- OpenTelemetry as an observer
- Track state changes as an observer
- Logging as an observer
- Bring the workflow launcher over
WorkflowEx is a macro that runs workflows of a very specific character. They process work linearly, and when any error is encountered, they then work backwards in that same manner.
Workflow steps can be synchronous or asynchronous. Workflow steps that are asynchronous will return :continue, and then expected to subscribe to whatever events are needed to complete their task.
To use, define your workflow's structure:
defmodule Company.Workflow do
use WorkflowEx,
steps: [
observers: [Company.Observer]
This breaks the components of a complicated workflow into focused modules, and orchestrates them automatically. Those components are covered below:
Workflow components must all operate against a shared workflow state object. But Visiflow itself must maintain state to know what to execute next.
We use Ecto, and TypedEctoSchema's observer to define the fields required for WorkflowEx, and it is expected that you will embed that struct into your schema as well.
defmodule Company.Workflow.State do
use TypedEctoSchema
typed_embedded_schema do
embed_one :__flow__, WorkflowEx.Fields
# Add fields used by the workflow steps
The workflow can either be running up or down. Up is what you hope will happen. The workflow will run until completion. For synchronous steps, only 2 functions are required, run\1 and rollback\1. The WorkflowEx.Step macro implements default no-ops of both. So in Step1, suppose no rollback is required. It can be implemented like this:
defmodule Company.Step1 do
use WorkflowEx.Step
def run(%Company.Workflow.State{}=state) do
# do work
# modify state
{:ok, state}
Asynchronous workflows are expected to subscribe to messages, and wait for them to come in. This is done with 2 add'l functions, run_handle_info\2, and rollback_handle_info\2. A step indicates that it is waiting on an event by returning {:continue, state}.
defmodule Company.Step2 do
use WorkflowEx.Step
def run(%Company.Workflow.State{}=state) do
# do work
# subscribe to an event
Company.PubSub.subscribe(Company, :step2_run_event)
{:continue, state}
def run_handle_info(:step2_run_event, %Company.Workflow.State{}=state) do
# do rest of work
Company.PubSub.unsubscribe(Company, :step2_run_event)
{:ok, state}
def rollback(%Company.Workflow.State{}=state) do
# undo work from run\1
Company.PubSub.subscribe(Company, :step2_rollback_event)
{:continue, state}
def rollback_handle_info(:step2_rollback_event, %Company.Workflow.State{}=state) do
# do rest of work
Company.PubSub.unsubscribe(Company, :step2_rollback_event)
{:ok, state}
Observers are functions that must be synchronous. They are intended to run code that is orthogonal to the business case of the workflow. Logging, recording state changes, and emitting status update messages are all good uses of company observers. They also are allowed to modify state.
Observers can run before and\or after a step's run or rollback function. The semantics are slightly different.
A handle_before_step
function must return :ok, or it will rollback the workflow without ever running the step.
A handle_after_step
function will run after a step, regardless of what the return status of that step was. But like a handle_before_step
step, any return value other than {:ok, state} will rollback the workflow.
Observers in particular are likely to want to know information about the state of the workflow's execution. They can access it with the state's visi struct, which maintains this information. See below.
defmodule Company.Observer do
use WorkflowEx.Observer
def handle_before_step(%Company.Workflow.State{}=state) do
# do work intended to happen before every step
{:ok, state}
def handle_after_step(%Company.Workflow.State{}=state) do
# do work intended to happen after every step
{:ok, state}
field | type | default | description |
flow_direction | atom | :up | up = running, down = rolling back |
flow_error_reason | atom | :normal | When workflow stops, it records a reason. :normal means the workflow succeeded. Any error in run is returned here |
step_index | integer | 0 | Keeps track of what step the workflow is on |
step_func | atom | :run | step function being executed |
Note: This package is not yet available on hex.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding ex_visiflow
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:workflow_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/ex_visiflow.