defined, add tools in Composer.js configuration. -
: Array of regions. If present, overrides the defaultgeoreferences_data
variable defined indata/georeferences.js
. -
: configuration for cswViewer (if present). -
: forced tab visualization of the viewport.
Complete Example:
"defaultLanguage": "en",
"mapquest": {
"ptype": "gxp_mapquestsource"
"osm": {
"ptype": "gxp_osmsource"
"google": {
"ptype": "gxp_googlesource"
"bing": {
"ptype": "gxp_bingsource"
"ol": {
"ptype": "gxp_olsource"
"map": {
"projection": "EPSG:900913",
"units": "m",
"center": [1250000.000000, 5370000.000000],
"maxExtent": [
-20037508.34, -20037508.34,
20037508.34, 20037508.34
"layers": [
"source": "bing",
"title": "Bing Aerial",
"name": "Aerial",
"group": "background"
}, {
"source": "osm",
"title": "Open Street Map",
"name": "mapnik",
"group": "background"
"source": "mapquest",
"title": "MapQuest OpenStreetMap",
"name": "osm",
"group": "background"
"source": "google",
"title": "Google Roadmap",
"name": "ROADMAP",
"group": "background"
"source": "google",
"title": "Google Terrain",
"name": "TERRAIN",
"group": "background"
"source": "google",
"title": "Google Hybrid",
"name": "HYBRID",
"group": "background"
"customTools": [
ptype: "gxp_googleearth",
actionTarget: {target: "paneltbar", index: 24}
In this section we show some useful configuration tricks.
To add an empty background to the backgrounds list, add the following configuration to the map layers array:
"source": "ol",
"group": "background",
"fixed": true,
"type": "OpenLayers.Layer",
"visibility": false,
"args": [
"None", {"visibility": false}
The customPanels
attribute is an Array that can contain many Ext.Component configuration object that will be placed inside MapStore.
They can be used to wrap plugins, contain custom html or also other custom panels. One exemple of the use of custom panels is the markerEditor.
The customPanelSample
configuration is an ad hoc exemple to help you to use this useful configuration option. It shows nested panel definition, plugin placement, custom html, and also an IFrame.
NOTE: if you want to place some custom panels inside other custom panel (e.g. some panels inside a tab), you have to place the container before the other panels in the array.
Custom panels can have the target
attribute (String) . If present, the panel will be placed inside the container with this string as id (for exemple, the tab panel that contains the layer tree and the legend has west
as id). If target
is not present the panel will be placed inside the portalPanel.
This is an extract from customPanelSample.js
"target": "west",
"title": "my New Tab",
"html":"This is a custom panel. Both this and 'my New Tab' are custom panels.",
"title": "Panel 1"
"html":"insert your plugin here",
"title": "Panel 2"
"region": "east",
"width": 570,
"activeTab": 0,
"collapseMode": "mini" ,
"html":"another custom panel....",
"html":"<iframe style='width:100%;height:100%' src='http://mapstore.geo-solutions.it' ><iframe/>",
"title": "MapStore WebSite"
"ptype": "gxp_marker_editor",