#I adapted the example of the box_car (link of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgYiiraDL7A&list=PL93JTEJkWVdiUzrx2W8rU0_HVMx_F_WIh&index=8 and box_car link: https://bitbucket.org/theconstructcore/box_car/src/foxy/)
#In this case I used ROS2 Humble
#Second The Construct: #Here we place usefull commands for many things in ROS2 used for the tutorials
#Tutorial 1: Creation of your car #We create a CMake version for the description package ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake box_car_description cd box_car_description mkdir launch robot
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake box_car_gazebo
cd box_car_gazebo
mkdir launch worlds
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake box_car_tutorials
cd box_car_tutorials
mkdir launch scripts
#We add dependencies for python to have a hibrid package to be used for C++ and python for the future
#Start sim reset;ros2 launch box_car_gazebo box_bot_launch.py #Move the Car ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args --remap cmd_vel:=/box_bot/cmd_vel #Turn Wheels ros2 control load_controller --set-state start joint_state_broadcaster ros2 control load_controller --set-state start joint_trajectory_controller ros2 launch box_car_description steering.launch.py