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Merge pull request #2465 from AlecsFerra/develop
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Support for lambdas :)
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nikivazou authored Dec 16, 2024
2 parents 26384c4 + f334d1b commit 791567f
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Showing 8 changed files with 311 additions and 21 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .gitmodules
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
[submodule "liquid-fixpoint"]
path = liquid-fixpoint
url =
url =
31 changes: 30 additions & 1 deletion liquidhaskell-boot/src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Bare/Axiom.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Measure as Bare
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Config
import qualified Data.List as L
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,13 +325,20 @@ makeAxiom env tycEnv lmap (x, mbT, v, def)
mkError :: PPrint a => Located a -> String -> Error
mkError x str = ErrHMeas (sourcePosSrcSpan $ loc x) (pprint $ val x) (PJ.text str)

-- This function is uded to generate the fixpoint code for reflected functions
:: Bool -- ^ typeclass enabled
-> F.TCEmb Ghc.TyCon -> LogicMap -> DataConMap -> LocSymbol -> Maybe SpecType
-> Ghc.Var -> Ghc.CoreExpr
-> (LocSpecType, F.Equation)
makeAssumeType allowTC tce lmap dm sym mbT v def
= (sym {val = aty at `strengthenRes` F.subst su ref}, F.mkEquation symbolV xts (F.subst su le) out)
= ( sym {val = aty at `strengthenRes` F.subst su ref}
, F.mkEquation
(fmap (second $ F.sortSubst sortSub) xts)
(F.sortSubstInExpr sortSub (F.subst su le))
(F.sortSubst sortSub out)
symbolV = F.symbol v
rt = fromRTypeRep .
Expand All @@ -348,6 +356,26 @@ makeAssumeType allowTC tce lmap dm sym mbT v def
ref = F.Reft (F.vv_, F.PAtom F.Eq (F.EVar F.vv_) le)
mkErr s = ErrHMeas (sourcePosSrcSpan $ loc sym) (pprint $ val sym) (PJ.text s)
bbs = filter isBoolBind xs

-- rTypeSortExp produces monomorphic sorts from polymorphic types.
-- As an example, for
-- id :: a -> a ... id x = x
-- we got:
-- define id (x : a#foobar) : a#foobar = { (x : a#foobar) }
-- Using FObj instead of a real type variable (FVar i) This code solves the
-- issue by creating a sort substitution that replaces those "fake" type variables
-- with actual ones.
-- define id (x : @-1) : a@-1 = { (x : a@-1) }
(tyVars, _) = Ghc.splitForAllTyCoVars τ
sortSub = F.mkSortSubst $ zip (fmap F.symbol tyVars) (F.FVar <$> freeSort)
-- We need sorts that aren't polluted by rank-n types, we can't just look at
-- the term to determine statically what is the "maximum" sort bound ex:
-- freeSort = [1 + (maximum $ -1 : F.sortAbs out : fmap (F.sortAbs . snd) xts) ..]
-- as some variable may be bound to something of rank-n type. In
-- SortCheck.hs in fixpoint they just start at 42 for some reason. I think
-- Negative Debruijn indices (levels :^)) are safer
freeSort = [-1, -2 ..]

(xs, def') = GM.notracePpr "grabBody" $ grabBody allowTC (Ghc.expandTypeSynonyms τ) $ normalize allowTC def
su = F.mkSubst $ zip (F.symbol <$> xs) xArgs
++ zip (simplesymbol <$> xs) xArgs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -428,6 +456,7 @@ instance Subable Ghc.CoreAlt where
subst su (Ghc.Alt c xs e) = Ghc.Alt c xs (subst su e)

data AxiomType = AT { aty :: SpecType, aargs :: [(F.Symbol, SpecType)], ares :: SpecType }
deriving Show

-- | Specification for Haskell function
Expand Down
16 changes: 4 additions & 12 deletions liquidhaskell-boot/src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Constraint/Init.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Init (
import Prelude hiding (error, undefined)
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char (isLower)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, fromMaybe, catMaybes, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ measEnv sp xts cbs _tcb lt1s lt2s asms itys hs info = CGE
[ tcb'
, lts
, second (rTypeSort tce . val) <$> gsMeas (gsData sp)
, [(F.eqName e, eqToPolySort e) | e <- gsImpAxioms (gsRefl sp)]
, [(F.eqName e, eqSort e) | e <- gsImpAxioms (gsRefl sp)]
, denv = dmapty val $ gsDicts (gsSig sp)
, recs = S.empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,16 +221,9 @@ measEnv sp xts cbs _tcb lt1s lt2s asms itys hs info = CGE
lts = lt1s ++ lt2s
tcb' = []

-- | Given an equation whose sorts are @FObj "a##..."@, @FObj "b##..."@, etc,
-- replaces those with @FVar@s.
eqToPolySort :: F.EquationV v -> F.Sort
eqToPolySort e =
let s = foldr (F.FFunc . snd) (F.eqSort e) (F.eqArgs e)
ss = filter (isTyVarName . F.symbolString) $ S.toList $ F.sortSymbols s
su = F.mkSortSubst $ zip ss $ map F.FVar [0..]
in F.mkPoly (length ss - 1) $ F.sortSubst su s
isTyVarName s = all isLower (take 1 s) && L.isInfixOf "##" s
-- | Constructs the sort of an equation
eqSort :: F.EquationV v -> F.Sort
eqSort e = foldr (F.FFunc . snd) (F.eqSort e) (F.eqArgs e)

assm :: TargetInfo -> [(Var, SpecType)]
assm = assmGrty (giImpVars . giSrc)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -290,11 +290,9 @@ coreToLg allowTC (C.Cast e c) = do (s, t) <- coerceToLg c
return (ECoerc s t e')
-- elaboration reuses coretologic
-- TODO: fix this
coreToLg True (C.Lam x e) = do p <- coreToLg True e
tce <- lsEmb <$> getState
return $ ELam (symbol x, typeSort tce (GM.expandVarType x)) p
coreToLg _ e@(C.Lam _ _) = throw ("Cannot transform lambda abstraction to Logic:\t" ++ GM.showPpr e ++
"\n\n Try using a helper function to remove the lambda.")
coreToLg allowTC (C.Lam x e) = do p <- coreToLg allowTC e
tce <- lsEmb <$> getState
return $ ELam (symbol x, typeSort tce (GM.expandVarType x)) p
coreToLg _ e = throw ("Cannot transform to Logic:\t" ++ GM.showPpr e)

Expand Down
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions tests/ple/pos/FuseMapLam.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

{-@ LIQUID "--reflection" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--ple" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--etabeta" @-}

module FuseMapLam where

import Prelude hiding (map, foldr)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators

-- When we allow the parser to accept : in refinements this wont be needed
{-@ reflect append @-}
append :: a -> [a] -> [a]
append = (:)

{-@ reflect map @-}
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

{-@ reflect foldr @-}
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr _ e [] = e
foldr f e (x:xs) = f x (foldr f e xs)

{-@ reflect build @-}
build :: forall a. (forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> [a]
build g = g (:) []

{-@ reflect mapFB @-}
mapFB :: forall elt lst a . (elt -> lst -> lst) -> (a -> elt) -> a -> lst -> lst
mapFB c f = \x ys -> c (f x) ys

{-@ rewriteMapList :: f:_ -> b:_ -> { foldr (mapFB append f) [] b = map f b } @-}
rewriteMapList :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> ()
rewriteMapList f [] = trivial
rewriteMapList f (x:xs) = trivial ? (rewriteMapList f xs)

{-@ rewriteMapFB :: c:_ -> f:_ -> g:_ -> { mapFB (mapFB c f) g = mapFB c (f . g) } @-}
rewriteMapFB :: (a -> b -> b) -> (c -> a) -> (d -> c) -> Proof
rewriteMapFB c f g = trivial

{-@ rewriteMapFBid :: c:(a -> b -> b) -> { mapFB c (\x:a -> x) = c } @-}
rewriteMapFBid :: (a -> b -> b) -> ()
rewriteMapFBid c = trivial

{-@ rewriteMap :: f:(a1 -> a2) -> xs:[a1]
-> { build (\c:func(1, [a2, @(0), @(0)]) -> \n:@(0) -> foldr (mapFB c f) n xs)
= map f xs } @-}
rewriteMap :: (a1 -> a2) -> [a1] -> ()
rewriteMap f [] = trivial
rewriteMap f (x:xs) = trivial ? rewriteMap f xs
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions tests/ple/pos/SKILam.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
{-# Language GADTs, TypeFamilies, DataKinds #-}

{-@ LIQUID "--reflection" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--ple" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--full" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--max-case-expand=4" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--etabeta" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--dependantcase" @-}

module SKILam where

import Prelude

import Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators

{-@ reflect id @-}
{-@ reflect $ @-}

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
deriving (Show)

data Ty
= Iota
| Arrow Ty Ty
deriving Eq

type Ctx = List Ty

data Ref where
{-@ Here :: σ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> Prop (Ref σ (Cons σ γ)) @-}
Here :: Ty -> Ctx -> Ref

{-@ There :: τ:Ty -> σ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> Prop (Ref σ γ)
-> Prop (Ref σ (Cons τ γ)) @-}
There :: Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> Ref -> Ref
data REF = Ref Ty Ctx

data Term where
{-@ App :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> Prop (Term γ (Arrow σ τ))
-> Prop (Term γ σ) -> Prop (Term γ τ) @-}
App :: Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> Term -> Term -> Term
{-@ Lam :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> Prop (Term (Cons σ γ) τ)
-> Prop (Term γ (Arrow σ τ)) @-}
Lam :: Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> Term -> Term
{-@ Var :: σ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> Prop (Ref σ γ) -> Prop (Term γ σ) @-}
Var :: Ty -> Ctx -> Ref -> Term
data TERM = Term Ctx Ty

{-@ measure tlen @-}
{-@ tlen :: Term -> Nat @-}
tlen :: Term -> Int
tlen (App _ _ _ t₁ t₂) = 1 + tlen t₁ + tlen t₂
tlen (Lam _ _ _ t) = 1 + tlen t
tlen (Var _ _ _) = 0

-- VFun function is non positive idk how to fix
{-@ LIQUID "--no-positivity-check" @-}
data Value where
{-@ VIota :: Int -> Prop (Value Iota) @-}
VIota :: Int -> Value
{-@ VFun :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> (Prop (Value σ) -> Prop (Value τ))
-> Prop (Value (Arrow σ τ)) @-}
VFun :: Ty -> Ty -> (Value -> Value) -> Value
data VALUE = Value Ty

data Env where
{-@ Empty :: Prop (Env Nil) @-}
Empty :: Env
{-@ With :: σ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> Prop (Value σ) -> Prop (Env γ)
-> Prop (Env (Cons σ γ)) @-}
With :: Ty -> Ctx -> Value -> Env -> Env
data ENV = Env Ctx

{-@ reflect lookupRef @-}
{-@ lookupRef :: σ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> r:Prop (Ref σ γ) -> Prop (Env γ)
-> Prop (Value σ) @-}
lookupRef :: Ty -> Ctx -> Ref -> Env -> Value
lookupRef _ _ (Here _ _) (With _ _ a _) = a
lookupRef σ (Cons γ γs) (There _ _ _ there) (With _ _ _ as) =
lookupRef σ γs there as

{-@ reflect eval @-}
{-@ eval :: σ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> t:Prop (Term γ σ) -> Prop (Env γ)
-> Prop (Value σ) @-}
eval :: Ty -> Ctx -> Term -> Env -> Value
eval σ γ (App α _ _ t₁ t₂) e = case eval (Arrow α σ) γ t₁ e of
VFun _ _ f -> f (eval α γ t₂ e)
eval σ γ (Var _ _ x) e = lookupRef σ γ x e
eval (Arrow α σ) γ (Lam _ _ _ t) e = VFun α σ (\y -> eval σ (Cons α γ) t (With α γ y e))

{-@ reflect makeId @-}
{-@ makeId :: σ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> (Prop (Env γ) -> Prop (Value (Arrow σ σ))) @-}
makeId :: Ty -> Ctx -> (Env -> Value)
makeId σ γ v = VFun σ σ id

{-@ reflect makeApp @-}
{-@ makeApp :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> γ:Ctx
-> (Prop (Env γ) -> Prop (Value (Arrow σ τ)))
-> (Prop (Env γ) -> Prop (Value σ))
-> Prop (Env γ) -> Prop (Value τ) @-}
makeApp :: Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> (Env -> Value) -> (Env -> Value) -> Env -> Value
makeApp σ τ γ fun arg env = case fun env of
VFun _ _ f -> f (arg env)

{-@ reflect makeConst @-}
{-@ makeConst :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> γ:Ctx
-> (Prop (Env γ) -> Prop (Value (Arrow σ (Arrow τ σ)))) @-}
makeConst :: Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> (Env -> Value)
makeConst σ τ γ e = VFun σ (Arrow τ σ) $ \x -> VFun τ σ $ \y -> x

{-@ reflect makeS @-}
{-@ makeS :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> υ:Ty -> γ:Ctx
-> (Prop (Env γ)
-> Prop (Value (Arrow (Arrow σ (Arrow τ υ))
(Arrow (Arrow σ τ) (Arrow σ υ)))))@-}
makeS :: Ty -> Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> (Env -> Value)
makeS σ τ υ γ e = VFun (Arrow σ (Arrow τ υ)) (Arrow (Arrow σ τ) (Arrow σ υ))
$ \(VFun _ _ x) -> VFun (Arrow σ τ) (Arrow σ υ) $ \(VFun _ _ y) -> VFun σ υ $ \z -> case (x z)
of VFun _ _ xz -> xz (y z)

{-@ reflect sType @-}
sType σ τ υ = Arrow (Arrow σ (Arrow τ υ)) (Arrow (Arrow σ τ) (Arrow σ υ))

{-@ reflect kType @-}
kType σ τ = Arrow σ (Arrow τ σ)

{-@ reflect iType @-}
iType σ = Arrow σ σ

{-@ reflect dom @-}
{-@ dom :: { σ:Ty | σ /= Iota } -> Ty @-}
dom (Arrow σ τ) = σ

{-@ reflect cod @-}
{-@ cod :: { σ:Ty | σ /= Iota } -> Ty @-}
cod (Arrow σ τ) = τ

data Comb where
{-@ S :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> υ:Ty -> γ:Ctx
-> Prop (Comb γ (sType σ τ υ) (makeS σ τ υ γ)) @-}
S :: Ty -> Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> Comb
{-@ K :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> γ:Ctx
-> Prop (Comb γ (kType σ τ) (makeConst σ τ γ)) @-}
K :: Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> Comb
{-@ I :: σ:Ty -> γ:Ctx
-> Prop (Comb γ (iType σ) (makeId σ γ)) @-}
I :: Ty -> Ctx -> Comb
{-@ CApp :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> γ:Ctx
-> fun:(Prop (Env γ) -> Prop (Value (Arrow σ τ)))
-> arg:(Prop (Env γ) -> Prop (Value σ))
-> Prop (Comb γ (Arrow σ τ) fun)
-> Prop (Comb γ σ arg)
-> Prop (Comb γ τ (makeApp σ τ γ fun arg)) @-}
CApp :: Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> (Env -> Value) -> (Env -> Value) -> Comb -> Comb
-> Comb
{-@ CVar :: σ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> r:Prop (Ref σ γ)
-> Prop (Comb γ σ (lookupRef σ γ r)) @-}
CVar :: Ty -> Ctx -> Ref -> Comb
data COMB = Comb Ctx Ty (Env -> Value)

{-@ translate :: σ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> t:Prop (Term γ σ)
-> Prop (Comb γ σ (eval σ γ t)) @-}
translate :: Ty -> Ctx -> Term -> Comb
translate σ γ (App α _ _ t₁ t₂) =
CApp α σ γ (eval (Arrow α σ) γ t₁) (eval α γ t₂) t₁ₜ t₂ₜ
where t₁ₜ = translate (Arrow α σ) γ t₁
t₂ₜ = translate α γ t₂
translate σ γ (Var _ _ x) =
CVar σ γ x
translate (Arrow σ τ) γ (Lam _ _ _ t) =
bracket σ τ γ (eval τ (Cons σ γ) t) (translate τ (Cons σ γ) t)

{-@ reflect makeBracketing @-}
{-@ makeBracketing :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> γ:Ctx
-> f:(Prop (Env (Cons σ γ)) -> Prop (Value τ))
-> Prop (Env γ)
-> Prop (Value (Arrow σ τ)) @-}
makeBracketing :: Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> (Env -> Value) -> Env -> Value
makeBracketing σ τ γ f env = VFun σ τ $ \x -> f (With σ γ x env)

{-@ bracket :: σ:Ty -> τ:Ty -> γ:Ctx -> f:(Prop (Env (Cons σ γ)) -> Prop (Value τ))
-> Prop (Comb (Cons σ γ) τ f)
-> Prop (Comb γ (Arrow σ τ) (makeBracketing σ τ γ f)) @-}
bracket :: Ty -> Ty -> Ctx -> (Env -> Value) -> Comb -> Comb
bracket σ τ γ f (CApp α _ _ ft₁ ft₂ t₁ t₂) =
CApp (Arrow σ α) (Arrow σ τ) γ
(makeApp (Arrow σ (Arrow α τ)) (Arrow (Arrow σ α) (Arrow σ τ))
γ (makeS σ α τ γ) (makeBracketing σ (Arrow α τ) γ ft₁))
(makeBracketing σ α γ ft₂) st t₂ᵣ
where t₁ᵣ = bracket σ (Arrow α τ) γ ft₁ t₁
t₂ᵣ = bracket σ α γ ft₂ t₂
st = CApp (dom $ sType σ α τ) (cod $ sType σ α τ)
(makeS σ α τ γ)
(makeBracketing σ (Arrow α τ) γ ft₁)
(S σ α τ γ) t₁ᵣ
bracket σ τ γ f (S τ₁ τ₂ τ₃ _) =
CApp τ (Arrow σ τ) γ (makeConst τ σ γ) (makeS τ₁ τ₂ τ₃ γ)
(K τ σ γ) (S τ₁ τ₂ τ₃ γ)
bracket σ τ γ f (K τ₁ τ₂ _) =
CApp τ (Arrow σ τ) γ (makeConst τ σ γ) (makeConst τ₁ τ₂ γ)
(K τ σ γ) (K τ₁ τ₂ γ)
bracket σ τ γ f (I τ₁ _) =
CApp τ (Arrow σ τ) γ (makeConst τ σ γ) (makeId τ₁ γ)
(K τ σ γ) (I τ₁ γ)
bracket σ τ γ f (CVar _ _ (Here _ _)) =
I σ γ
bracket σ τ γ f (CVar _ _ (There _ _ _ there)) =
CApp τ (Arrow σ τ) γ (makeConst τ σ γ) (lookupRef τ γ there)
(K τ σ γ) (CVar τ γ there)


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