Python and hoc code to record and visualize neuron model and currents
Source of the Ca1 neuron model -
.txt files are example recordings of:
- Rectime.txt - model integration time steps
- recstim.txt - current injectected to soma during one timestep (i.e. 10 nA)
- matRecData.txt - all currents from the model: cap, pasive, Na, potassium, intracellular potential
- matRecxyz.txt - position of neuron compartments in NEURON simulation
- recsyn.txt - currents from synaptic mechanism. First row AMPA and second NMDA from all compartments.
Other files:
- - script to visualize recorded currents and cell morphology
- save_hel.hoc - script that works after initialization of the original NEURON simulation and saves all currents from all cell segments
- twinApical.swc - morphology of the cell