A small OS running on a Microcontroller-Platform making cross-compilation easy.
Steriodo OS is intended to minimize the effort to port a software from one Microcontroller Platform to another. It is normally build on top of an existing Platform (e.g. Arduino or mbed) making it compatible with many microcontroller-boards.
Currently, Steroido can be run on the following Platforms:
- Arduino
- Teensyduino
- mbed
Steriodo OS gives the following capabilities:
- Basic Input/Output of digital and analog Ports
- Basic Ticker System
- Timer
- Some Tools like delayedSwitch, memCpy, memSet...
- printf for all supported platforms
- vector for all supported platforms
- Callbacks
- CAN for all supported mbed and teensy devices (not arduino yet)
Steroido OS in its basic usage is similar with Arduino:
void setup() {
// Setup is called once
void loop() {
// Loop is called after setup infinitely
You still need to include the Platform Header-File BEFORE including Steroido OS
#include "Arduino.h" // for Arduino or Teensyduino
#include "mbed.h" // for mbed
I recommend using PlatformIO to make the work on different Boards with the (almost) same software more easy.
For some Microcontrollers, there have to be some definitions to make them work with Steroido
For Nucleo development boards using mbed, nothing has to be defined.
For Nucleo development boards using Arduino, define the following (in code or with platformio):
#define NUCLEO
Or in the platformio.ini config, add
build_flags =
For Teensy boards using Arduino, define the following ether in code:
#define TEENSY
Or in platformio.ini config
build_flags =
For Arduino AVR Boards using Arduino, nothing has to be done :)
For Short, the following Classes are defined across all platforms with an equal interface. Use the IDE of your choice (we use VS Code with PlatformIO) and use the builtin tools to show the Documentation and interface.
// IO
AnalogOut // same as PwmOut for Arduino, mbed uses real Analog
// Tools
Timer // To measure time
CircularBuffer // Nice static memory based buffer
DelayedSwitch // For delayed turn on/turn off or simple button debounce
CAN // For Teensy and mbed only
vector // Array-based container
// Functions
mapC<datatype> // Map but you can specify the type of the value
memCpy<datatype> // memcpy but you can specify the datatype
memSet<datatype> // memset but you can specify the datatype
printf // Write something easily to the Serial PC Connection
The Pin names are always the same as for the given framework (Arduino == 1, 2, 3 ... A1, A2, A3...; mbed == PD_1, PD_2 ...)
The Doc for the RTOS will follow later. For now, just look in the code, its not much...
For now, Steroido OS is developed for a Project, building a Race-Car for the Formula Student to run all control-devices with the same software, even there are used many different microcontrollers. Because we don't have much time, i will (for now) only implement features, i really need. Later, after finishing this, i will also implement different Features, maybe direct hardware access, other Optimizations and so on.