A TypedStruct plugin to add validating constructors to a TypedStruct module
The TypedStruct macro wraps field definitions to reduce boilerplate needed to define elixir structs and provides a plugin system for clients to extend the DSL.
uses the __changeset__
"reflection" function added by the plugin
TypedStructEctoChangeset which enables
Ecto.Changeset.cast on fields defined within the TypedStruct macro.
Try the macro out in real time without having to install or write any of your own code
To get started you need a running instance of Livebook
Ecto.Changeset is a great way to create validated structs. However, if you've many validated structs they quickly become "noise", where writing these functions can be tedious, and bugs are easily introduced as struct changes are easily overlooked. When the effort needed to write boilerplate tests for boilerplate code is factored in, it can be tempting to skip struct validation altogether.
defmodule AStruct do
use TypedStruct
typedstruct do
# A required field with a default value provided by MFA tuple to return a UUID
field :id, :string, default_apply: {Ecto.UUID, :generate, []}
# A required field with no default, meaning it must be provided to the constructor.
# It's an `integer` with known `Ecto.cast` behavior, so for instance, string values are cast
# for example string to integer
field :integer_field, :integer
# An optional field with no default, meaning it will only have a value if provided to the
# constructor
field :some_string, :string, required: false
iex()> AStruct.new(%{some_string: "foo"})
action: :new,
changes: %{id: "36153915-bfd7-4067-85e1-03c9b0662582", some_string: "foo"},
errors: [integer_field: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}],
data: #AStruct<>,
valid?: false
# With `bang` notation and demonstrating Ecto's field cast (string to integer)
iex()> AStruct.new!(%{some_string: "bar", integer_field: "42"})
some_string: "bar",
integer_field: 42,
id: "2e28df41-c024-465e-901d-22c974f1d356"
The TypedStruct macro makes it much easier to define structs. The TypedStructEctoChangeset plugin uses the field
definitions to generate an Ecto.Changeset.cast function for fields in the struct. And this plugin, TypedStructCtor,
uses those cast
functions to generate validating constructors for the enclosing struct created by TypedStruct.
This plugin adds 5 constructors, new/0
, new/1
, new!/1
, from/2
, and from!/2
to the given module.
Ecto cast
is called for all attributes provided to the constructors, defaults are applied where needed, and
validation is performed.
The new
functions return {:ok, struct} or {:error, changeset}, while the new!
functions return the struct, or
raises if there were issues with cast
or validation.
The new
function takes an optional map of attributes, does
Changeset.cast of all values matching the defined
fields, adds defaults for fields missing values, validates any required fields, and finally does
Changeset.apply_action to validate the changeset.
Returns {:ok, <struct>}
if everything is OK, {:error, <changeset>}
if there were issues with cast
or validation.
Because it's necessary to properly handle mappable fields, if a struct is passed to the new
{:error, :attributes_must_be_a_map}
is returned; use one of the from
functions for that use case as described below.
The from
functions are useful in messaging environments where a new message is created from a some set of
values from a source message. They are similar to the new
functions but accept a "base struct" as the first argument
and a map of attributes as the second argument. The base struct is mapped first to the field values, and the attributes
are merged on top.
By default, all fields are required when calling the constructors. Meaning you'll get a changeset error if the field does not have a default, and you don't provide an attribute value for it in the constructor.
You can override this by passing required: false
to the plugin
typedstruct do
plugin(TypedStructCtor, required: false)
field :this_field_is_not_required, :string
Or by passing required: false
to the field
typedstruct do
field :this_field_is_not_required, :string, required: false
and default_apply
can be provided to the field
definition to specify a default value for the field.
Though you can specify both default
and default_apply
(an MFA tuple), only one will be used.
will be used with Elixir's struct syntax (e.g. %AStruct{}
will be invoked when one of the 5 constructor functions is used (e.g. AStruct.new!()
The default_apply
function is short-circuited and will only be invoked if the given field was not present in the
defmodule AStructWithDefaulting do
use TypedStruct
typedstruct do
field :field, :integer, default: 42, default_apply: {SomeModule, :some_function, ["55"]}
iex()> %AStructWithDefaulting{}
%AStructWithDefaulting{field: 42}
iex()> AStructWithDefaulting.new!()
%AStructWithDefaulting{field: 55}
As mentioned above, when using from
and from!
functions, the first argument is a "source" struct whose matching-name
fields will be copied first into the struct being constructed. By default, all matching-name fields are copied, but
the mappable?
boolean attribute can be used to specify which fields are not copied. This is useful when you want the
newly constructed struct to have different values for a field than the source struct such as created_at
or id
Not mapping over the source struct values will mean the newly constructed struct will leave the new fields empty unless defaulted or provided as attributes to the constructor.
defmodule AStructWithMappableFields do
use TypedStruct
typedstruct do
field(:id, :string, mappable?: false, default_apply: {Ecto.UUID, :generate, []})
field(:created_at, :utc_datetime_usec, mappable?: false, default_apply: {DateTime, :utc_now, []})
field(:reason, :string)
# In the example below, the `id` and `created_at` fields are `mappable?: false` so they are not
# copied from the source struct. So in the new struct, `:reason` is copied from the source
# struct, `:id` is provided in the attributes map, and `:created_at`, being nil after all the
# copying is done, causes its default to be used instead, resulting in a new date.
iex()> source_struct = AStructWithMappableFields.new!(%{reason: "because"})
reason: "because",
created_at: ~U[2023-11-18 04:57:16.754681Z],
id: "ffe94776-5d6e-4d84-9aeb-2862d874577f"
iex()> Process.sleep(5)
iex()> mapped = AStructWithMappableFields.from!(source_struct, %{id: "id from attributes"})
reason: "because",
created_at: ~U[2023-11-18 04:57:16.766353Z],
id: "id from attributes"
iex()> Process.sleep(5)
iex()> mapped = AStructWithMappableFields.from!(source_struct, %{reason: "I said so"})
reason: "I said so",
created_at: ~U[2023-11-18 04:57:16.772312Z],
id: "a09be86b-373a-48f0-9d74-faee10037421"
Because this plugin supports the interface defined by the TypedStruct
macro, installation assumes you've already
added that dependency.
While you can use the original typed_struct library, it seems to no longer be maintained. However, there is a fork here that is quite active.
The package can be installed by adding typed_struct_ctor
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
# Choose either of the following `TypedStruct` libraries
# both use the same name for the macro - `typedstruct` but
# but are mutually exclusive:
# The original, but no longer maintained library
{:typed_struct, "~> 0.3.0"},
# Or the newer forked library
{:typedstruct, "~> 0.5.2"},
# And add this library
{:typed_struct_ctor, "~> 0.1.0"}