GTFS to HTML time table processor
This Python script will take files from a GTFS feed and output a static SPA that contains a schedule for the routes selected. (Demo)
Every time I used the T, I would look at PDFs on my phone. This is me trying to do better.
- full offline functionality (static HTML app)
- routes displayed at top
- click/tap route to display time info by destination
- times are color coded:
- red means the bus/train should be arriving right now
- orange is arriving in 5 minutes
- yellow is arriving in 10 minutes
- green is arriving in 20 minutes
- blue is arriving in 30 minutes
- PM times are in bold
- schedule will automatically update every minute
- to see full schedule for a day, enter date at bottom and click "Show"
- if schedule is not available for that specific day, schedule for that day of the week will be shown, and a message will appear on the tables.
- download a feed
- browse TransitFeeds
- consult your local mass transit organization's developer resources
- run
in somewhere, and follow the prompts - copy the output HTML file where ever you'd like
- it is self contained: all JS and CSS is contained within
- if the output file exists when ran again, selections will be read from it, so (maybe) you won't need to reselect everything.
- running
with the GTFS zip file as an argument will look for the default output file, and will automatically update it with the info from the new feed, as if you selected all the defaults in the GUI.
- running
This was developed against Python 3.5 and the Port Authority of Allegheny County's GTFS feed. PAAC.html is it's output.