This is a personalized React JS (using Vite as a build tools, and Chakra UI as a UI Library) starter template. Actually, I made this for myself so I don't need to waste my time to overthinking about the config and setup and focusing on the development.
But if you also find this template is useful, you also can use it. And of course I'm open to any feedbacks. You can fork or clone this repo and make a PR here if you have a some idea.
- Toolings for linting, formatting, and conventions configured.
- ✨Basic responsive layout configuration (using Chakra UI media query)
- You can open and click
Use this template
button (Don't forget to login to your Github account). - Or you can clone this repo using degit in your terminal. Don't forget to install the needed dependencies using
npm install
npx degit yehezkielgunawan/yehez-vitechakra-starter <YOUR_APP_NAME>
- Then run the local server using
yarn dev
ornpm run dev
- Vite Docs - Learn about Vite and its features
- Chakra UI - UI component
- Typescript - The programming language
- The24thDS Starter Template - as my main reference for the base config settings.
- Sozonome Vite Chakra Starter - as my main layout idea reference.
- Update the layout
- Add ESLint basic configuration
- Add prettier basic configuration
- Husky base config