I wanted a way to quickly see some info about a star based on it's TICID, so I made this tool.
Maybe someone else will find it useful
pip install ticinfo
to use
% toco 441420236
ID ra dec pmRA pmDEC eclong eclat Tmag Vmag Kmag Teff rad mass d
--------- ---------- -------- ------ ------ ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------- -------- ------
441420236 311.289718 -31.3409 281.42 -359.9 305.309919 -12.822828 6.76 8.81 4.53 nan 0.698009 0.662074 9.7221
Target name: V* AU Mic
The target is in constellation Microscopium
if you just have coordiantes you can use
% toco 311.289718 -31.3409
ID ra dec pmRA pmDEC eclong eclat Tmag Vmag Kmag Teff rad mass d
--------- ---------- -------- ------ ------ ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------- -------- ------
441420236 311.289718 -31.3409 281.42 -359.9 305.309919 -12.822828 6.76 8.81 4.53 nan 0.698009 0.662074 9.7221
Target name: V* AU Mic
The target is in constellation Microscopium
or, if you know the name of the source you can use
% toco au mic
ID ra dec pmRA pmDEC eclong eclat Tmag Vmag Kmag Teff rad mass d
--------- ---------- -------- ------ ------ ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------- -------- ------
441420236 311.289718 -31.3409 281.42 -359.9 305.309919 -12.822828 6.76 8.81 4.53 nan 0.698009 0.662074 9.7221
Target name: V* AU Mic
The target is in constellation Microscopium
You are able to find out whether there is TESS data available in the archive for any target by using the --stored
flag, or -s
for short.
% toco L 98-59 -s
ID ra dec pmRA pmDEC eclong eclat Tmag Vmag Kmag Teff rad mass d
--------- ---------- ------- ----- ------- ---------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- ------ ------- -------- -------
307210830 124.531756 -68.313 94.77 -340.47 203.322782 -76.813828 9.41 11.68 7.1 3429.0 0.31416 0.292836 10.6194
Target name: L 98-59
The target is in constellation Volans
FFI data at MAST for sectors: [1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
2-min data at MAST for sectors: [2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
20-s data at MAST for sectors: []
You are able to find out whether there the target will be observable in the next TESS cycle using the --future
flag, or -f
for short.
% toco L 98-59 -f
The target is in constellation Volans
ID ra dec plx Tmag Vmag Kmag Teff rad mass
--------- --------- ------- ----- ---- ----- ---- ------ ------- --------
307210830 124.53176 -68.313 94.14 9.41 11.68 7.1 3429.0 0.31416 0.292836
Future: Will be observable in Cycle 7 sectors: [88 89 90 96]