UIAutomator is a great tool to perform Android UI testing, but to do it, you have to write java code, compile it, install the jar, and run. It's a complex steps for all testers...
This project is to build a light weight jsonrpc server in Android device, so that we can just write PC side script to write UIAutomator tests.
file with your android sdk path. -
Set ANDROID_HOME env variable (
). -
Install Ant if you have not.
Run command:
$ git submodule init $ git submodule update $ ant build # compile $ ant install # install jar file to device via adb
$ adb shell uiautomator runtest uiautomator-stub.jar bundle.jar -c com.github.uiautomatorstub.Stub
$ adb forward tcp:9008 tcp:9008 # tcp forward
Next is a python example using jsonrpclib. Before you run it, make sure install jsonrpclib via
pip install jsonrpclib
import jsonrpclib
server = jsonrpclib.Server('http://localhost:9008/jsonrpc/0')
For convenicence, you can intall its python wrapper library uiautomator.
The jsonrpc API is still under discussion, so currently only some demo APIs have been implemented. If you have any idea, please email [email protected] or submit tickets.