DOBOT_6Axis-ROS2_V3 is a software development kit designed by Dobot based on the ROS of TCP/IP protocol. It is developed based on ROS/C++、python language, follows the Dobot-TCP-IP control communication protocol, connects to the device terminal via socket, and provides users with an easy-to-use API interface. Through DOBOT_6Axis-ROS2_V3, users can quickly connect to the Dobot device and carry out secondary development to control and use the device.
- You can connect your computer to the network interface of the controller with a network cable, and then set the fixed IP to be in the same network segment as the controller IP. You can also connect your computer to the controller via wireless connection.
When connected to LAN1 via wired connection: IP:; When connected to LAN2 via wired connection: IP:; Wireless connection: IP:
- Try pinging the controller IP to make sure it is under the same network segment.
- Ubuntu 20.04;Ubuntu 22.04
mkdir -p ~/dobot_ws/src
cd ~/dobot_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/dobot_ws
colcon build
source install/
echo "source ~/dobot_ws/install/" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export IP_address=" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "export DOBOT_TYPE=cr3" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "export DOBOT_TYPE=cr5" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "export DOBOT_TYPE=cr10" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "export DOBOT_TYPE=cr16" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "export DOBOT_TYPE=nova2" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "export DOBOT_TYPE=nova5" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
ros2 launch dobot_rviz
You can access the joint_state_publisher_gui for each angle, and see the effect on the rviz page.
- Start moveit with the following command
ros2 launch dobot_moveit
- Drag the joint to any angle and click "Plan and Execute" to see the result.
- Start gazebo with the following command
ros2 launch dobot_gazebo
Use the following command to connect to the robot
ros2 launch dobot_bringup_v3
View services
ros2 service list