Hand on with new features in Javascript. Exlopre with API data of GIT. Simple application to get the any user name as a input, search the user details and list down the repository created over the years by a user. Javascript base DOM manipulation, use most of latest features available in ES.
Chart.js Bar chart used to display the year and total commits in a specific year.
Bootstrap 5 used to do CSS styling and overall layouting.
- Let Const Keywords
- Template Literals
- Arrow Functions
- Classes
- Modules
- Nullish coalescing operator
- Destructuring Assignment
- Object Literals
- Spread and Rest
- Reduce
- Promises
- Closures
- DOM manipulation
Check all js files to understand how to frame a step by step small app creation with code usecase and reuseability. Filter the list(already fetch data) by selecting the year and update list of commits in a particular year.
Handel most common errors with appropriate messages when API didn't fetch any user info and repository not created in any particular year. Even though user created and not enter any user details! such scenario should be replaced with valid labels and warning message.
Download files and learn! do your self practise. Happy to help, understand any feature and best code practices.
Check working code at Codesandbox Link
NOTE: Although GIT API service is free and limited to handle requests per hour so, don't overload the server with request while working and testing. IP will be restricted as per terms of use.