Introduction to Software Testing
- About.
- Requirements.
- Installation.
- Run and compile.
- Class description.
- Technology/Framework used.
- Code Style
- Code Coverage
- Usage.
- Running the tests.
- Date: 31.03.2020-28.04.2020
- This is an Exam Assignment and we were 6 persons collaborating on this Exam.
- The program is Java based.
- The program demonstrates system managing of different exercises of different types. The exercise types that have been used in this project are: Strength,Endurance, Flexibility and Balance.
- Our program enables people to feel a sense of belonging to a community of "home gym", and making people do the exercises that they believe are best for their health/body.
- The system have the ability to give the person a pre-made program as well as the person can tailor their own.Each program has an overall duration and the sum of all the exercises is equal to the software duration divided in two.
- The program is accompanied by a couple of Unit Tests, Integration Tests, SUT-System under Test and Acceptance Test, to check that the main program works as expected.
- JAVA JDK(8+)
- Intellij IDEA(recommended) or Eclipse
- Junit Testing
First of all, the JDK should be installed in your system.
Then,to compile and run this project, first you need to clone/download it from Github,
you can either clone this repo to your local machine using Github
and clone it into a folder; or you can
download the whole project as a zip file and then unpack the file. You can also clone and install our program by using SSH instead of https.
All you have to do is to go to Github,
clone/download and change to SSH.
Then open Intellij and select "Check out from Version Control, and select GIT. Once Git is selected, paste the Git repository URL, and select the directory where you want to clone it into. It will ask you if you want to connect to Github, and you click yes. Now, intelliJ will tell you that there is an Unlinked project,so click on import Gradle project;use the auto-import and unselect the "create Separate module per source set"-then ok. The next step is to right-click the project,and open Module settings,select SDK's, and there you have to select the JDK that is installed on your system and click ok; and the project is installed and ready to run.
NOTE: The program is tested both on Mac OSX and Windows.
Once the program is installed,and the file is unpacked; open the project in IntelliJ. IntelliJ uses a compiler that works according to Java specification. To compile the program you can use the keyboard shortcuts Shift + Ctrl + F9 at the same time, or you can go in Settings/Preference dialog, then Build-Execution-Deployment-Compiler. On the Compiler page, select Build project automatically.
In case you don't want to compile the full project, you can compile some of the classes, by right-clicking on the class that you want to compile, and from the context menu, select "Recompile", "class name". To run the project you can use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT +F10, or click on "Run" from main toolbar(-the green triangle). Then, go to "Edit Configurations" and set it up to "ExerciseManager"- that is class that contains our main method. To run all the Junit Tests at once; from Settings/Preference dialog ,select menu "Run"- Edit Configurations; click green plus in the left top corner and select JUnit. Then, when configuring the "Run Configuration", go to "Test Kind", and select "all classes in directory". Select the root directory, and module from where picking up the classpath. Or to make it simple, select all modules and right-click them; then click on "Run all tests";This will create a configuration for whole project.
- Creating method for Exercise, using String toString Method. The method is overriding the parent class (@Override)
- Creating method for BalanceExercise, that extends Exercise. Also using String toString method.(@Override)
- Creating method for EnduranceExercise, extending Exercise, while using String toString method. (@Override)
- Creating method for FlexibilityExercise, calling the superclass methods and accessing the superclass constructor.Using @Override String toString method.
- Creating method for StrengthExercise, that extends Exercise. Also using String toString method. (@Override)
- Creating methods for suggesting an exercise program that is appropriate for a given person.The methods have +-10% of the persons intensity level,and the current program. This class is also using String toString method. (@Override)
- Creating methods for exercises that are grouped into programs.Each program has the exercises sorted in order of increasing intensity, and overall duration. The duration of an Program is twice the sum of the durations of all exercises.Creating methods for checking if the program is balanced or not.(public static boolean)
- Creating methods for deciding if a program is appropriated for a given person, methods for building new programs and a method for recommending from a given collection.
- JUnit (Testing Framework)
- Array List
- Collections
- OOP Concepts
- Packages
- Standard
- CamelCase
- No trailing white space
- Test Coverage is an important technique in Software Testing, which determines whether our test cases are actually covering the application code, and how much code is exercised when we run those test cases.
- The code shows the percentage of the code that has been covered by tests.
- We decided to only test the functions of the task,ie. methods, line of codes and the program we created, following the criteria we have been assigned.So, there is no stress testing, performance testing or backend testing. Here you can see the coverage result for our Classes, methods and lines.
According to the criteria, the percentage of test coverage, have to be at least 50%. Considering that, we strove to deliver a complete product without any bugs and faults in production; So, our test criteria is based on creating multiple tests, with a code coverage of 100%. The only class that we have 0% is Exercise Manager TestClass, and the reason for that is that there is no methods in Exercise Manager that should tests.
Our vision is to create a system that will manage different exercise programs for a home workout,based on different exercises,equipment, intensity level and duration; as well as the users have the possibility to be awarded a pre-made program or tailor their own program. An exercise program that is tailored specifically to your preference,is a great way to stay fit. The main functionality of this project is to generate exercises according to user's preference. Our system is effective and easy to use.The only thing you need to do, is to "Run" the ExerciseManager class. ExerciseManager is the class that includes most of the methods, and connects the classes together. So,while running the ExerciseManager, every input value of the other classes will be added, and you will be able to see the output of the system.
The quality of the production code depends on the tests and this project provides the following tests on our work out-program:
Unit Test - helps to test each method separately.Unit Test helped us to ensure that code works the way it was intended to.
Integration Test -Checking if the code is compatible with itself-if the methods and classes communicate with each other.
System Test- Testing the entire system(all of our code) gets the proper execution.
Acceptance Test- A test that examines whether the software meets the user needs,requirements, and criteria we have been given.
The framework that have been used for these tests is JUnit, which enables to write repeatable tests that can be incorporated into a continuous Integration workflow.
NOTE: it is important for the test class to have the following parts:
- imports
- The name of the test class (the class that we are going to test)
- The @Test annotation which indicates the start of the test.
Within the tests: - get a new instance of the classes we are testing
- variable that contains the expected result
- variable that contains the actual result
- the names of these variables should be describable to their function.
- BalanceExerciseTest , tests the toString method,to create programs and to check if the exercises are extracted from the array and then printed properly.
- EnduranceExerciseTest, imports Assertions, and checks if the intensity,repetitions,sets, equipment and durations are correct for the created programs, as well as testing the toString method.
- ExerciseTest,tests toString, compare to and tests for if it gets the right intensity.
- FlexibilityExerciseTest, tests the toString method,to create programs and to check if the exercises are extracted from the array and then printed properly.
- PersonTest, tests if the person gets the preferred exercise, if the intensity is acceptable and if the program is correct for a given person.
- ProgramTest, tests it all the exercise are grouped into programs, if the total duration and overall intensity are correct.As well as testing if the program is balanced.
- StrengthExerciseTest, imports Assertions, and checks if the intensity,repetitions,sets, equipment and durations are correct for the created programs, as well as testing the toString method.
- ExerciseManager, contains Integration test, which tests how well all of the classes/methods are integrating/communicating with each other.