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mapStoreConfig File

offtherailz edited this page Sep 12, 2012 · 16 revisions

Configuration Options

  • geoStoreBase: Geostore URL

  • proxy:proxy URL

  • defaultLanguage: default language code,

  • gsSources: Sources for getCapabilities: exemple: { "mapquest": { "ptype": "gxp_mapquestsource" }, "osm": { "ptype": "gxp_osmsource" }, "google": { "ptype": "gxp_googlesource" }, "bing": { "ptype": "gxp_bingsource" }, "ol": { "ptype": "gxp_olsource" } },

  • proj4jsDefs: additional proj4js Definitions exemple: { "EPSG:3003":"+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs" }

  • map Map Configuration. Exemple:

    { "projection": "EPSG:900913", "units": "m", "center": [1250000.000000, 5370000.000000], "zoom":5, "maxExtent": [ -20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34 ], "layers": [{ "source": "mapquest", "title": "MapQuest OpenStreetMap", "name": "osm", "group": "background" }] }

  • tools:Optional Array of tools configurations. If present, overrides the configuration in Composer.js.

  • georeferences_data: Array of regions. If present, overrides the default georeferences_data variable defined in data/georeferences.js.

  • cswconfig: configuration for cswViewer (if present).


   "defaultLanguage": "en",
		"demo1": {
					"ptype": "gxp_wmssource",
					"title": "GeoSolutions server",
					"url": ""
		"mapquest": {
			"ptype": "gxp_mapquestsource"
		"osm": { 
			"ptype": "gxp_osmsource"
		"google": {
			"ptype": "gxp_googlesource" 
		"bing": {
			"ptype": "gxp_bingsource" 
		"ol": { 
			"ptype": "gxp_olsource" 
	"map": {
		"projection": "EPSG:900913",
		"units": "m",
		"center": [1250000.000000, 5370000.000000],
		"maxExtent": [
			-20037508.34, -20037508.34,
			20037508.34, 20037508.34
		"layers": [
				"source": "bing",
				"title": "Bing Aerial",
				"name": "Aerial",
				"group": "background"
			}, {
				"source": "osm",
				"title": "Open Street Map",
				"name": "mapnik",
				"group": "background"
				"source": "mapquest",
				"title": "MapQuest OpenStreetMap",
				"name": "osm",
				"group": "background"
				"source": "google",
				"title": "Google Roadmap",
				"name": "ROADMAP",
				"group": "background"
				"source": "google",
				"title": "Google Terrain",
				"name": "TERRAIN",
				"group": "background"
				"source": "google",
				"title": "Google Hybrid",
				"name": "HYBRID",
				"group": "background"
		"catalogs": [
				{"name": "Demo1GeoSolutions" , "url": "", "description": "Iternal GeoNetwork demo"},
				{"name": "Treviso", "url": "", "description": "Treviso Geonetwork"},
				{"name": "kscNet", "url": "", "description": "kscNet"},
				{"name": "CSI-CGIAR", "url": "", "description" : "CSI-CGIAR"},
				{"name": "EauFrance", "url": "", "description" : "EauFrance"},
				{"name": "SOPAC", "url": "", "description" : "SOPAC"},
				{"name": "SADC", "url": "", "description" : "SADC"},
				{"name": "MAPAS", "url": "", "description" : "MAPAS"}
		"dcProperty": "title",
		"initialBBox": {
		"cswVersion": "2.0.2",
		"filterVersion": "1.1.0",
		"start": 1,
		"limit": 10,
		"timeout": 60000