Privacy-First Cycle Tracking App (React Native, iOS/Android).
Based on a vanilla (no Expo) setup, initialized via[react-native-template-typescript].
Run the following commands after cloning this repo (first-time only):
yarn install
for Mac
cd ios
pod install
Pre-Requisites: OS-specific simulators (see[React Native Docs] for instructions).
To run the app on the simulator or device:
yarn ios
yarn android
Advanced Android Setup if Emulator is not found by react-native
export ANDROID_HOME=~/.android
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$ANDROID_HOME/tools
npx react-native start & npx react-native run-android
This project is using an MVC (Model View, Controller) Structure with functional patterns. Using mostly React Hooks and Redux Hooks.
│ .husky (Running Pre commit scripts test and validation)
│ ios (IOS Project from React Native)
│ android (Android Project from React Native)
│ package.json
│ yarn.json
│ └───controller (Main calculations and redux store)
│ └───model (Secure Data Modeling and writing to Disk)
│ └───view (Visual Logic, what the user sees)
│ │ └───components (Simple self containing UI like buttons)
│ │ └───containers (Takes and wraps around components)
│ │ └───ressources (Pictures)
│ └───tests (Main Folder for tests #jest)
It also utilizes Redux-Toolkit as its main way of managing the State of the App.
On every commit, changes are auto-formatted via[Prettier]. If ESLint reports any errors, the commit is rejected.
To force a commit in defiance of these rules, use git commit --no-verify
(not recommended)
On every push, GitHub CI compiles all code and runs all test.
© 2021 Rahel Lüthy, Marcos Gamez, Jessica Hofmann
MIT License