A simple UDP operation function library. You can use two or three functions to complete all UDP operations. Such as “udplib_send”, “udplib_recv” and "udplib_setblockmode".
- Simple
- C and C + + compatible
- Cross platform (Windows vs and Linux gcc)
- Use IP and port numbers in string as nodes
Open the "UDPDemo.sln" solution file and compile to run test cases or generate dynamic library
Enter the project directory through the terminal and run the command "make" to compile the test code.
Add the source code or dynamic library to your project and include the header file "simpleudplib.h" to call the UDP operation functions.
UDP data receiving function.
// Method: udplib_recv
// FullName: udplib recv function
// Access: public
// Returns: int -1 means recv failed, >0 represent the length of recved data
// Qualifier: yu_lei
// Parameter: const char source[] source str, format as "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx"
// Parameter: const char target[] dest str, format as "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx"
// Parameter: char recv_buf[] recv buffer
// Parameter: int max_datalen the length of recv buffer
int udplib_recv(const char source[], const char target[], char recv_buf[], int max_datalen);
UDP data sending function.
// Method: udplib_send
// FullName: udplib send function
// Access: public
// Returns: int 0 means send succeed,other undifined error num returned by sendto
// Qualifier:
// Parameter: char source[] source str, format as "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx"
// Parameter: char target[] dest str, format as "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx"
// Parameter: const char data[] send data buffer
// Parameter: int datalen the length of send buffer 0~65507
int udplib_send(char source[], char target[], const char data[], int datalen);
Set the blocking mode of the receive port. Called before receiving function.
// Method: udplib_setblockmode
// FullName: the function to set node block mode
// Access: public
// Returns: int 0 means no error,other undefined num returned by ioctlsocket
// Qualifier:
// Parameter: const char addr[] format as "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx"
// Parameter: unsigned long mode 0-bolck,1-noblock
int udplib_setblockmode(const char addr[],unsigned long mode);
Library exit function.
Call the function when the library is no longer in use.
// Method: udplib_deinitialize
// FullName:
// Access: public
// Returns: int 0 means no error, other undefined num returned by WSACleanup
// Qualifier:
// Parameter: void
// Function: clean WSA,release all resource
int udplib_deinitialize(void);
Library initialization function.
This function will be called by other operation functions and does not need to be called actively.
// Method: udplib_initialize
// FullName: udplib_initialize
// Access: public
// Returns: int 0 means no error,other undefined num returned by WSAStartup
// Qualifier:
// Parameter: void
// Function: initalized net lib
int udplib_initialize(void);