Simple library to render/format a JS obj to an HTML view.
This is an live demo
- could get more valid json input from here (
- Backbone 1.1.2 (code structure)
- Underscore 1.6.0
- JQuery 1.11.1 (DOM manipulation)
//obj to render. var obj = { name:'John Doe', age: 20, children:[{name:'Jack', age:5}, {name:'Ann', age:8}], wife:{name:'Jane Doe', age:28 } } var node = new PrettyJSON.view.Node({ el:$('#elem'), data:obj });
el: DOM elem to append the JSON-HTML view.
data: the JSON data.
dateFormat: (optional) format date, ex: "DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS".
- YYYY : year
- YY : year
- MM : month
- DD : day
- HH24 : hour 24-format
- HH : hours
- MI : minutes
- SS : seconds
expandAll: recursive open & render all nodes. (lazy render: the node will render only if it's expanded)
collapseAll: close (Hide) all nodes.
collapse: trigger when a node is show or hide. (event)
mouseover: trigger when mouse over a node. (path)
mouseout: trigger when mouse out the node (event)
- Note: "node" is an Obj or an Array.
- Note : only tested in Chrome & FireFox.