- This project is a simple, front end eCommerce app.
- The app includes a list of available products from the Fake Store API that an be added to / removed from a (fake) Wishlist and Cart.
- The app includes simple, local authentication provided by Firebase with JWT implementation (including refreshing access tokens).
- The Wishlist and Cart is NOT saved to a back-end (the API does not provide this functionality) and therefore the same Wishlist/Cart saved in state is used for any user that logs in, and is therefore lost upon logout / app close.
In addition to the dependencies specified in the package.json file, the other systems this app depends on are:
- Firebase for Authentication
- Fake Store API for the mock back-end
Runs the app in the development mode. A .env.local file containing the Firebase API Key must be created in the root directory with a valid key
Builds the app for production to the build
When deploying to a hosting provider, the Firebase API Key must be included as an environment variable as per that providers deployment instructions.