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defn: embeddings of sets are stable under pushout
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plt-amy committed Dec 21, 2024
1 parent c695af7 commit 5643247
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Showing 4 changed files with 311 additions and 1 deletion.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/1Lab/Extensionality.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -363,7 +363,12 @@ instance
: {ℓ ℓ' ℓr} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'}
→ ⦃ ea : Extensional (A B) ℓr ⦄ Extensional (A ≃ B) ℓr
Extensional-equiv ⦃ ea ⦄ = Σ-prop-extensional (λ x is-equiv-is-prop _) ea
Extensional-equiv ⦃ ea ⦄ = Σ-prop-extensional (λ x hlevel 1) ea

: {ℓ ℓ' ℓr} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'}
→ ⦃ ea : Extensional (A B) ℓr ⦄ Extensional (A ↪ B) ℓr
Extensional-emb ⦃ ea ⦄ = Σ-prop-extensional (λ x hlevel 1) ea

: {ℓ ℓ' ℓr} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'}
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Fin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ open import 1Lab.Prelude

open import Algebra.Group.Homotopy.BAut

open import Data.Set.Coequaliser
open import Data.Fin.Properties
open import Data.Fin.Closure
open import Data.Fin.Base
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,6 +264,27 @@ Finite-Lift = Finite-≃ (Lift-≃ e⁻¹)

abstract instance
Finite-Coeq : {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} {f g : A B} ⦃ _ : Finite A ⦄ ⦃ _ : Finite B ⦄ Finite (Coeq f g)

Finite-Coeq {A = A} {B} {f} {g} ⦃ fin ae ⦄ ⦃ fin be ⦄ = ∥-∥-out! do
ae ae
be be
f' = be ∘ f ∘ Equiv.from ae
g' = be ∘ g ∘ Equiv.from ae

fn : Σ[ n ∈ Nat ] Fin n ≃ Coeq f' g'
fn = Finite-coequaliser f' g'

pure (fin {cardinality = fn .fst} (inc (Coeq-ap ae be refl refl ∙e Equiv.inverse (fn .snd))))

card-zero→empty : ∥ A ≃ Fin 0 ¬ A
Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Set/
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Expand Up @@ -690,5 +690,38 @@ instance
: {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A A Type ℓ'} {x y} {n}
H-Level (Closure R x y) (suc n)
Closure-H-Level = prop-instance squash

: {ℓa ℓa' ℓb ℓb'} {A : Type ℓa} {A' : Type ℓa'} {B : Type ℓb} {B' : Type ℓb'}
{f g : A B} {f' g' : A' B'} (ea : A ≃ A') (eb : B ≃ B')
(p : f' ≡ eb ∘ f ∘ Equiv.from ea) (q : g' ≡ eb ∘ g ∘ Equiv.from ea)
Coeq f g ≃ Coeq f' g'
Coeq-ap {f = f} {g} {f'} {g'} ea eb p q = Iso→Equiv (to , iso from (happly ri) (happly li)) where
module ea = Equiv ea
module eb = Equiv eb

to : Coeq f g Coeq f' g'
to (inc x) = inc ( x)
to (glue x i) = along i $
inc ( (f x)) ≡˘⟨ ap (happly p ( x) ∙ ap (ap f (ea.η x))) ⟩
inc (f' ( x)) ≡⟨ Coeq.glue {f = f'} {g'} ( x) ⟩
inc (g' ( x)) ≡⟨ ap (happly q ( x) ∙ ap (ap g (ea.η x))) ⟩
inc ( (g x)) ∎
to (squash x y p q i j) = squash (to x) (to y) (λ i to (p i)) (λ i to (q i)) i j

from : Coeq f' g' Coeq f g
from (inc x) = inc (eb.from x)
from (glue x i) = along i $
inc (eb.from (f' x)) ≡⟨ ap (eb.injective (eb.ε _ ∙ happly p x)) ⟩
inc (f (ea.from x)) ≡⟨ Coeq.glue (ea.from x) ⟩
inc (g (ea.from x)) ≡⟨ ap (eb.injective (sym (happly q x) ∙ sym (eb.ε _))) ⟩
inc (eb.from (g' x)) ∎
from (squash x y p q i j) = squash (from x) (from y) (λ i from (p i)) (λ i from (q i)) i j

li : from ∘ to ≡ λ x x
li = ext λ x ap inc (eb.η _)

ri : to ∘ from ≡ λ x x
ri = ext λ x ap inc (eb.ε _)
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Set/
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@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
open import 1Lab.Prelude

open import Data.Set.Coequaliser
open import Data.Sum

module Data.Set.Pushout where

# Pushouts of sets

private variable
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
A B C : Type ℓ
f g : C A

pattern incl x = inc (inl x)
pattern incr x = inc (inr x)

The [[pushout]] of two [[sets]] can be, as usual, constructed as a
[[coequaliser]] of maps into a [[coproduct]]. However, pushouts in the
category $\Sets$ have a nice property: they preserve [[embeddings]].
This module is dedicated to proving this.

: {ℓ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} {C : Type ℓ''}
(f : C A) (g : C B)
Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓ' ⊔ ℓ'')
Pushout {A = A} {B} {C} f g = Coeq {B = A ⊎ B} (λ z inl (f z)) (λ z inr (g z))

We'll also need the isomorphism between $A \sqcup_C B$ and $B \sqcup_C
A$, constructed by swapping the constructors.

swap-pushout : Pushout f g Pushout g f
swap-pushout (incl x) = incr x
swap-pushout (incr x) = incl x
swap-pushout (glue x i) = glue x (~ i)
swap-pushout (squash x y p q i j) =
let f = swap-pushout in squash (f x) (f y) (λ i f (p i)) (λ i f (q i)) i j

swap-swap : swap-pushout {f = f} {g = g} ∘ swap-pushout ≡ λ x x
swap-swap = ext λ where
(inl x) refl
(inr x) refl

swap-pushout-is-equiv : is-equiv (swap-pushout {f = f} {g = g})
swap-pushout-is-equiv = is-iso→is-equiv $
iso swap-pushout (happly swap-swap) (happly swap-swap)

## Pushouts of injections

_ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} {C : Type ℓ''}
⦃ bset : H-Level B 2
(f : C A) (g : C B) (f-emb : is-embedding f)

Let us now get to the proof of our key result. Suppose $f : C \mono A$
is an embedding and $g : C \to B$ is some other map. Our objective is to
prove that, in the square

\[\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
C \&\& B \\
A \&\& {A \sqcup_C B}
\arrow["g", from=1-1, to=1-3]
\arrow["f"', hook, from=1-1, to=3-1]
\arrow["{\rm{incr}}", from=1-3, to=3-3]
\arrow["{\rm{incl}}"', from=3-1, to=3-3]

the constructor $\rm{incl} : B \to A \sqcup_C B$ is an embedding.^[In
this situation, the map $\rm{incr}$ is often referred to as the **cobase
change** of $f$ along $g$.]. As usual when working with higher inductive
types, we'll employ encode-decode, characterising the path spaces based
at some $b : B$ by means of a family $F$ over $A \sqcup_C B$. We know
already we want $F(\rm{incr}\, b')$ to be $b = b'$, since this is
exactly injectivity of $\rm{incr}$. But what should the fibre over
$\rm{incl}\, a$ be?

A possibility comes from generalising the generating equality
$\rm{glue}$ from identifying $\rm{incl} (f x) = \rm{incr} (g x)$ to
identifying any $a$, $b$ provided we can cough up $c : C$ with $f c = a$
and $g c = b$. While this is a trivial rephrasing, it does inspire
confidence: can we expect $\rm{incr}\, b = \rm{incl}\, a$ to be given by
fibres of $\langle f, g \rangle$ over $(a, b)$?

Well, if this were the case, this these fibres would necessarily need to
be propositions, so we can start by showing that. The proof turns out
very simple: the type $$\sum_{c\, :\, C} (f c = a) \times (g c = b)$$ is
equivalent to $$\sum_{(c,-)\, :\, f^*(a)} g^*(c)$$, and since $f$ is an
embedding, this is a subtype of a proposition.

private module _ (b : B) where

rem₁ : a is-prop (Σ[ c ∈ C ] (f c ≡ a) × (g c ≡ b))
rem₁ a (c , α , β) (c' , α' , β') = ap fst it ,ₚ ap snd it ,ₚ prop! where
it = f-emb a (c , α) (c' , α')

rem₁' : {a n} H-Level (Σ[ c ∈ C ] (f c ≡ a) × (g c ≡ b)) (suc n)
rem₁' {a} = prop-instance (rem₁ a)
{-# OVERLAPPING rem₁' #-}

We can then turn back to defining our family $F$. Both of the point
cases are handled, and since we're mapping into $\Omega$, that also
handles the truncation.

code : Pushout f g Prop (ℓ ⊔ ℓ' ⊔ ℓ'')
code (incr b') = el! (Lift (ℓ ⊔ ℓ'') (b ≡ b'))
code (incl a) = el! (Σ[ c ∈ C ] (f c ≡ a) × (g c ≡ b))

It remains to handle the paths. Since we're mapping into a universe, it
will suffice to show that the types
$$\sum_{c : C} (f c = f x) \times (g c = b)$$
and $b = g x$ are equivalent, and, since we're mapping into
propositions, it will suffice to provide functions in either direction.
Going backwards, this is trivial; In the other direction, we show $b =
g x$ since $f c = f x$ implies $c = x$ by injectivity of $f$, and
we have $g c = b$ by assumption.

code (glue x i) =
from : Lift _ (b ≡ g x) Σ[ c ∈ C ] (f c ≡ f x) × (g c ≡ b)
from (lift p) = x , refl , sym p

to : Σ[ c ∈ C ] (f c ≡ f x) × (g c ≡ b) Lift _ (b ≡ g x)
to (x , α , β) = lift (sym β ∙ ap g (ap fst (f-emb _ (_ , α) (_ , refl))))

in n-ua
{X = el! (Σ[ c ∈ C ] (f c ≡ f x) × (g c ≡ b))}
{Y = el! (Lift (ℓ ⊔ ℓ'') (b ≡ g x))}
(prop-ext! to from) i

code (squash x y p q i j) = n-Type-is-hlevel 1
(code x) (code y) (λ i code (p i)) (λ i code (q i)) i j

We then have the two decoding functions. In the case with matched
endpoints, we have exactly our original goal: injectivity of

decodeᵣ : injective incr
decodeᵣ {a} p = transport (λ i ⌞ code a (p i) ⌟) (lift refl) .lower

f-inj→incr-inj : is-embedding {A = B} {B = Pushout f g} incr
f-inj→incr-inj = injective→is-embedding! λ {x} r
transport (λ i ⌞ code x (r i) ⌟) (lift refl) .lower

In the mismatched case, we have a function turning paths $\rm{incr}\, b
= \rm{incl}\, a$ into a fibre of $\langle f, g \rangle$ over $(a, b)$.
It's easy to show that projecting the point is the inverse to $g$,
considered as a function $f^*(x) \to \rm{incr}^*(\rm{incl}\, x)$.

: {a b} (p : incr b ≡ incl a)
Σ[ c ∈ C ] (f c ≡ a × g c ≡ b)
decodeₗ {b = b} p = transport (λ i ⌞ code b (p i) ⌟) (lift refl)

pushout-is-pullback' : x fibre f x ≃ fibre {B = Pushout f g} incr (incl x)
pushout-is-pullback' x .fst (y , p) = g y , sym (glue y) ∙ ap incl p
pushout-is-pullback' x .snd = is-iso→is-equiv $ iso from ri λ f f-emb x _ _ where
from : fibre {B = Pushout f g} incr (incl x) fibre f x
from (y , p) with (c , α , β) decodeₗ p = c , α

ri : is-right-inverse from (pushout-is-pullback' x .fst)
ri (y , p) with (c , α , β) decodeₗ p = Σ-prop-path! β

Finally, we can extend this to an equivalence between $C$ and the
pullback of $\rm{incl}$ along $\rm{incr}$ by general
[[family-fibration|object classifiers]] considerations.

_ : C ≃ (Σ[ a ∈ A ] Σ[ b ∈ B ] incl a ≡ incr b)
_ = C ≃⟨ Total-equiv f ⟩
Σ[ a ∈ A ] fibre f a ≃⟨ Σ-ap-snd pushout-is-pullback' ⟩
Σ[ a ∈ A ] fibre incr (incl a) ≃⟨⟩
Σ[ a ∈ A ] Σ[ b ∈ B ] (incr b ≡ incl a) ≃⟨ Σ-ap-snd (λ a Σ-ap-snd λ b sym-equiv) ⟩
Σ[ a ∈ A ] Σ[ b ∈ B ] (incl a ≡ incr b) ≃∎

-- That equivalence computes like garbage on the third component, and
-- we can do better:

pushout-is-pullback : C ≃ (Σ[ a ∈ A ] Σ[ b ∈ B ] incl a ≡ incr b)
pushout-is-pullback .fst x = f x , g x , glue x
pushout-is-pullback .snd = is-iso→is-equiv (iso from ri λ x refl) where
module _ (x : _) (let β = x .snd .snd) where
from : C
from = decodeₗ (sym β) .fst

ri : (f from , g from , glue from) ≡ (_ , _ , β)
ri = decodeₗ (sym β) .snd .fst ,ₚ decodeₗ (sym β) .snd .snd ,ₚ prop!

module _ ⦃ aset : H-Level A 2 ⦄ (f : C A) (g : C B) (g-emb : is-embedding g) where
g-inj→incl-inj : is-embedding {A = A} {B = Pushout f g} incl
g-inj→incl-inj = ∙-is-embedding
(f-inj→incr-inj g f g-emb)
(is-equiv→is-embedding swap-pushout-is-equiv)

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