This set of cookbooks is no longer used. Keeping it around as legacy until a few releases have passed. Please see universityofcalifornia/chef-ectg-ucnext for the up-to-date stuff!
Download Vagrant:
Install plugins:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbox-snapshot
Install dependencies:
Pull vendor cookbooks:
bundle exec librarian-chef install
Launch the box:
vagrant up
Destroy the box:
vagrant destroy
Using SSH keys for one of the users in data_bags/users
, connect with:
Consider updating /etc/hosts
so you don't have to connect via local IP address.
knife cookbook upload [name]
knife cookbook upload --all
knife role from file [filepath]
knife role from file roles/*
knife data bag from file [bagname] [filepath]
knife data bag from file --all
With password:
knife bootstrap \
--ssh-user root \
--ssh-password 'some-password' \
--node-name some-example \
--run-list 'role[foundation]'
With pem file into EC2:
knife bootstrap \
--ssh-user ec2-user
--identity-file ~/.ssh/next.pem \
--node-name some-example \
--run-list 'role[foundation]'
Once this is done, log into the Opscode Management console to assign additional roles to the node.