PioText is a transit tracker for Lewis & Clark College. It provides the school shuttle schedule through text messages.
We're well underway now, and the service will be deployed sometime Spring Semester, 2011. In the meantime, there is a closed beta going on.
Feel free grab a copy and do whatever you'd like with it. To contact the team, check out https://github.com/javins/piotxt/contributors.
If you want to compile/test/build/run piotxt, you'll need a Java 1.6+
and Apache Ant. All other required libraries are bundled in the lib/
ant build
will build the project. You must build before trying to run the project.
ant run
java -jar build/piotxt.jar
will run the server.
If run from a console, you should be prompted for a google voice
username and password. To avoid having to re-enter login credentials
every time, copy resources/secure.properties.example
and edit the gv_user
and gv_pass