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adhamehab edited this page Jan 15, 2018 · 17 revisions

Script errors

Changes in the location and format of datasets by the data providers can prevent the Retriever from properly processing the data. If you encounter an error in a script, please report it by opening an issue.

Required Modules

If you are installing from source you will need a Python 2.x installation with the following modules:

  • setuptools
  • wxPython
  • xlrd

You will also need the following modules to use specific databases:

  • mysqldb (MySQL)
  • psycopg2 (PostgreSQL)
  • pyodbc (MS Access).

To quickly get the required modules installed in Ubuntu use: apt-get install python-mysqldb python-psycopg2 python-pyodbc python-setuptools python-xlrd

Development Modules

The following modules are required for rolling releases: mysqldb, psycopg2, pyodbc, py2app (Mac), py2exe (Windows), and stdeb (Ubuntu/Debian).


Follow these instructions to run a complete set of test imports for any branch

  1. Clone the branch you want to test
  2. Run python install
  3. Run python
  4. At the prompt enter the login or filename information for each database engine you want to test
    • SQLite allows relative paths and the file does not have to exist (the Retriever will create it)
    • MS Access requires an absolute path to an already created Access file
    • Ctrl+C will skip any engines you don't want to test
  5. When the tests have finished running a table of errors will be returned