- Make sure you have Elixir, Node, Yarn and PhantomJS installed and up-to-date
- Install Elixir dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Install Node.js dependencies with
mix yarn install
In order to validate datasets:
- Make sure you have gtfs-validator installed and up-to-date
- Set the environment variable
to your datatools running instance URL.
- Run the server with
mix phx.server
- Run the webdriver server with
phantomjs --wd
- Run the tests with
mix test
- Run the integration tests with
mix test --only integration
- Run the solution tests with
mix test --only solution
- Run the external tests with
mix test --only external
- Run the elixir linter with
mix credo --strict
- Run the javascript linter with
mix npm "run linter:ecma"
- Run the sass linter with
mix npm "run linter:sass"
Now you can visit
from your browser.
The Dockerfile needed to run the continuous integration is in the project: https://github.com/etalab/transport-ops
Update it if needed (e.g. updating Elixir’s version) and then update .circleci/config.yml
You can use docker-compose to develop on this project
You need a .env file with the same variables that you have in .envrc.example (but you'll need to remove export
at the beginning of each line.
In this file as PG_URL use PG_URL=ecto://postgres:example@database/transport_repo
To install elixir dependencies run these commands:
docker-compose run web mix deps.get
docker-compose run web mix deps.compile
Install yarn:
docker-compose run web mix yarn install
If you have access to a database file you can run this command to restore the database:
docker-compose run web ./restore_db.sh name_of_the_file
the file needs to be in this directory
If you don't have access to such file run
docker-compose run web mix ecto.create
docker-compose run web mix ecto.migrate
You can now start the application with:
docker-compose up
And access it at http://localhost:5000