Touch- and mouse-aware jQuery special events for dragging.
If touch is supported, this library translates a mousedown
-> mousemove
(more than 4px) -> mouseup|mouseleave
into customdragstart
-> customdragmove
-> customdragend
Otherwise, the library translates a touchstart
-> touchmove
(more than 4px) -> touchend|touchcancel
into customdragstart
-> customdragmove
-> customdragend
In order to indicate that you want to begin a dragging operation, you need to handle the customdragstart
event by setting a dragTarget
on the event.
$(el).on('customdragstart', (evt)->
evt.dragTarget = this
This library was written to get good drag support in an Ember.js project. (Note: I'm referring to a dragging UI interaction, not actual drag/drop or files or DOM elements.)
Here's how to use it with Ember:
# load this library
require 'custom_drag'
# connect the jQuery special events to Ember EventDispatcher events
window.App = Ember.Application.create
customdragstart: 'customDragStart'
customdragmove: 'customDragMove'
customdragend: 'customDragEnd'
# add methods to views that will get called by the EventDispatcher
App.SliderView = Ember.View.extend
value: 0.50
customDragStart: (evt)->
evt.dragTarget = @get('element')
customDragMove: (evt)->
# Use evt.pageX or evt.pageY here with some math
# to act on the view properties
customDragEnd: (evt)->
# Do something when the drag is over
Written by Kris Selden (@kselden) at Yapp (, 2013.
This script is licensed under the MIT license.