Simple module to distribute a workload to multiple processes, each with muliple threads.
It's a simple module that can take the work (in the form of an iterable) and dispatch it to a number of processes and threads. The worker function can return a result and that result is passed to a result processing function (also user defined). In addition to this, it also can accept a parameter (ip_range) containing a string specifying IP ranges. The ranges are in the form "a.b.c.d[-e],...". One IP from the ranges will be sent along with each work unit to the worker. Note that it's up to worker if/how it uses the IP.
A small example which sends each line of this file to a worker, along
with an IP from the ranges to and to
This example is also in the module itself.
from multiclient import MultiClient
from multiprocessing import current_process
from threading import current_thread
import sys
def worker(work, ip):
return ("%s/%s: Processing [%s] with IP %s" %
(current_process().name, current_thread().name,
work.rstrip(), ip))
def processor(result, counter):
counter["total"] += 1
print result
counter = {"total": 0}
work = open("")
mc = MultiClient(5, work, worker, processor,
print >> sys.stderr, "%d/%d work units. Processing took %d seconds" % (
counter["total"], mc.work_units, mc.runtime)