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Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) Implementation in Verilog(Xilinx)-

Problem Statement-

We have to design Encryption and Decryption scheme for following modes of operation on Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-128):

  1. Electronic Code Book Mode
  2. Cipher Block Chaining Mode
  3. Cipher Feedback Mode
  4. Output Feedback Mode

And we have to implement these all modes on a input image i.e. we have to encrypt a given image using different modes of operation on AES.

You can refer complete Problem Sattement here.

Advanced Encryption Standard(AES)-

You can study about AES from here and about different modes of operation from here or you can read this also.


We have an image as input. But we can run our verilog code only on binary input so first we have to convert the given image to binary format using a python code.

Now we have a binary file, we will process on this file.


All files are uploaded in this Folder. Please refer this file to understand what each file do.


ECB (Electronic Code Book) mode-

Encrypted image- im

Decrypted image- im

CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode-

Encrypted image- im

Decrypted image- im

CFB (Cipher FeedBack) mode-

Encrypted image- im

Decrypted image- im

OFB (Output FeedBack) mode-

Encrypted image- im

Decrypted image- im

Data Encryption Standard(DES) Implementation in Verilog(Xilinx)-

You can see complete DES cipher implementation here.


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