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Shraya Ramani edited this page May 2, 2016 · 6 revisions

Config Files

Evergreen relies on a shared config file for the API, UI, and Runner processes. This config file tells Evergreen how to talk to GitHub, how to authenticate users, how to interact with external hosts and host providers, how to send email notifications, and so on. You can find a sample config with spaces for you to fill in here.


Database Connection

These fields control which MongoDB instance Evergreen talks to.

dburl: "mongodb://localhost:27017"
db: "evg"

dburl: the MongoDB connection string to use.

db: the MongoDB database to use.

Cloud Providers

######AWS Amazon services require a an ID and a Secret, which are set as follows:

        aws_id: PASTE_AWS_ID
        aws_secret: PASTE_AWS_SECRET

Set your GitHub token with

    github: PASTE_TOKEN
SSH Keys

You can have several different private keys for communicating with different cloud and static host providers. They are set with:

    main: "/path/to/your/key.pem"
    whatever: "/path/to/another.pem"


Superusers are users who have access to modify all distro and project settings for any project or distro. The list of names correspond to the username that is used to login to Evergreen. Superusers can modify the project settings to allow administrative access to certain users for specific projects. If the superusers list is omitted, every user is considered a superuser.

superusers: ['admin1', 'admin2']
Runner Process

The Runner process runs all of the main work within Evergreen, from polling github to starting tests. It has one main configurable variable: the number of seconds to wait before starting its process loop.

    intervalseconds: 120

Lowering this number will make evergreen run more frequently, with the risk of more lock contention from the API server.

API Settings

There is a slight quirk to API configuration in 0.9.0. In your settings file, there is a root options called motu. MOTU stands for "master of the universe", and is a holdover from the early days of Evergreen. In the config, motu is the address of the API server. It is the address that agents communicate with once they are running on their respective hosts. It could look like

motu: "http://localhost:8080"

for a totally local Evergreen deployment, or something more like

motu: ""

The rest of the API config is handled in the api field.

    logfile: "path/to/api.log"
    httplistenaddr: ":8080"
    httpslistenaddr: ":8443"
    httpskey: |
        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        paste a key here if you want https communication between agents and the API server
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
UI Settings

These settings control the Evergreen web interface.

    logfile: "path/to/ui.log"
    secret: "here is my secret"
    cachetemplates: true
    defaultproject: "mongodb-mongo-master"
    url: ""
    helpurl: "https://urlforhelp"
    httplistenaddr: ":9090"

logfile: file to write UI logs to

cachetemplates: boolean, determines whether templates are re-parsed on every page load (turn this off for development work)

secret: secret string for your cookies

defaultproject: the default project to load up when a user first loads the main UI page

url: the absolute URL of the UI server

helpurl: use this to overwrite the help link, to point it somewhere other than the GitHub wiki

httplistenaddr: the address for the UI server to listen on (in form of :number)

Notification / E-mail

These settings tell Evergreen how to send mail. You deployment will run if these are unset, but you won't be notified of system errors if email is not set up.

        from: "[email protected]"
        server: "localhost"
        port: 25
        use_ssl: false
        - [email protected]

smtp.from: the address to send e-mail from

smtp.server: the address of your SMTP server

smtp.port: the port of your SMTP server

smtp.use_ssl: boolean, tells the SMTP server to communicate with SSL

smtp.admin_email: a list of addresses to send notifications to if Evergreen processes crash or error in some way


You can use this section to specify parameters for use in distro setup scripts or tasks.

    github_private_key: |-
        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        Your private key to copy over to machines you spin up,
        so that they can talk to GitHub with ssh.
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Expansions are defined in simple key: value yaml syntax.