My personal implementation of a todotxt-like CLI, in Python. I use a customized, restricted subset of the todotxt format:
[priority] [creation date%] [tag?] [text]
The items marked with a ?
are optional, and the items marked with a %
are hidden from display (though stored) by default. Upon completion of a task, the app removes the task from todo.txt
and appends it into done.txt
, in the following format:
x [priority] [creation date] [completion date] [tag?] [text]
Supported operations:
t add [pri] [tag?] [text]
: add task with[priority]
, possibly a[tag?]
, and[text]
t pri [line] [pri]
: re-prioritize task on[line]
t do [line]
: complete task on[line]
t rm [line]
: remove task on[line]
, without completing itt list
: list all tasks, in order of priority, creation date, tag, text, with creation date hiddent list verbose
: list all tasks, in order of priority, creation date, tag, text, with creation date included
Requires python3.10
; assumes linux. Install by downloading and running
; no need to clone the repo!
I work on the source code in dev/
, then when it is time to deploy I tie everything up into a large executable file (and a large test file) and dump it all into todotxtpy/
. This allows for deployment as a single script without needing a pip install
. The process of consolidating all the dev files into a large executable is, of course, tedious, and if anyone knows of an automated tool that does this, please let me know!