Switch bin/preflight.ts to bin/preflight.sh to avoid "tsx not found" #2428
3 errors
ExecaError: Command failed with exit code 1: preflight
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 128: git ls-files package-lock.json yarn.lock
[FAILED] fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 128: git ls-files .env '.env*.local'
[FAILED] fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 128: git ls-files .DS_Store yarn-error.log npm-debug.log
[FAILED] fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 128: git ls-files node_modules/
[FAILED] fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[FAILED] ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '.git/info/exclude'
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 128: git remote get-url origin
[FAILED] fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 2: eslint . --max-warnings 0 --format json
[FAILED] Oops! Something went wrong! :(
[FAILED] ESLint: 9.13.0
[FAILED] ESLint couldn't find an eslint.config.(js|mjs|cjs) file.
[FAILED] From ESLint v9.0.0, the default configuration file is now eslint.config.js.
[FAILED] If you are using a .eslintrc.* file, please follow the migration guide
[FAILED] to update your configuration file to the new format:
[FAILED] https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/configure/migration-guide
[FAILED] If you still have problems after following the migration guide, please stop by
[FAILED] https://eslint.org/chat/help to chat with the team.
[FAILED] Prettier has not been run in the following files:
[FAILED] src/checks/allChangesCommittedToGit.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/eslint.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/eslintConfigIsValid.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/linkOnGithubAbout.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/nodeModulesIgnoredFromGit.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/noDependencyProblems/noDependenciesWithoutTypes.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/noDependencyProblems/noUnusedDependencies.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/noExtraneousFilesCommittedToGit.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/noSecretsCommittedToGit.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/preflightIsLatestVersion.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/prettier.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/projectFolderNameMatchesCorrectFormat.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/stylelint.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/stylelintConfigIsValid.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/useSinglePackageManager.ts
[FAILED] src/index.ts
[FAILED] src/util/commandExample.ts
[FAILED] src/util/crossPlatform.ts
[FAILED] src/util/drone.ts
[FAILED] src/util/packageJson.ts
[FAILED] src/util/preflightBinPath.ts
[FAILED] src/util/randomUserAgent.ts
[FAILED] For each of the files above, open the file in your editor and save the file. This will format the file with Prettier, which will cause changes to appear in Git.
[FAILED] Unused dependencies found:
[FAILED] * depcheck
[FAILED] * p-map
[FAILED] Remove these dependencies by running the following command for each dependency:
[FAILED] \u200e $ pnpm remove <dependency name here>
[FAILED] The UpLeveled ESLint Config has not been installed - please install using the instructions on https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-config-upleveled
🚀 UpLeveled Preflight v8.0.2
[STARTED] All changes committed to Git
[STARTED] node_modules/ folder ignored in Git
[STARTED] No extraneous files committed to Git
[STARTED] No secrets committed to Git
[STARTED] Use single package manager
[STARTED] Project folder name matches correct format
[COMPLETED] Project folder name matches correct format
[STARTED] No dependency problems
[STARTED] No unused dependencies
[STARTED] No dependencies without types
[STARTED] GitHub repo has deployed project link under About
[STARTED] Prettier
[STARTED] ESLint config is latest version
[STARTED] Preflight is latest version
[COMPLETED] No dependencies without types
[COMPLETED] No dependency problems
[COMPLETED] Preflight is latest version
❯ getFinalError node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/execa/lib/return/final-error.js:6:9
❯ makeError node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/execa/lib/return/resu
ExecaError: Command failed with exit code 1: preflight
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 128: git ls-files package-lock.json yarn.lock
[FAILED] fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 128: git ls-files .env '.env*.local'
[FAILED] fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 128: git ls-files .DS_Store yarn-error.log npm-debug.log
[FAILED] fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 128: git ls-files node_modules/
[FAILED] fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[FAILED] ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '.git/info/exclude'
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 128: git remote get-url origin
[FAILED] fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[FAILED] Command failed with exit code 2: eslint . --max-warnings 0 --format json
[FAILED] Oops! Something went wrong! :(
[FAILED] ESLint: 9.13.0
[FAILED] ESLint couldn't find an eslint.config.(js|mjs|cjs) file.
[FAILED] From ESLint v9.0.0, the default configuration file is now eslint.config.js.
[FAILED] If you are using a .eslintrc.* file, please follow the migration guide
[FAILED] to update your configuration file to the new format:
[FAILED] https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/configure/migration-guide
[FAILED] If you still have problems after following the migration guide, please stop by
[FAILED] https://eslint.org/chat/help to chat with the team.
[FAILED] The UpLeveled ESLint Config has not been installed - please install using the instructions on https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-config-upleveled
[FAILED] Unused dependencies found:
[FAILED] * depcheck
[FAILED] * p-map
[FAILED] Remove these dependencies by running the following command for each dependency:
[FAILED] \u200e $ pnpm remove <dependency name here>
[FAILED] Prettier has not been run in the following files:
[FAILED] src/checks/allChangesCommittedToGit.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/eslint.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/eslintConfigIsValid.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/linkOnGithubAbout.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/nodeModulesIgnoredFromGit.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/noDependencyProblems/noDependenciesWithoutTypes.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/noDependencyProblems/noUnusedDependencies.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/noExtraneousFilesCommittedToGit.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/noSecretsCommittedToGit.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/preflightIsLatestVersion.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/prettier.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/projectFolderNameMatchesCorrectFormat.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/stylelint.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/stylelintConfigIsValid.ts
[FAILED] src/checks/useSinglePackageManager.ts
[FAILED] src/index.ts
[FAILED] src/util/commandExample.ts
[FAILED] src/util/crossPlatform.ts
[FAILED] src/util/drone.ts
[FAILED] src/util/packageJson.ts
[FAILED] src/util/preflightBinPath.ts
[FAILED] src/util/randomUserAgent.ts
[FAILED] For each of the files above, open the file in your editor and save the file. This will format the file with Prettier, which will cause changes to appear in Git.
🚀 UpLeveled Preflight v8.0.2
[STARTED] All changes committed to Git
[STARTED] node_modules/ folder ignored in Git
[STARTED] No extraneous files committed to Git
[STARTED] No secrets committed to Git
[STARTED] Use single package manager
[STARTED] Project folder name matches correct format
[COMPLETED] Project folder name matches correct format
[STARTED] No dependency problems
[STARTED] No unused dependencies
[STARTED] No dependencies without types
[STARTED] GitHub repo has deployed project link under About
[STARTED] Prettier
[STARTED] ESLint config is latest version
[STARTED] Preflight is latest version
[COMPLETED] No dependencies without types
[COMPLETED] Preflight is latest version
[COMPLETED] No dependency problems
❯ getFinalError node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/execa/lib/return/final-error.js:6:9
❯ makeError node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/execa/lib/return/resu
Process completed with exit code 1.