Dashboard Link https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZjVhODcyNmItZTJhNS00N2FlLTk0ZWItMjc4OGQxNzQwNTJjIiwidCI6Ijg0ZDNiZGRjLTI0MjctNGVkZi04NTdlLTZjNmM2YzkyYmJiMCJ9'
Election Commission Dashboard 2019
Our Power BI dashboard offers a comprehensive analysis of the 2019 Election Commission data, providing valuable insights into the electoral process. With interactive visualizations and dynamic filters, users can explore key metrics such as voter turnout, demographic breakdowns, candidate performance, and more. The dashboard utilizes data visualization techniques to present complex information in a clear and accessible manner, empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions and gain a deeper understanding of the electoral landscape.
Interactive Visualizations: Explore data through interactive charts, graphs, and maps. Voter Turnout Analysis: Track voter participation trends across regions and demographics.
Demographic Breakdown: Understand voting patterns based on age, gender, ethnicity, and other demographics.
Candidate Performance Metrics: Evaluate candidate performance, vote shares, and electoral outcomes.
Geographic Insights: Analyze election results geographically with interactive maps. Trend Analysis: Identify temporal trends and patterns in voter behavior and election outcomes.
Data Filtering: Customize views by applying filters based on specific criteria or parameters. Comparative Analysis: Compare election data across different regions, constituencies, or demographic groups.
Export and Share: Export reports and share insights with stakeholders for collaboration and decision-making.