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There are two kinds of IATI file:\r\n\r\n* <a href=\"\">Organisation files</a>- these include basic information about donors and may contain details of their planned budgets, or relevant programme documents. There are only a few of these published so far.\r\n\r\n* <a href=\"\">Activity files</a>\u00a0-\u00a0these\u00a0include details of aid-funded projects, including locations, budgets, spending and often include associated documents and resources. Most donors publish one activity file for each country they work in, so there are 100s of these files.\r\n\r\nAll the available IATI files are listed on the\u00a0<a href=\"\">IATI Registry</a>\u00a0(although they are hosted on the respective donors websites), and details of each file\u00a0<a href=\"\">can be accessed using the CKAN API</a>.\r\n\r\n<h3>What could you do with the data?</h3>\r\nThe strength of IATI data is in having granular information on individual aid projects. In the future it will be possible to look at changing funding patterns, but right now many donors are only publishing recent projects - so think about uses that take advantage of information on individual projects.\r\n\r\nGetting aid information into the hands of those who can use it to make a difference is one of the big areas of focus for IATI related projects right now - from developing tools to help researchers dig into the available information, to projects that make it easy to print out and take project information direct to the communities.\r\n\r\nProjects might also look at how to augment the available data: adding annotations to aid projects to help transparency and accountability activists share knowledge about particular projects - or linking up IATI data with other transparency and accountability data and documents.\r\n\r\n<h3>Technical approaches</h3>\r\nThe IATI XML Standard is documented at\u00a0<a href=\"\"></a>\u00a0where you will also find the\u00a0<a href=\"\">IATI Knowledge Base</a>with tips for working with the data, and space to report any issues you come across to the technical team looking after the XML standard. If you just want to work with a single IATI file, or a few files:\r\n\r\n* You could use your preferred tools to read the XML directly;\r\n\r\n* You could use\u00a0<a href=\"\">Google Refine</a>\u00a0which can read in and turn small XML files into tabular data;\r\n\r\n* You could make use the hosted\u00a0<a href=\"\">CSV Conversion tool</a>\u00a0(also linked from registry pages), or\u00a0<a href=\"\">adapt the XSLT it uses</a>\u00a0for your own purposes to flatten out a file for use in spreadsheet or statistical software\r\n\r\nIf you want to work with a lot of files, you might want to have access to the information in database form. A number of projects have been building data stores, APIs and ways to query and access IATI data. These vary in terms of how complete the data they currently hold is, but they should get you started building against live data.\r\n\r\n* <a href=\"\"></a></strong>\u00a0hosts an API which is running against selected collections of IATI activities, put together for the AidView application. This API offers a number of aggregation features, and has pre-computed useful values like a 'total project size' (based on the highest of commitments or spending), and performed some basic currency conversion to USD.\r\n\r\n* The\u00a0<a href=\"\">IATI Explorer</a>\u00a0site aggregates raw IATI data files on a regular basis into an XML database. You can run xpath queries over the data using as RESTFUL API, and apply XSLT to the results. Whilst you can run basic count and sum operations over the data (using xpath functions), the strength of this API is for retrieving filtered sets of documents.\r\n\r\n* You could use your preferred tools to read the XML directly;\r\n\r\n* <a href=\"\">An API</a>\u00a0<a href=\"\">is available</a>\u00a0to query Dutch IATI data, and the underlying source-code, which converts IATI XML into a relational database model, and then makes it available via an API (django application)\u00a0<a href=\"\">is available on github here</a>\r\n\r\n* Financial transactions from IATI have been loaded <a href=\"\">onto <strong>the Open Spending platform</strong></a>\u00a0which also provides API access to the data.(<a href=\"\">Read here</a> for more on the open spending data)\r\n\r\n* A sub-set of IATI Data has also been<a href=\"\">converted to Linked Data</a></strong> <a href=\"\">and published on the Kasabi Platform</a> where it can be accessed with the SPARQL query language.\r\n\r\nThere's lots more shared source code and ideas for working with IATI data in the 'Inspiration' sections of AidInfoLabs.\r\n\r\nIf you want to find out what codes in the XML mean, you might want to take a look at the <a href=\"\">Codelist documentation</a>, <a href=\"\">and Codelist API</a>.\r\n\r\n<h3>Things to watch out for</h3>\r\nIATI data is provided directly by donors. There's a technical team working to help donors improve their published data, but right now applications might need to:\r\n\r\n* Watch out for really big files: Most IATI files are just as few MB in size, but there are one or two really large files (from donors who publish all their information in one file, rather than splitting by country, or where granular transaction data is available).\r\n\r\n* Be flexible about code-lists: Not everyone uses the same 'sector codes' or region codes.\r\n\r\n* Be careful with aggregation:\u00a0IATI lets donors record a range of different transaction types (commitments, disbursements, spending etc.). If you are aggregating financial figures, be aware of the definitions of these, and the current limitations of the data (e.g. some donors don't publish commitments that far into the future etc.)\r\n\r\n<h3>Share your learning</h3>\r\nWorking with the IATI data? If you discover any new tricks for working with the data, or you overcome particular challenges to make open aid data work for transparency and accountability you can share them on the <a href=\"\">IATI-Tools mailing list</a>, or <a href=\"\">by adding a post to the knowledge hub</a>.", "category": 16, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "Tim Davies' tips for getting started with IATI data at a hackday", "pubdate": "2014-05-22T02:45:58", "title": "Hack day tips for working with IATI Data", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-05-22T03:07:19.287", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-22T05:08:21.749", "image_caption": "<a href=\"\">Photo</a> by Aaron Muszalski, CC-BY ", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [17], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [2], "authors": [14], "summary": "The\u00a0<a href=\"\">International Aid Transparency Initiative</a>\u00a0(IATI)\u00a0has led to\u00a0<a href=\"\">a lot of data on aid projects</a>\u00a0becoming available.\r\n\r\nIn preparation for the\u00a0<a href=\"\">Open Government Partnership hack days in Brasilia this Tuesday and Wednesday</a>\u00a0I've put together a few quick tips for getting started with IATI data, whether you are planning to make it the foundation of a hack, or you want to link in aid project information to another project you are working on.", "slug": "hack-day-tips-working-iati-data", "people": []}}, {"pk": 11, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "If you know of opportunities for workshops to take place, [get in touch!](mailto:[email protected]).", "category": 6, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "Training materials coming soon!", "pubdate": "2014-05-09T06:21:15", "title": "Aid Data curriculum update", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-05-09T07:17:12.212", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-20T07:06:36.141", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": false, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [], "authors": [1], "summary": "We're working with [School of Data](http://schoolofdata) to produce a set of modules on the topic of using and understanding Aid Data. The current curriculum plan is up [on the wiki](, and feedback on which modules to prioritise, or materials to work from, is always welcome. The curriculum will be available online (in a similar style to School of Data's [current courses]( and we'll be using the material in offline workshops with civil society and journalists this summer. ", "slug": "curriculum-update", "people": []}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "This move towards transparency and accountablity within international development is, of course, a great development; but what about accountability to the people who are affected by aid projects? Those whose lives are completely changed by aid projects, and those who are most at need; if their lives are negatively affected by (whether intentionally or unintentionally) aid projects, where do they turn?\r\n\r\nEarlier this week, a story was written by AFP with the headline [\"Ethiopian sues Britain over aid funding 'rights abuse'\"]( It turns out, though, that this story is not a new one; the man in question, known as Mr O, started legal action against the UK's donor agency, the Department for International Development (DFID) back in September 2012. A lot more detail on the story was covered in [this Guardian story from December 2012](, and [this story from January 2013]( which also named the particular project that is under fire - the \"Protection of Basic Services\" programme. The outcome of this case is, as yet, unclear, but the precedents that have been set make for some interesting, if not desparing, reading. \r\n\r\nOne such case resulted from mass arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh as a result of a project from UNICEF together with Bangladesh's Department of Public Health and Engineering, which began in the 1980s. The multi-million dollar project involved sinking more than a million tube wells across the country to reduce fatalities caused by drinking dirty surface water; however, the newly sourced water turned out to be contaminated with arsenic. This oversight has resulted in what the World Health Organisation has described as [\"the largest poisoning of a population in history\"](, with an estimated [35 million - 77 million people were living in areas]( known to have some contaminated wells, with a further study carried out in 2010 discovered that [20% of deaths in a 10-year study of 12,000 Bangladeshis were caused by arsenic exposure from contaminated drinking water.](\r\n\r\nIn 1992, a subsidiary of the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the British Geological Survey (BGS), carried out a water evaluation, but [they did not specifically test for arsenic](; as a result, people carried on drinking the water following this survey. \r\n\r\nIn 2004, Binod Sutradhar, a Bangladeshi man suffering from arsenic poisoning took NERC to court, alleging that BGS had a duty of care to test for arsenic in 1992, and saying that [if the poison had been identified then](, they would have stopped drinking the water and suffered to a lesser degree, if at all. The case [was rejected however](, and the geologists cleared of any misconduct, with the judge saying that the agencies [\"can be liable only for the things they did and the statements they made, not for what they did not do\"]( \r\n\r\nWhich begs the question: if NERC/ the BGS aren't responsible, nor UNICEF or the Bangladeshi government; who is? The long term effects of arsenic poisoning are killing an [estimated 270,000 people per year](, with millions of others suffering from serious side effects. Millions of people who were already living in some of the worst conditions in the world are now suffering as a result of the (admittedly well-intentioned) project, with zero recourse for justice. \r\n\r\nOne last example can be seen in Haiti, where 5,000 Haitians affected by cholera are [suing the UN for reparations and clean water infrastructure.]( Nearly [8,500 Haitians have died from cholera since the disease broke out in October 2010](, and the lawsuit alleges that the disease was introduced to Haiti by UN peacekeeping forces from Nepal. The lawsuit has been filed in the U.S. Federal Court.\r\n\r\nThis [interview with the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH)]( who is representing the cholera victims in Haiti, insinuates strongly that the UN is shirking its responsiblity towards the Haitians. In early March 2014, a UN-appointed expert on human rights in Haiti, Gustavo Gallon, [called for full compensation for the Haiti victims](; but despite this, the UN is claiming immunity from such claims under its [Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN]( This convention, written in 1946, includes \r\n\r\n<blockquote> The United Nations, its property and assets wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy immunity from every form of legal process</blockquote> \r\n\r\nas well as \"immunity from legal process of every kind\" for Experts on Missions for the United Nations. \r\n\r\nWith immunity stated so clearly here, the chain of accountability going from those affected by aid projects to those instigating the projects seems to be utterly broken - at least, judging from past projects. \r\n\r\nAt a time when multiple initiatives within the global development community (including from UN agencies) are focusing on [listening to marginalised communities](, [listening to previously unheard communities](, and more generally, [making international development more inclusive](; this total lack of accountability to vulnerable communities at the most basic level seems like a huge and critical oversight.", "category": 10, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "Where does accountability lie within global development projects? ", "pubdate": "2014-04-24T02:22:38", "title": "When an aid project goes wrong, who is responsible?", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "img/uploads/article_images/Screen_Shot_2014-05-05_at_14.19.51.png", "created": "2014-04-24T02:26:48.140", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-09T03:02:23.956", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [2, 1], "authors": [1], "summary": "When we talk about \"open government\", it's common to also hear talk of transparency and accountability alongside. At its simplest, a government being transparent and open about their actions is a necessary step for citizens to know what is happening in their country, and to understand what decisions are being made on their behalf. Having access to this information is also a necessary step for citizens to be able to hold government accountable for their actions, and citizens being able to take action through legal and official means when they feel a government has taken irresponsible actions is a crucial step in this chain.\r\n\r\nSo- what about in \"open aid\" or \"open development\"? One major focus of transparency in aid has been ensuring that aid projects are carried out in the most effective and efficient way; without wasting money, either through inefficient service delivery or corruption, or other means. Here, the chain of accountability that is addressed goes directly from the donor agency (eg. the UK's Department for International Development, DFID) to their citizens (ie. UK citizens). In the case of large multilateral donors, the [accountability mechanisms are perhaps more complicated, but still present.](", "slug": "when-aid-project-goes-wrong-who-responsible", "people": []}}, {"pk": 1, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "And this, where the main body of the text is", "category": 1, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "testing this", "pubdate": "2014-04-22T09:42:15", "title": "Test", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-04-22T09:42:59.861", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-12T00:16:47.516", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": false, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [], "authors": [], "summary": "This is where the summary would go", "slug": "test", "people": []}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "Colleagues at the Development Initiatives office in Nairobi come to me to find out how/where to get the data they need, to convert it into a format they can work with, and to manipulate the data. \r\n\r\nA common issue that I come across is people coming to me with PDFs, and needing the data in a reusable format; it\u2019s an old problem, and it\u2019s getting boring! \r\n\r\nI normally work directly with the [IATI Datastore]( but for people with less technical knowledge, there\u2019s a number of problems with it. Even before you get to the technical skills needed to manipulate the data, even the language used isn\u2019t useful for the average layperson; the words and terms used assume that people will understand and know what an \u2018activity\u2019, or a \u2018transaction\u2019, or a \u2018budget\u2019 is, as the very first step, for example. Then, it\u2019s difficult to know what you need in order to answer your question; or even if it\u2019s possible to answer what you\u2019re looking for with data from the IATI datastore. \r\n\r\nI usually point people towards donor portals if they know who they want the data from; DFID\u2019s [DevTracker]( for example, or the [UNDP\u2019s open data portal]( My colleagues also had a two day training on using the [OECD data](, so now they can access this data themselves without any problems; this was really useful for them. \r\n\r\nFrom my experience here in Nairobi, people don\u2019t often need disaggregated figures, or even detailed geocoded data. My colleagues in the office here are more interested in big aggregated figures that they can use in a \u2018headline\u2019 style, rather than the small, detailed data. For example, the level of knowing how much is being spent in a certain country within a certain sector is adequate, or how much a certain donor is spending in a certain country.\r\n\r\nThere was one time that a colleague of mine wanted to know how much money was being spent on HIV/AIDS prevention + support in Western Kenya, but we couldn\u2019t find anything. We looked at the IATI datastore, directly on the [Global Fund site](, but we didn\u2019t get anything.\r\n", "category": 1, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "How aid data is being used at Development Initiatives in Nairobi", "pubdate": "2014-04-20T01:46:37", "title": "Case Study: Steve Kenei, Technical Analyst at Development Initiatives in Nairobi, Kenya", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-04-24T01:49:29.614", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-04-24T02:21:41.994", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [], "authors": [], "summary": "[Steve]( is the only Technical Lead working at the [Development Initiatives]( office in Nairobi, Kenya; we spoke via Skype on April 10th, 2014.", "slug": "case-study-steve-kenei-technical-analyst-developme", "people": []}}, {"pk": 4, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "Here's a short summary of some of our favourite articles, projects and posts. \r\n\r\n[Start ups are getting interested in remittances]( [(and check out number 15 in this list, too)]( In many countries - especially those lacking formal banking systems- remittances sent back to home countries by immigrants living in other countries rivals, or in some cases, is considerably more than international aid flows to the country. The World Bank estimated that in 2011, remittances to low-income countries came to a total of [$351 billion](, whereas [Official Development Assistance from OECD countries came to $133.5 billion.](\r\n\r\n\r\n[Somaliland v Somalia: great new paper on an extraordinary \u2018natural experiment\u2019 in aid and governance]( - Oxfam have reviewed Sarah Phillips' new paper which compares Somalia to its neighbouring Somaliland, which includes some uncomfortable truths; the fact that Somaliland is not internationally recognised has meant that it receives practically no direct financial aid, for example. Check out [their blog for more](, or [the paper directly.]( \r\n\r\nJust in time for [International Women's Day]('s_Day), [Patrick Meier]( compiled this inspiring list of [Women in Crisis Mapping.]( Did you know that the vast majority of volunteers engaged in the [Ushahidi-Haiti Crisis Map project (January 2010)]( were women? Same goes for the [Ushahidi-Chile Crisis Map of March 2010.]( Hats off to you all! \r\n\r\nThe OECD's Jon Lom\u00f8y is pushing for the development community to ['get smart with aid']( What does that mean? Taking into account how the world has changed, for one; recognising and responding to vast diversity within low-income countries, rather than taking a 'one size fits all' approach; working more closely with other global issues, such as climate change; and learning from our mistakes, to name just a few of his poignant suggestions. The [article]( also includes an interactive aid visualisation (another one to add to the list!).\r\n\r\nThe World Bank launched their webinar series, \"How Can Technology Accelerate Citizen Engagement?\", starting by looking at [\"Maximizing the Impact of Mapping and Crowdsourcing\"]( It was open to the public, and by all accounts a really useful webinar. We'll be on the look out for future events. \r\n\r\nLinda Raftree has written up the activities of the recent NYC Technology Salon, looking into [\"Bigger, better data and resilience\"](; the post is full of thinking points, first defining the terms used, the links between the issues, and tackling briefly the age-old issue - can big data really 'empower' people? She also touches upon the need for responsible use of data in terms of using it as a decision making tool; in cases such as international development, the ethical risks coming from misinterpretation and consequently inaccurate (or in some cases harmful) decision making are huge. All in all, the NYC Technology Salon sounds like it was a great event with a wide range of topics covered - [more on the Salons here.]( \r\n\r\nFollowing the recent Mobile World Congress 2014, [Nancy Ngo]( has written up [4 Takeaways for Developing Countries]( - while there are some interesting insights, the complete lack of privacy or security mentions, especially around these mobile technologies which are collecting enormous amounts of data, is unsurprising but worrying. \r\n\r\nThe very first map of Nairobi's informal 'matatu' transit system has been produced, thanks to students who rode every matatu route in the city and catalogued the stops along the way. The maps reveal that the seemingly chaotic system is, in fact, [\"remarkably standardized\"]( and detailed, with over 102 different routes. The data has been made fully open, with the government responding well, private companies already using the data, and citizens being able to - for the first time ever - see and understand their city's transit system. [Download the map here](, and [read more on the project here.](", "category": 9, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "What's been going on in Open Development over the past couple of weeks? ", "pubdate": "2014-03-12T08:13:48", "title": "Open Development round up - March 2014", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-04-30T08:17:19.434", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:17:19.434", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [], "authors": [1], "summary": "What's been going on in the world of Open Development over the past couple of weeks? Here's a short summary of some of our favourite articles, projects and posts. ", "slug": "open-development-round-march-2014", "people": []}}, {"pk": 5, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "Despite the new bill imposing life sentences for gay sex and same-sex marriage, Uganda's Health Minister has encouraged people to fully disclose their sexual orientation to health workers, who will [\"live up to their ethics of keeping confidentiality of their patients.\"]( Unsurprisingly, aid charities are warning [the new bill will have \"disastrous\" effects on the country's response to HIV.](\r\n\r\nSo how might this affect aid flows to Uganda? Are there donors who have been funding campaigns or activities fighting for homosexual rights, and given the implications of the bill on healthcare, what kind of aid does Uganda receive for its health sector? Using only **tools designed to help make IATI data accessible** - rather than raw IATI data - we'll see how many of those questions can be answered here. \r\n\r\n### Aid flows to Uganda - a summary\r\n\r\nTo get a general overview of aid to Uganda, we used [AidView]( which pulls data from the [IATI Registry]( Using the ['Filter by Country']( option, we can see that Uganda received a total of $9 billion in aid, and has 1105 activities funded. It's unclear, however, for what timescale this value is applicable; for just the past year, or the current year? A total of $9 billion seems highly unlikely to be for just one year - so we'll assume it's **all IATI activities** though this is not so helpful. \r\nChoosing to [view these activities by list]( (much more user-friendly than 'view as bubbles') brings up the entire list, but shows only 20 activities per page. \r\n\r\nBy using the Filter by Sector option, which works on top of the Country Filter, we can see a selection of [32 different 'sectors']( again in bubble format. Nothing specifically about gay rights is mentioned in any of these sector categorisations, but there are some ambiguous sectors, such as [\"Unallocated/Unspecified\"]( A quick scan through this list didn't bring anything relevant up, and likewise for the [Government and Civil society](\r\n\r\nBut while gay rights specifically doesn't seem to be mentioned in aid activities in Uganda, activities centred around health certainly are.\r\n\r\n### Health aid \r\n\r\nAccording again to the Sector Filter from AidView, a total of $165 million was spent in health aid activities, through 37 activities (again, the timescale for these activities is unclear). Interestingly, the only health projects here that are focused on HIV / AIDS are majority funded by the UK, though some in partnership with other multilateral donors such as this project to [improve delivery of HIV Prevention Services]( between the UNDP and the UK's Department for International Development. \r\n\r\nThrough the ['data file' option]( with the two filters of Uganda and Health on, it's also clearly shown that the UK is/was by far the biggest donor in terms of health aid, providing 62.5% of the total health budget, followed by the World Bank's [International Development Association]( with 25.6%. According to this data, none of the countries who have said they will withold aid from Uganda are currently funding any health-related projects in the countries. \r\n\r\n\r\n### Aid flows from the UK\r\n\r\nOn the UK's aid data site, [DevTracker](, we can easily see through the [Uganda Country Profile]( a number of key statistics - **nearly \u00a3106 million was spent in Uganda 2013, which works out at 1.06% of the total UK aid budget.** Though one of their priorities is stated as \"protecting the poorest and most vulnerable\" they don't appear to have any project specifically working on gay rights. \r\n\r\nBut, given the information shown in AidView above, looking at activities in Uganda in the Health sector also brings up some relevant aid projects, and we can see via DevTracker that **23.18% of the UK's aid budget to Uganda is spent on health**. A couple of projects appear in DevTracker that don't show up in AidView, such as [\"an Integrated Youth-Led HIV Prevention & Livelihood Project\"](\r\n\r\nLooking at the bigger picture briefly, the only project anywhere in the world funded by the UK government that appears to be supporting gay rights is the [\"Global Fund for Men who have sex with Men\"](, with a budget of nearly 1 million GBP, and the project description \"to contribute to ensuring equitable access to effective HIV prevention, care and treatment services tailored to the needs of gay men and other men who have sex with men\". Assuming the fund was active in areas of the world which might have homophobic laws in place, it sensibly has 'No Country Specified' so we don't know if the project has been active in Uganda. \r\n\r\n### Aid flows from the Netherlands\r\n\r\nThe Netherlands, alongside Denmark and Norway has also announced that they will be cutting aid. Looking at the Aid portal from the Netherlands, [](, we can see [a list of activities](, but unfortunately no totals or summaries of how much aid is spent. While there is also a \"sector filter\" - with much more detailed categories than the previous tools - the lack of functionality to see aggregated totals here means that it's not possible to see how much is spent in Uganda in total, nor by sector. \r\n\r\n### In conclusion\r\n\r\nUsing only IATI data tools, it's been fairly difficult to get an overall view of the aid flows into Uganda; AidView provides good summaries, but without time periods the data given is without context. To note, though, that AidView is still in prototype stage, so perhaps this feature will be coming later. Also, given that the data in IATI is not (yet!) covering all aid activities from all countries, it's difficult to know what conclusions can be drawn directly from the data provided - for example, US aid to Uganda didn't show up in AidView, giving the misleading impression that the UK was the biggest donor. \r\n\r\nIn fact, when trying to get an idea of aid flows to Uganda, the most convincing figure of **total amount of aid received by Uganda** was from a [PDF report]( produced by [Development Initiatives](, which states that **Uganda received US$1.6 billion in 2011, with the US as the largest funder**. In total, almost a third of Official Development Assistance (ODA) is spent on health. 75% of ODA spent on health is provided by the US, the UK, and the Global Fund; so here it's clear that the countries which have announced that they will be cutting aid aren't large contributors to health assistance within Uganda. \r\n\r\nThe amounts of aid declared by Norway and Denmark that will be withdrawn, which comes to a total of $17 million, is (taking the figure of what was received in 2011) just 1.06% of what Uganda receives in Official Development Assistance; too small then, to provide any real pressure upon the government. \r\n\r\nBut ODA as a whole forms a considerable 8.04% of the country's GDP, which stood at [$19.88 billion in 2012](; if, for example, the top 10 largest donors (who between them provide $1.4billion of the total $1.6 billion) were to decide to redirect or withhold aid flows to Uganda as a result of the law, the impact would be much higher. \r\n\r\nNo judgement is made on whether this decision would be the right one in terms of the effect on the Ugandan people, or as a pressure tool - this was simply an exercise in seeing what could be found out from data available online about Ugandan aid flows. \r\n", "category": 11, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "Diving into Ugandan aid data", "pubdate": "2014-02-26T08:18:42", "title": "The effect of human rights abuses on aid policy decisions", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-04-30T08:19:41.960", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:19:41.960", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [], "authors": [1], "summary": "Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni, recently signed a bill that imposes harsh penalities for \"homosexual offences\", using the terms \"mercenaries\" and \"prostitutes\" to describe gay people. His [homophobic comments](, as well as those from his cabinet, have been met with international contempt, with Barack Obama warning that US-Uganda ties may be damaged, [Norway announcing that they will be withholding $8m in development aid, Denmark diverting $9m away from the government]( towards private sector initiatives, aid agencies and rights organisations, and [the Netherlands also announcing that they will be witholding aid.](", "slug": "effect-human-rights-abuses-aid-policy-decisions", "people": []}}, {"pk": 6, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "To begin with, work around the toolkit will be focused on **aid data**, primarily because of the existing range of data, tools and training materials that already exist, thanks to IATI. We're conscious though, that within the IATI ecosystem, there are many potential actors that we could focus on - large donor publishers, small NGO publishers, civil society groups in low-income countries, citizens from aid-donor countries, or aid-receiving countries... the list is almost endless. To avoid the risk of trying to cater to too many audiences, we're going to focus on the specific target audience of **civil society and journalists in aid-receiving countries** - ie. the data-user side, rather than the data-producer side. \r\n\r\nOur reasoning behind this is that civil society and journalists - or, 'infomediaries' are well placed to disseminate information that they acquire to wider society, and, especially within aid-receiving countries, their needs have been under-prioritised in the past. In addition, most of the current IATI tools produced have been done by data-producers, ie. donor agencies, rather than starting from the viewpoint of the data user. Because of this, there are few materials out there in the public sphere that meet their needs - starting from questions that people in aid-receiving countries might have, and presenting the information in a user-friendly and accessible way, for example.\r\n\r\nInitially, we're collecting information on all of the **existing** tools out there that help people use and consume IATI data, and here, we're hoping to have your input. Whether you've been involved in creating the tool or portal personally, or whether you have simply used it, we'd love to hear from you - what features would you like to see on the tool? Do you know who created it, or what status it's currently at? We look forward to seeing your contributions to this [Online IATI Tools]( page. \r\n\r\nWe're gathering this information on a [static toolkit page](, and in the very near future we'll be working with [School of Data]( to produce a dynamic showroom of tools, which will show the appropriate tool depending on user needs - eg. I want to know how much money is spent on maternal health issues in country X.\r\n\r\nWe'll also be working with [School of Data]( to produce a first iteration of an Aid Curriculum, which will be in a similar style like [their other courses]( This will be drawing upon some great material that has been produced by a number of organisations and institutions within the field already, and collating it into an easy to understand, modular curriculum - thanks all for sharing your material, and if there's any more out there, we'd love to have your contributions! Among all this is the core aim of **reducing duplication** within the field of open development, via sharing materials, reusing and remixing, and building upon the great work that has already happened, so please [send across anything you have that might be of use](mailto:[email protected]). \r\n\r\nOnce the initial curriculum modules have been written, they'll also be accessible through the same 'showroom' as mentioned above for the tools, with the aim of making it as easy as possible for the user to find both the required tool, and supporting material to help them use it to its full potential. \r\n\r\nWe imagine that within the activities mentioned above, some gaps will start to appear - both in user needs not being entirely fulfilled through existing tools, and with supporting documentation, and that's where we'll be focusing our work on in the next phase of the project.\r\n\r\nWe're also keen to curate materials more widely within the open development sphere - we've started an [Open Development reading list]( and contributions to this are increasing everyday via [this etherpad](, and we're collecting up people's favourite examples of how development data has been put to use online via [this etherpad](, which will soon be up on the site too. \r\n\r\n**How you can get involved:** As well as contributing to the resource-curating above, we'd love to have your input on existing tools - please check out the [current list of Online IATI Tools]( and contribute where you can. As always - any questions, suggestions or hints of what else we might be missing, email Zara on [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). \r\n\r\nThanks to everyone who has got in touch or contributed so far - it's been amazing to see the power of the open development community just within these first few weeks!", "category": 12, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "Find out what we've been up to so far... ", "pubdate": "2014-02-21T08:21:06", "title": "Open Development Toolkit - February update", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-04-30T08:22:07.296", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:22:07.296", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [], "authors": [1], "summary": "We've been hard at work consolidating notes from the [IATI TAG](, speaking to many of you within the open development community, and as a result, and we have some plans for the next couple of months that we wanted to share, including the new [Online IATI tools]( page! ", "slug": "open-development-toolkit-february-update", "people": []}}, {"pk": 7, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "Within the area of humanitarian data, the data that is most readily available is that surrounding funding. This means that, for lack of more accurate data (or a more accurate way to measure this), the level of assistance provided (ie. what people receive) is measured in terms of funding provided; as stated in the report, \u201cthere is currently no standardised reporting on the services provided or their impact \u2013 especially over the long term.\u201d \r\n\r\nThis way of considering funding to a country to be an accurate measurement of the benefits that people are receiving is, as they admit numerous times, incredibly flawed; there's no way to know whether the money is going to the places and people who need it the most, how this money is used within communities, and (if it is, at least on a high level, arriving to the countries most in need) \u2013 whether the funds are actually having a positive impact on their lives. \r\n\r\nThe variety of sources providing international humanitarian assistance was also interesting. While the total level of Official Development Assistance came to 26 billion USD (within humanitarian assistance only) \u2013 the total amount of remittances was almost double this, at 51 billion USD. Remittances to low and lower-middle income countries has increased four-fold over the past decade, and yet this is an area which doesn't receive much focus within the international sphere. Exceptions \u2013 such as when [Barclays decided to close a number of accounts in Somalia]( \u2013 exist, of course, though these have tended to be peaks of international activity around major news items, rather than a longer term focus. \r\n\r\nAs mentioned, the technical limits of humanitarian data are highlighted throughout; a lack of common data standards or protocol between humanitarian organisations limits the extent to which organisations can share their information, presuming that they would want to. Potential problems in terms of sharing data were also highlighted \u2013 political, as well as practical conditions have to be taken into account given the chaotic nature of crises, and some actors might not be able or willing to share information that they collect (whether that be for political or security reasons).\r\n\r\nThe report mentioned that appeals for funding were, on average, just 62% funded by the end of the year, but with no mention of the decision-making process that feeds into this. For example, in 2012, Liberia was the worst funded appeal (receiving 38% of what was requested) and Zimbabwe was the best funded (88%). It would be interesting to investigate if there were any media correlations in this trend; ie. did Zimbabwe feature more heavily than Liberia in international media, raising awareness internationally and potentially resulting in a better funding response? \r\n\r\nThere were also some frank admissions within the report:\r\n\r\n<blockquote>\u201cAt the global level, we do not fully understand the relationship between what people need and the assistance they eventually get, which also depends on what resources are available, how they are prioritized by donors and aid organizations, and how effective assistance programmes are.\"</blockquote>\r\n\r\n<img src=\"/img/sahel_graph.png\" alt=\"graph of sahel data\">\r\nAnother admission came illustrated with this graph of assistance levels provided to the Sahel\r\n along with levels of malnutrition: despite levels of official development assistance peaking hugely in 2006, it's unclear whether this had a direct affect upon levels of malnutrition in the country, and levels of undernourishment have continued to decline at a steady rate, despite (or because of?) aid flows. \r\n\r\nThe solution suggested here: \r\n\r\n<blockquote>In particular, the model of short term responses to recurrent crises has not led to long term improvements for affected people. Moving to an approach where humanitarian and development sectors work together to provide better-targeted aid that can build the resilience of vulnerable communities to climate and other shocks is a promising alternative.</blockquote> \r\n\r\nThis suggestion was further backed up by the fact that half of the funds within humanitarian aid were used to provide food; ie. an unsustainable (but urgently needed) form of aid, clearly focused on emergency response. The report also stated that less than 1% of development funding is spent on \u201ccrisis preparedness and prevention\u201d, highlighting a lack of strategy coordination between development funds and humanitarian aid funds. \r\n\r\nThis is the theme that resonated the most for me throughout; the need for international development and humanitarian aid to connect more over their activities, to ensure the best possible outcome for those in need of aid of all kinds. This sharing and collaboration between humanitarian and development actors over both long term and short term strategies and activities \u2013 who are often working in the same countries \u2013 is essential, and technology and open data should, at least in theory, help us towards that goal. \r\n", "category": 13, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "A review of the new World Humanitarian Data and Trends report", "pubdate": "2014-02-18T08:23:03", "title": "World Humanitarian Data and Trends, 2013 report", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-04-30T08:24:07.079", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:24:07.079", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [], "authors": [1], "summary": "The United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) recently released a new report, [\u201cWorld Humanitarian Data and Trends 2013\u201d]( The report highlights the limits of the data included from the very beginning, but despite this, there are some interesting conclusions and points mentioned throughout.", "slug": "world-humanitarian-data-and-trends-2013-report", "people": []}}, {"pk": 8, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "In the \u2018Aid Development Sector\u2019, there is a little buzz going around about the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard, which sets guidelines for publishing aid data. So data is stored and published in machine-readable format so that it's easier to find, use and compare.\r\n\r\nBut what does this data look like, and how can you visualise it?\r\n\r\nProject information published in the IATI standard is in XML format, which looks like this\r\n\r\n<img src=\"\" align=\"right\"> Which is really cool for, lets say, \u201cgeeks\u201d.\r\n\r\nI, with limited technical knowledge (I know some cool Excel tricks and always like to think I have some computer skills), have to admit that I am a [noob]( when it comes to coding. I can read the IATI XML, because I know how it is built up, but play around with it and make my own visualizations? These are skills I lack.\r\n\r\nJohn Adams (DFID) wrote [a great blog]( about visualising an IATI XML file with the use of three tools. But a warning: technical skills required! If you have a more than average knowledge of data, I would definitely recommend you read the blog and check out these tools.\r\n\r\nIf you\u2019re like me, and your technical skills aren\u2019t up to that level (yet) there is an increasing number of visualisation tools for IATI data available, where you can just have a browse around the data in a \u2018non-geek\u2019 friendly matter.\r\n\r\n<em>But how do you find these visualizations?</em>\r\n\r\nThe [IATI registry]( gives you a link to a few applications using IATI data, but definitely not to all. Below is a list of the ones I found browsing the Internet, and working with Open Data and IATI in my work for [Akvo]( and [Open for Change]( There are probably more, and I'd love it if you\u2019ll add them as a comment, so we can get a more complete list.\r\nI will just list them and not give my opinion about them, because I feel you should explore it yourself, and that it is something for a different blog.\r\n\r\n### Country/org Portals using IATI data\r\n\r\n* []( \u2013 Visualising the Dutch IATI data set. And piloting on combining IATI data with Akvo Really Simple Reporting projects (RSR) to give more in depth project information.\r\n* [DFID development tracker]( \u2013 Visualising the IATI set for the UK, plus visualising other data sets, like DFID's annual report.\r\n* []( \u2013 Visualising the Swedish IATI set and combining it with historic data from OECD DAC and country information.\r\n* [UNDP Open Aid Data Portal]( - shows UNDP IATI data.\r\n* [Open UN-Habitat](, visualising IATI data from UN-Habitat and displaying city prosperity and indicators historically and in forward looking contexts (to 2050).\r\nBrowse trough all published IATI sets\r\n* [IATI explorer]( \u2013 Browse through all published IATI data.\r\n* [Open Aid Search]( \u2013 View all published IATI data on a map, and filter and search it.\r\n* [Aidview]( \u2013 Filter through the published IATI data by sector, organisation or country.\r\n* [Aidinfo flow]( \u2013 Relative distribution of total transaction value across each country is shown on a map\r\n* [IATI: Benfords Law]( - Use Benfords Law to analyze published IATI Data sets.\r\n* [Transparency tracker]( - Check out what information organisations have published in the IATI standard and what the rest of their IATI roadmap holds \r\n* [Open Spending]( \u2013 IATI data visualized in a tree map.\r\n\r\nBut Open Development Data is not only about IATI. It is part of a bigger broader transparency movement around Open Development, which also includes open source software, sharing knowledge, open organizations, open contracts etc. Each plays a role in making development aid more transparent and can increase accountability, efficiency and effectiveness.\r\n\r\nThat\u2019s why I want to list some other great and inspirational visualization tools using this Open Development data. To show that IATI is only a part of a bigger and broader movement.\r\n\r\n### Other Open Aid data visualizations, not using IATI data:\r\n\r\n* [Aid data Chinese finance to Africa]( - Here you can track Chinese Development Finance to Africa.\r\n* [Openaid map]( \u2013 Maps made by the Open Aid Partnership, visualising the geography of aid in Bolivia, Kenya, Malawi, Moldova and Nepal.\r\n* [Mapping4results]( - visualizes the locations of World Bank-financed projects.\r\n* [Go Three60]( \u2013 Developed by AmLab, Three60 shows how development aid works on every level from global to grassroots in a test case on maternal health in Uganda.\r\n* [Aidflows]( \u2013 Here you can search through OECD data.\r\n* [German Open Aid Data portal]( \u2013 Here you can see where German development money is being spent.\r\n\r\nJosje Spierings is Project Coordinator at Akvo and works on Events and Communications for Open for Change\r\nTwitter: [@JosjeSpierings](", "category": 11, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "What can we do with IATI data? ", "pubdate": "2014-02-14T08:29:23", "title": "Visualising IATI data for technical newbies", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-04-30T08:31:16.693", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:31:16.693", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [9], "authors": [10], "summary": "<em>This blog, written by Josje Spierings, first appeared on [Open for Change's blog]( last August; many of the tools mentioned here are still relevant, and we like it as an introduction to the wide variety of IATI tools out there!</em>", "slug": "visualising-iati-data-technical-newbies", "people": []}}, {"pk": 9, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "A lot, actually. There have been multiple occasions when mass surveillance and data collection have played key roles in facilitating humanitarian crises, including genocides. In addition, as has been covered comprehensively in Privacy International's report, [\"Aiding Privacy\"](, aid organisations are now some of the biggest data collectors among the world's most vulnerable communities. Aid agencies are also supporting and funding data collection schemes which have in some cases been knocked back in their home countries; such as [USAID funding the \"My ID My Life\" campaign in Kenya]( in 2013, which provided national ID cards for 500,000 young people. \r\n\r\nThe debate around the ethics of data collection in international development is ongoing with groups such as [the engine room](, [Privacy International](, [Aspiration Tech](, [the Open Knowledge Foundation](, and researchers around the world; see the [Responsible Data Forum]( series of events for more information. \r\n\r\nTo make really clear the link between surveillance and mass human rights' abuses, and to highlight some of humanity's worst examples of what can happen with mass surveillance, lack of freedom of expression, and abuse of data, here are a couple of examples. \r\n\r\n###The Rwandan genocide\r\n\r\nDuring the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, ID cards identifying people by their so-called \"ethnic group\" served, for some, as an effective death sentence. Including \"ethnic group identities\" on ID cards introduced in 1993 by the Belgian colonial government not only brought the very idea of rigid racial group identities to the fore, but it also [\"facilitated the identification of victims\"]( and meant that the genocide took place in a terrifyingly systematic and organised way. \r\n\r\nMore information: [Ten years ago in Rwanda this Identity Card cost a woman her life](, by Prevent Genocide \r\n\r\n###Institutionalised discrimination towards asylum seekers in Bangladesh\r\n\r\nThe introduction of ID cards in Bangladesh could be blocking millions of Rohingya asylum seekers from receiving basic human rights; access to education, to food, and basic public services. There are over 200,000 Rohingya asylum seekers who are not eligible for identification cards given to recognised Bengali nationals. The cards also make carrying out 'unofficial' work increasingly difficult for unregistered Rohingyas, thus diminishing their already meagre opportunities to earn money.\r\n\r\nMore information: [\"New ID card policy could hit Rohingya asylum-seekers\"]( by IRIN News ; [No respite for Rohingya in Bangladesh, Al Jazeera English](\r\n\r\n###Data-gathering in the Netherlands prior to the Holocaust\r\n\r\nPrior to Nazi occupation, in the Netherlands, a [\"comprehensive population registration system for administrative and statistical purposes\"]( had already been completed. During Nazi occupation, this structure, aimed at following people \"from cradle to grave\" (see previous reference), was then adapted to create special registration systems covering Jewish and Roma populations within the Netherlands, and [\"played an important role in the[ir] apprehension\"]( Evidence of how \"effective\" this method was can perhaps be seen in the statistics - at a terrible 73%, Dutch Jews had the highest death rate among all other occupied western European countries. As comparison, the death rate among the Jewish population in Belgium was 40% and in France, 25%. \r\n\r\nMore information: [The Dark Side of Numbers: The Role of Population Data Systems in Human Rights Abuses, by William Seltzer and Margo Anderson](\r\n\r\n###IBM and the Holocaust\r\n\r\n<blockquote>\"\"The government of our F\u00fchrer and Reichschancellor Adolf Hitler is statistics-friendly,\" wrote Zahn in Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv (ASA), the official journal of the German Statistical Society\"</blockquote>\r\n\r\n[Source: Gizmodo, \"How IBM Technology Jump Started the Holocaust\"](\r\n\r\nSystems to identify Jews on a large scale played a key role in the Holocaust, and the development of punch card technology facilited automation - and thus speed - of collection of this data. Statistical publications released from Germany throughout this period, with titles such as \"Development of German Population Statistics through Genetic-Biological Stock-Taking\" and \"The Position of Statistics in the New Reich\" give perhaps an idea of the importance given to statistics as a facilitating factor to the Holocaust. \r\n\r\nMore information: [Gizmodo, \"How IBM Technology Jump Started the Holocaust\"](\r\n\r\n###Internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II\r\n\r\nAfter decades of denial, it was revealed just a few years ago that during World War II, the U.S. Census Bureau provided the U.S. Secret Service with data from the 1940 census to identify people of Japanese ancestry, [\"to assist in the roundup of Japanese-Americans for imprisonment in internment camps in California and six other states during the war.\"]( Researchers who revealed this say that the speed with which the data was released, just seven days after it was requested, lead them to [\"believe this was a well-established path\"](\r\n\r\nMore information: [Confirmed: The U.S. Census Bureau Gave Up Names of Japanese-Americans in WW II](\r\n\r\nFurther reading: [The Dark Side of Numbers: The Role of Population Data Systems in Human Rights Abuses, by William Seltzer and Margo Anderson](", "category": 14, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "On the role of mass surveillance in humanitarian crises across the world", "pubdate": "2014-02-11T08:33:08", "title": "The Day We Fight Back; the role of mass surveillance in humanitarian crises", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-04-30T08:34:26.366", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:34:26.366", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [], "authors": [1], "summary": "Today, February 11th, is [The Day We Fight Back](; a global online and offline protest against mass surveillance. It has been organised primarily as a protest against NSA surveillance - so, you might wonder, what does that have to do with Open Development data? ", "slug": "day-we-fight-back-role-mass-surveillance-humanitar", "people": []}}, {"pk": 10, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "nahi Ayala's Storify roundups give a great overall impression of the two days ([Day 1]( and [Day 2](; so rather than doing another round up here, we thought we'd look at some of the tools and resources which came up during the two days. \r\n\r\nIn terms of resources, a good place to begin is with the Challenge Hackpads, all of which are linked from the [appropriate section in the schedule]( In the 'background information' in each pad, there's a good selection of resources of information on the topic challenge; for example, [this list of Country Aid Management Systems]( from the Geocoded Aid Data challenge, or this [list of datasets around contracts](, linked from the [Open Contracting]( challenge. \r\n\r\n### Tools that were created (at least in part!)\r\n\r\n* [Organisation ID-a-tron]( - to help publishers of data to the [International Aid Transparency Initiative](, and related standards, to identify the Organisation Identifier they should use, based on the draft [Organisational Identifier Conventions](\r\n* [Aid Snapshot]( - this is a \"proof of concept\" tool to provide an easy to digest tool for people wanting to know, at a glance, what is going on with aid in their country. This tool just uses data from Bolivia.\r\n\r\n### Initiatives that were mentioned\r\n\r\n* [Domestic Reporting Standard Initiative](, aimed at helping grantmakers of all types work together more effectively, via establishing a shared standard to report their funding activities. \r\n* [Information and Networks]( - from IDRC, \"Promoting inclusive development in a networked world\"\r\n* Engineers Without Borders' [Failure Reports]( - a unique initiative collecting, celebrating and learning from failures from around the EWB community. \r\n\r\n### Tools that were used during the challenges\r\n\r\n* [OpenStreetMap]( open source and openly licensed map\r\n* [Tabula]( - to get structured data out of PDFs\r\n* [D3: Data Driven Documents]( - helping you 'bring data to life', by manipulating documents based on data \r\n* [Mozilla AppMaker]( - a \"simple way to create and share personal mobile apps, even if you don't know code.\"\r\n* [DataMaps]( - customizable map visualizations for the web in a single Javscript file using D3.js (see above!)\r\n* [BaseX]( useful tool to download and explore the data on the IATI Registry\r\n* [School of Data's Recommended Tools]( - including tools for extracting data, cleaning it, analysing, presenting and sharing. \r\n\r\nThe discussions that took place during the panels also brought up some interesting points; for example, around the ethics of collecting and using data in international development, especially around vulnerable communities, and the [potential implications](, and designing projects and open data initiatives based around user needs, rather than donor needs. \r\n\r\nIn all, there was a great mix of people attending the event - some who had never attended a hackathon before, and many who had rarely had the opportunity to work so closely with people coming from such different perspectives within the sector. All in all, a great success at bringing together the open aid community, and hopefully the first of many similar occasions! ", "category": 8, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "A report from last week's Open Data for Development Challenge, held in Montreal", "pubdate": "2014-02-04T08:34:26", "title": "Open Data for Development Challenge 2014", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-04-30T08:42:52.739", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:42:52.739", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [], "authors": [1], "summary": "</a>Last Monday and Tuesday saw a group of developers, policy makers, entrepreneurs and NGO workers come together in Montr\u00e9al for the Open Data for Development Challenge, hosted by [Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD)]( The event centred around a 36 hour \"codathon\" around various technical challenges, as well as a series of [panel discussions]( ", "slug": "open-data-development-challenge-2014", "people": []}}, {"pk": 16, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "<h3>1. Data that\u2019s open isn\u2019t the same as \u2018data that\u2019s easy to use\u2019</h3>\r\n\r\nFrom the \u2018buzz\u2019 generated around open data, one could assume that simply publishing open data is the same as opening a door to huge numbers of people accessing and using it. The reality is somewhat different and this is why aidinfolabs wanted to build AidView.\r\n\r\nIt was always understood by the team that opening up data, in this case IATI data on development finance, is only a first step towards allowing most people to engage with it.\r\n\r\nThe primary reason for creating AidView was therefore to lower the barrier to engagement with IATI data, as well as encourage other developers to experiment with building web-based tools and resources which make IATI data easier to access, use and understand.\r\n\r\nIt has been a valuable learning experience: creating AidView has meant <a title=\"Owen Barder - Dogfood and disruption\" href=\"\">\u201ceating our own dog food\u201d</a>. Our team now have a much better understanding of the complexities and quality of IATI data.\r\n\r\n<h3>2. On data-driven web apps, allow enough time for the backend</h3>\r\n\r\nThis project began with a focus on the design of the AidView web interface , with later attention being centred on the data itself. This is not a standard way to develop a data-driven web application, where often the back and front end are developed interactively, a little at a time. This allows each to influence the other while still being independent.\r\n\r\nAs <a href=\"\">last week\u2019s post illustrated</a> there are a number of stages that IATI data goes through before it can be presented in the AidView interface. At every stage, decisions are made.\r\n\r\nIf we think of building a website as a tiered architecture, layered from database to application to presentation on the user\u2019s computer, the data is the base on which the other tiers are built. So, while the different layers are independent of each other, having to revisit decisions later on about the base layer can be costly in time and resources.\r\n\r\nWhen using IATI data to build web applications, therefore, the golden rule is: Leave enough time for the back end! The data is complex and fiddly. You should expect to use plenty of time working on this. Then, think carefully before making significant decisions about the front end functionality before the back end is finished.\r\n\r\nFortunately, since the developers in this case had an excellent understanding of the IATI standard and the data structures, we were able to minimise the impact on the project timetable when changes had to be made, but this still cost us some extra effort.\r\n\r\n<h3>3. Managing open source projects needs sustained efforts on feedback and engagement</h3>\r\n\r\n<h4>Feedback</h4>\r\n\r\nIt is important to assess the quality of the data, and you need some IATI data experts to do this. You will probably need to build in some data cleaning routines to the project timeline. BUT also consider flagging up data quality issues and establishing feedback loops back to data providers.\r\n\r\nIf we in the open data community are to continue demanding open data from publishers, we need to also be prepared to support the cleaning and quality improvement process by passing on our feedback. This is the only way the quality will improve overall.\r\n\r\n<h4>Engagement</h4>\r\n\r\nIt has always been the intention that aidinfolabs would contribute to the IATI community by building a useful tool with AidView. The mechanisms we used were collaborative processes developed over time, for instance the <a title=\"IATI technical mailing list\" href=\"\">IATI technical mailing list</a> as a place for discussion of the versions of the standard, IATI data issues and tool development.\r\n\r\nHowever, although the code for both <a title=\"AidView DB\" href=\"\">AidView DB</a> and AidView is available, with support notes, on GitHub this has not lead to a significantly wider engagement with the tools or IATI data.\r\n\r\nWe have learnt that it takes more than just openness to get users engaged with trialing and improving a tool like this. Sustained effort needs to be put into actively encouraging wider community engagement.\r\n\r\n<h3>4. When you\u2019re working with open data, the project is never quite completed\u2026</h3>\r\n\r\nThe nature of working with the data as more and more IATI publishers come on board means a constantly evolving project. For example:\r\n\r\nAidView lets the user navigate through activities, filtering by Sector, Country and Organisation. This is logical and should make sense to a member of the public without any particular knowledge of IATI or development aid. But, the sheer number of IATI files now being published does mean that it is difficult to find a particular activity using AidView.\r\n\r\nIf you navigate by category you will see there are 37 of them presented in AidView. But drilling down to the next level you might be presented with a selection of up to 10,000 individual activities.\r\n\r\nThis will continue as more organisations publish their IATI data. This isn\u2019t a disaster: it is possible to filter by other criteria, and to search for phrases in activity files or using the IATI identifier itself.\r\n\r\nHowever it\u2019s probable that the aidinfolabs team will instead start looking at other applications which better utilise the much larger amounts of IATI data that are now available, compared to when we started. Of course, in the wider scheme of things this is a great problem to be faced with.\r\n\r\n<h3>5. Now we can build usable web apps with IATI data \u2013 so let\u2019s get started</h3>\r\n\r\nWe developed AidView as a proof of concept: to understand the challenges, learn lessons, and show what can be achieved. There are others that have done the same, such as <a title=\"OIPA - Open Aid Search\" href=\"\">OIPA's Open Aid Search</a>\u00a0which have made a big contribution to this learning phase. This series of posts has attempted to chart this learning and share the lessons.\r\n", "category": 16, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "Looking at the lessons learned from building AidView", "pubdate": "2013-11-29T01:49:46", "title": "Five lessons for building IATI based apps", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "img/uploads/article_images/Screen_Shot_2014-05-22_at_11.21.51_1.png", "created": "2014-05-22T01:55:06.045", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-22T02:35:11.448", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [6, 17], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [2], "authors": [13], "summary": "Over the last three weeks we have looked at the background to the <a title=\"aidView\" href=\"\">AidView project</a>, its development and how other people and organisations could build tools from <a title=\"IATI Standard\" href=\"\">IATI data</a>. This week we are looking at the lessons we\u2019ve learnt along the way.", "slug": "five-lessons-building-iati-based-apps", "people": []}}, {"pk": 17, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "As shown in the diagram above, donor organisations publish <strong>IATI activity data</strong> on their own sites. This is then recorded and tracked by the <a title=\"IATI Registry\" href=\"\"><strong>IATI Registry</strong></a>. Data repositories, such as the <strong>AidView DB</strong> and the <strong>IATI Datastore</strong> use the registry to locate the <strong>IATI Activity Data</strong> published on the web. These raw data files are then loaded into their applications and made available, through APIs, to be queried or to provide the data that runs applications such as the <strong>AidView web application</strong>.\r\n\r\n<h3>Organisations publishing on their own sites</h3>\r\nIATI is a technical publishing framework and as such it doesn\u2019t host donor organisations\u2019 data for them. Instead, each organisation publishes their IATI data, in XML format, on their own webspace. It\u2019s possible to go straight to this raw data and make use of it.\r\n\r\nFor example, the UK\u2019s<a title=\"UK Department For International Development\" href=\"\"> Department for International Development (DfID)</a> have used IATI files from the government and its partners to create their own <a title=\"DFID's Development Tracker\" href=\"\">Development Tracker</a>. This demonstrates the benefit of organisations using their own IATI data to provide information to the public about the development activities they are funding.\r\n\r\nDfID are also using their Development Tracker to start tracing the aid flows from the original funder through to its ultimate beneficiaries. It\u2019s an ambitious, although achievable, aim and they have used the <a title=\"Global Poverty Action Fund traceability example\" href=\"\">Global Poverty Action Fund</a> as an example to <a title=\"About the DFID DevTracker\" href=\"\">\u201cprove the concept that aid can be traced through the aid delivery chain using open data\u201d</a>.\r\n\r\n<h4>Pros for developers:</h4>\r\nGoing straight to the source of an organisation\u2019s data is often an appealing option for those within the organisation itself. Users would then have autonomy over the technical decisions about how to use the data.\r\n\r\n<h4>Cons:</h4>\r\nBecause this means accessing the raw data there is a relatively high barrier to use.\r\n\r\n<h3>The IATI Registry</h3>\r\n<a title=\"IATI Registry\" href=\"\">The IATI Registry is \u201cthe place to find IATI raw data in XML format\u201d</a>. It currently holds a catalogue of the 195 organisations that have published their development data to the IATI Standard. It doesn\u2019t store the data itself, instead it provides \u201ca searchable index of metadata, feeds, and links to datasets hosted by donor agencies, development organisations and partner countries.\u201d\r\n\r\nIf you wanted to create your own database of IATI data to build your own tools from, this would be the best place to start.\r\n\r\nOne project that does this is <a title=\"Open Aid Search\" href=\"\">OpenAidSearch</a>, built by <a title=\"AKVO\" href=\"\">AKVO</a>. It uses the IATI Registry to discover where IATI files are located across the web, imports them into an SQL database and provides a searchable interface.\r\n\r\nSo, although the developers access the data in raw XML format they choose to store it in a relational database. This is an example of what we mean by being able to make technical decisions about how the data are used.\r\n\r\n<h4>Pros for developers: </h4>\r\nUsing the IATI Registry has the advantage of ensuring that you are kept up to date with all IATI activity files, including updates from existing publishers and notifications of new ones. Technical decisions about how data is used are maintained.\r\n\r\n<h4>Cons:</h4>\r\nRaw XML data is still accessed and so a relatively high barrier to entry exists.\r\n\r\n<h3>The IATI Datastore</h3>\r\n<a title=\"IATI Datastore\" href=\"\">The IATI Datastore</a> uses the IATI Registry to locate IATI files and pulls them into a single database. It then provides an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows developers to build their own applications from IATI data without having to create their own datastores.\r\n\r\n<h4>Pros for developers:</h4>\r\nUsing the IATI Datastore API means that you are provided with pre-processed IATI data in a variety of data formats - XML, JSON and CSV. This gives a much lower barrier to entry.\r\n\r\n<h4>Cons:</h4>\r\nDevelopers have less control over the technical decisions of data use.\r\n\r\n<h3>The AidView DB</h3>\r\n<a title=\"The AidView DB\" href=\"\">The AidView DB</a> uses the IATI Registry to track up to date IATI data files. It reads them all into the one eXist datastore, holding them in their native XML format. As well as providing a faceted browser for organisation and activity files it also has a query API.\r\n\r\nAidView DB also enhances and augments IATI data files. For instance, <a title=\"Open Circe\" href=\"\">Open Circe</a> uses services such as <a title=\"Open Corporates\" href=\"\">OpenCorporates</a> to extend the organisation identifier with the name of the organisation and other relevant information. There is a currency converter that converts the monetary values in IATI files to a common US dollar value. Aggregated activities are also provided.\r\n\r\nIt is this API that AidView uses. It is also available for anybody else to build web applications with. As well as providing access to IATI data through the API, <a title=\"AidView DB on Github\" href=\"\">the original code is hosted on GitHub</a>, enabling developers to create their own AidView DB instance if they wish.\r\n\r\n<h4>Pros for developers:</h4>\r\nUsing the API means that you are provided with pre-processed IATI data and a choice of either XML or JSON formats. As with the IATI Datastore this gives a much lower barrier to entry.\r\n\r\n<h4>Cons:</h4>\r\nYou would have less control over the technical decisions of how the data is used.\r\n\r\n<h3>The AidView Web Application</h3>\r\n<a title=\"White October\" href=\"\">White October</a> used the AidView DB API to create the AidView web application. It is an <a title=\"Heroku\" href=\"\">Heroku hosted</a> web application built using the Node.js platform. This web application is the end product of the AidView project.\r\n\r\nIt provides a simple user interface that allows the user to browse and view that data and is aimed at being used by anyone who is interested in accessing aid information in an easily understandable format. The idea is to remove barriers for use and understanding of IATI data.\r\n\r\nThe Aidview web application code, along with instructions for implementing and some support notes, <a title=\"AidView web application code on GitHub\" href=\"\">is also hosted on GitHub</a> and as such it is possible for developers and others to download and implement on their own web servers. As well as replicating the existing AidView app this opens the possibility of adapting AidView for different uses.\r\n\r\nFor instance, the Canada International Development Agency (CIDA) enquired about setting up a version to show only their own organisation\u2019s IATI data. The ability to visualise a single organisation\u2019s IATI data is a facility that we hope to provide in the future.\r\n\r\n<h4>Pros: Not for developers, for anyone!</h4>\r\nThis is the lowest barrier to entry for anybody wanting to access and use IATI data and view it in a simpler, more usable form. This is most useful for those who wish to view at-a-glance information, or create reports using IATI data. Nearly all of the technical and software development decisions are made for you at this point.\r\n\r\n<h4>Cons: </h4>\r\nThere is less scope for developing something distinct from the AidView application itself. Some expertise is required to install the web application on your own site.\r\n\r\nAs shown in previous blogs, the modular way in which a web-based application is constructed means that there are numerous options for somebody wishing to create their own application, or host a different version of an existing one.\r\n\r\nIf this has whet your appetite for creating something using IATI data then you might want to <a href=\"\">sign up to the IATI technical mailing list</a>.\r\n\r\nNext week we will conclude our series on AidView by talking about some of the lessons that have been learnt through doing the project.", "category": 16, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "Examining the different stages that IATI data goes through before it is presented in the AidView web application", "pubdate": "2013-11-21T02:02:44", "title": "Building applications with IATI data", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "img/uploads/article_images/AidViewFlowv2_1.png", "created": "2014-05-22T02:14:18.893", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-22T02:23:18.567", "image_caption": "The flow of data through the AidView eco-system", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [6, 17], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [2], "authors": [13], "summary": "In last week\u2019s post we looked at the process that aidinfo went through when creating the <a title=\"AidView DB\" href=\"\">AidView database</a> and <a title=\"AidView web application\" href=\"\">AidView web application</a>. This week we are going to examine the different stages that IATI data goes through before it is presented in the AidView web application, to explain how the application works. We also explore the pros and cons for developers who might want to work with the data at any of these points.", "slug": "building-applications-iati-data", "people": []}}, {"pk": 13, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "<h3>Who are the users?</h3>\r\n<p dir=\"ltr\">The project starting by creating <a title=\"Blog post describing Open Personae\" href=\"\">open personae</a>. These consist of an imagined group of potential users alongside a description of what their behaviours and goals might be when using AidView. These helped to inform the early design discussions and the resulting presentation below is very close to what was ultimately developed.</p>\r\n\r\n<iframe src=\"\" width=\"427\" height=\"356\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" style=\"border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px 1px 0; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;\" allowfullscreen> </iframe> \r\n\r\n<h3>The project team</h3>\r\n<a title=\"Tim Davies blog\" href=\"\">Tim Davies</a> from <a title=\"Practical Participation\" href=\"\">Practical Participation</a> had been developing some of the technical tools that formed the <a title=\"Wiki on IATI website listing tools\" href=\"\">IATI Toolkit</a> and helped to coordinate AidView to promote take up of the <a title=\"IATI Standard\" href=\"\">IATI Standard</a> and data.\r\n\r\n<a title=\"Kit Wallace: The Wallace Line\" href=\"\">Kit Wallace</a>, an XML and <a title=\"eXist DB\" href=\"\">eXist database</a> expert, created the back-end <a title=\"AidView DB\" href=\"\">AidView-DB</a>, which collects data from the IATI registry and provides an Application Programming Interface (API).\r\n<a title=\"White October\" href=\"\">White October</a>, a software development company specialising in websites and mobile applications, built the front end using Kit\u2019s API to drive the web-based user interface for the AidView app.\r\n\r\n<h3>Separating the back and front end</h3>\r\nIt is good practice when developing software for the web to separate the user interface from the data and this was part of the architecture when developing AidView. The AidView DB holds the data and a service through its API that can be used to support multiple front ends. We will describe this structure in more detail next week.\r\n\r\n<h3>The backend</h3>\r\neXist was chosen as the technology to hold the data as it is designed to hold native XML documents, and this means there is no need to convert between data formats, a process susceptible to a loss of information.\r\n\r\nKit\u2019s development of the back-end AidView-DB highlighted many complexities. The IATI standard was deliberately specified in a very flexible way, with few constraints placed upon the data. This made the job of data publishers easier, something that was important in order for the nascent IATI standard to be adopted by organisations, but it made consuming that data a lot more difficult.\r\n\r\nIATI data gains value when they are aggregated, but issues with data quality can make this difficult. This is especially true when so many organisations are publishing data that has always been understood in an internal context on the web for a wider community of users.\r\n\r\n<h3>Validation and data cleaning</h3>\r\n\r\nTo handle the data quality issues, Kit wrote a validation tool to check the data before it was imported into the AidView DB. In some cases routines were developed to clean the data before it was imported, but in more severe cases, mechanisms were developed to support publishing organisations to improve the data on publication.\r\n\r\nAs well as helping to resolve data quality issues there were a number of tools developed to enhance the AidView-DB datastore. Open Circe is an example of one of these tools, which extended one of Kit\u2019s pre-existing projects. It is a service for resolving Organisation Identifiers and as such has much wider potential use than just the AidView development.\r\n\r\n</h3>Front end interface design</h3>\r\nThe initial focus on design suited White October\u2019s strengths. Anthony Glass, their lead on the project, said that they had been excited by the cool and interesting ideas that the AidInfoLabs team had in mind. They were also attracted to the challenge of turning data of such size and complexity into a tool that could provide useful information about aid.\r\n\r\nThere was a definite challenge for White October as their brief was to create something that was both attractive and visually\u00a0distinctive while being accessible to non-technical users. Ease of use is strongly linked to using interfaces that people are familiar with and this needed to be balanced against the requirement to stand out.\r\n\r\nThe team produced an interface that uses bubbles to represent activities, or aggregated activities. It differentiates them by colour and also uses their size to illustrate the amount of money in aid that lies behind them. Users can browse by Sector, Country and Organisation as well as viewing individual development project files with graphs and charts to aid understanding.\r\n\r\nFurther into the project we were able to improve the importation process into AidView-DB, although developing an automated import has proven to be problematic. Challenges have included inconsistency in notifications from the registry about new or updated files and\u00a0organisations having variable data quality. These difficulties have been mitigated for as knowledge and experience has built up although active monitoring is still necessary during the import process.\r\n\r\nThe second iteration of AidView also: expanded the number of fields to include all of IATI\u2019s data elements in it; included a data export function; and is now compatible with most modern browsers and includes financial breakdowns in graph and tabular form.\r\n\r\nThis has meant that what was originally a development based on a one-time advocacy opportunity, and available only on iPad, is now a more comprehensive web application. It has its limitations and issues, which we\u2019ll explore more in the fourth part of the series, but it\u2019s existence represents a significant technical and organisational achievement.\r\n\r\nNext week we will look at the structure of the AidView eco-system, go into some greater technical detail and suggest how people may reuse the work that has been done to create their own IATI projects.\r\n\r\n", "category": 16, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "Looking at the process that we went through in creating the first version of AidView", "pubdate": "2013-11-15T08:46:43", "title": "Developing AidView", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "img/uploads/article_images/Screen_Shot_2014-05-21_at_17.50.03.png", "created": "2014-05-21T08:51:07.032", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-22T01:49:16.570", "image_caption": "Screenshot of AidView bubbles- country view", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [6], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [2], "authors": [13], "summary": "<p dir=\"ltr\">Last week we looked at some of the background to the <a title=\"AidView\" href=\"\">AidView</a> project. This week we are going to describe the process that we went through in creating both the first version of AidView, in time for <a title=\"Report from Fourth High Level Forum On Aid Effectiveness, Busan [pdf]\" href=\"\">Busan in November 2011</a>\u00a0[pdf], and the current version.</p>", "slug": "developing-aidview", "people": []}}, {"pk": 14, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "<h3>Background to AidView Development</h3>\r\n\r\nIATI was launched in September 2008 in Accra, Ghana. Over the following 3 years the IATI standard data format was agreed, the first organisations began publishing their data and a range of tools were produced to help people to produce, process and understand the data.\r\n\r\nCentral to this is the <a title=\"IATI tools listed on the IATI Standard wiki\" href=\"\">IATI Toolkit</a>, which then primarily consisted of a series of productivity tools to help technically proficient users to manipulate IATI data. This work had been supported by AidInfo as part of their role to provide technical support to IATI. Additionally, organisations such as <a title=\"Publish What You Fund\" href=\"\">Publish What You Fund</a>, <a title=\"Young Innovations - Nepal\" href=\"\">Young Innovations from Nepal</a> and <a title=\"AKVO\" href=\"\">Dutch non-profit organisation AKVO</a> were creating their own tools to support IATI.\r\n\r\nIn advance of the <a title=\"Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan (2011)\" href=\"\">Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan</a> (2011) it was felt that there was a need for an application that could demonstrate the potential of publishing IATI data to a non-technical audience. As <a title=\"Tim Davies\" href=\"\">Tim Davies</a>, who project managed the initial development, said \u201cThere was a desire to show that IATI was more exciting than a load of XML documents scattered across the World Wide Web\u201d.\r\n\r\nBecause of this, the brief for the first release of AidView was to create an iPad app that was distinctive in design and that lowered the barrier to practical use of IATI data.\r\n\r\nThe Busan meeting presented a short-term advocacy need, but there was also a strong desire from within the team at AidInfo to use the opportunity to \u201ceat our own dog food\u201d when developing AidView. The reasons for doing this were described as threefold by Simon Parrish from <a title=\"Development Initiatives\" href=\"\">Development Initiatives</a>:\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>to gain a deeper understanding of IATI data and what it could describe</li>\r\n\t<li>to get some experience and knowledge about how to create software projects such as AidView</li>\r\n\t<li>to contribute to the community by creating a useful tool</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nThe challenges this presented were both technical and organisational.\r\n\r\n<h3>Technical challenges</h3>\r\n\r\nIATI data is published across the web, on donor organisations\u2019 individual websites. This is tracked by the <a title=\"IATI Registry\" href=\"\">IATI Registry</a>, which holds a catalogue of the data published and links to the data files.\r\n\r\nTo create AidView there needed to be a single place, a datastore, that brought these IATI data files into one place, processed them and made them available to be reused. They then needed to be consumed by a web application that created the \u201cwhizzy\u201d app for Busan.\r\n\r\nBoth of these parts of the IATI eco-system would be created as part of the AidView project.\r\n\r\n<h3>Organisational challenges</h3>\r\n\r\nIATI is a voluntary, opt-in initiative; it does not create interfaces. Correspondingly, AidInfo is a programme that uses research and analysis to inform decisions that deliver more effective use of resources to benefit people in poverty everywhere. As such, it is not a software house.\r\n\r\nSo, in order to deliver the AidView project it was necessary for AidInfo to work with a number of people on a consultancy basis to help them deliver the technical solution. This consisted of a loosely constituted team working across wide geographic boundaries within the UK.\r\n\r\n<h3>What were the objectives?</h3>\r\n\r\nAs well as making the most of the opportunity to show a lot of influential people the potential of IATI at Busan, there were some medium and long term objectives behind the AidView project.\r\n\r\nThere was a desire to donate something useful to the emerging community of activists, donor and developing countries, civil society organisations and the other experts that had been forming around IATI. The intention was to make AidView an open source, open data project that could be used and reused by this wider community.\r\n\r\nAlso, AidInfo wanted to stimulate the marketplace in building user-focused tools and applications from IATI data. By demonstrating what was possible and by being open and communicative about how it was done it was hoped that other useful tools would be built. This series of blog posts, as well as being a reflection on lessons learnt, is also a contribution towards that openness of process.\r\n\r\nHaving covered this background to the work, next week we will look at what was done and how the AidView project came together.", "category": 16, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "Two years ago AidInfoLabs embarked on an ambitious project to develop an application, AidView.", "pubdate": "2013-11-07T09:24:41", "title": "Building Aidview", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "", "created": "2014-05-21T09:28:30.894", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-22T01:49:07.523", "image_caption": "", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [], "authors": [], "summary": "Over the next four weeks we will be publishing a series of blog posts that looks at the aims of the project, how it was tackled, what it achieved and the lessons that have been learnt.", "slug": "building-aidview", "people": []}}, {"pk": 12, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "You can see how much UK aid spending goes to each recipient country (<a title=\"Tanzania on Development Tracker\" href=\"\">see here for Tanzania</a>, for example), and how much is spent on <a title=\"Health - Development Tracker\" href=\"\">health</a>, <a title=\"Water projects - Development Tracker\" href=\"\">water</a> or <a title=\"Education - Development Tracker\" href=\"\">education</a>. You can view details of specific projects or aggregated data through a series of interactive charts and maps. Or if you prefer, you can download the raw data.\r\n\r\nThis is all good stuff, but there are two areas where the site really stands out as offering something extra - or at least the potential of something extra.\r\n\r\nFirst, the site has used the geocoding facility in the IATI standard, where possible, to map the locations of specific projects to a surprisingly fine level of detail. See this map of metropolitan Dhaka, for example - showing numbers of projects in different parts of the city.\r\n\r\nSecond, the site goes further than any other towards the holy grail of aid transparency: traceability (tracking funding flows from one organisation to another down to the point of spend). To do this, the site draws on DFID's insistence that organisations receiving funding from the Global Poverty Action Fund (GPAF) must also publish their spending to IATI.\r\n\r\n<a title=\"GPAF - Development Tracker\" href=\"\">Details of the GPAF</a> are on the site, of course, as is a <a title=\"GPAF Partners - Development Tracker\" href=\"\">list of partners</a> (the organisations receiving GPAF funds from DFID) and details of transactions under the programme. Click on a partner's project, and you go through to see details of what that organisation has published to IATI - such as \u00a0Tearfund's <a title=\"Tearfund in DRC - Development Tracker\" href=\"\">Water, Sanitation and HIV/sexual violence support in DRC</a>, for example.\r\n\r\nThe site is very much still in beta, and these two features are still very limited. The geocoding has only been applied to projects in Bangladesh, and the traceability only really applies to a handful of projects under the GPAF (not even to all GPAF partners at this stage). DFID have only included data on the site where it meets certain quality standards. But the site shows what is possible when good data is available.\r\n\r\nThe key limiting factor at the moment is the quality of data published to IATI - does it clearly link back to funding sources, are the correct codes used, etc? So as publishing organisations become more familiar with the IATI standard and the quality and detail of their data improves, traceability will improve as well.\r\n\r\n\"Traceability is a three to five year journey,\" said John Adams of DFID.\u00a0\"We've taken data from people we trust and have been published to the IATI standard. The next stage is to write to these organisations publishing to that standard saying this is what you have to do technically, then they can be linked.\"\r\n\r\nThe point on data quality even applies to some of the DFID data on IATI. Look at the <a title=\"Sectors - Development Tracker\" href=\"\">overall sector allocations</a>, for example: at the time of writing the biggest single amount (\u00a32.8bn) is listed as \"unallocated\", equivalent to 44% of the total. That sounds worrying, but click through to see the <a title=\"Unallocated projects - Development Tracker\" href=\"\">details of these projects</a>\u00a0and it's clear that this is simply because the data on these projects lacks information on sectors.\r\n\r\nFinally, it's worth remembering that this site is about using IATI to increase transparency and accountability of UK aid spending to UK citizens. That's a good thing, but we mustn't forget an even more important constituency - the citizens of developing countries, the intended beneficiaries of aid spending. It would be great to see a similar site that turned the equation around: to trace aid funds (from all sources) flowing <strong>into</strong> a particular country - say Nepal. That's what would be most useful to citizens of developing countries. Perhaps, when DFID makes the source code for the Development Tracker available (as they have promised to do), there's an opportunity here to re-purpose the code to create a site for users in aid recipient countries.\r\n\r\nBut that doesn't take anything away from this site, which is a big step forward for UK aid transparency, and for IATI in particular. The site is expected to remain in beta until later this summer.\r\n\r\n- - -\r\n\r\nSee also:\r\n\r\n<a title=\"Wired on Development Tracker\" href=\"\">Wired magazine's article</a> on the site's beta launch.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"\">Eating our own dog food</a>, from John Adams of DFID.\r\n\r\n<a title=\"Dogfood and disruption\" href=\"\">Dogfood and disruption</a>, from Owen Barder of CGD.", "category": 5, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "Taking a closer look at DevTracker", "pubdate": "2013-06-11T06:34:31", "title": "DfID's DevTracker launches in beta", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "img/uploads/article_images/development-tracker-screenshot-11062013.png", "created": "2014-05-20T06:37:27.881", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-20T07:33:41.004", "image_caption": "Screenshot from", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [4], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [2], "authors": [9], "summary": "The Department for International Development (DFID) has launched a new website - <a title=\"Development Tracker\" href=\"\">Development Tracker</a> - in beta form. The site provides a window on British aid spending, presenting users with detailed information on international development projects funded by the UK government. It draws on data published to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) by DFID, other UK government departments, and some of DFID's delivery partners (NGOs that receive and spend UK aid funds).", "slug": "dfids-devtracker-launches-beta", "people": []}}, {"pk": 15, "model": "articles.article", "fields": {"body": "The <a href=\"\">United Nations Development Programme</a> have launched a new project portal for exploring over $5.8bn in development funding flows managed by the organisation. The portal provides a means to drill-down into the available data, and provides an export of data in CSV and JSON format, with XML available through the IATI registry.\r\n", "category": 5, "allow_comments": true, "subhead": "The United Nations Development Programme have launched a new data portal", "pubdate": "2012-11-29T01:41:12", "title": "UNDP Open Project Portal", "disable_auto_linebreaks": false, "image": "img/uploads/article_images/Screen_Shot_2014-05-22_at_10.42.49.png", "created": "2014-05-22T01:46:33.197", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-22T01:47:44.223", "image_caption": "Screenshot from the Open UNDP portal ", "article_type": "", "is_live": true, "code": [14], "image_credit": "", "organizations": [2], "authors": [14], "summary": "The <a href=\"\">United Nations Development Programme</a> have launched a new project portal for exploring over $5.8bn in development funding flows managed by the organisation.", "slug": "undp-open-project-portal", "people": []}}, {"pk": 4, "model": "articles.section", "fields": {"special_template": "", "description": "", "created": "2014-04-23T11:19:46.678", "modified": "2014-04-30T08:32:58.281", "gets_promo_items": false, "slug": "blog", "name": "blog"}}, {"pk": 1, "model": "articles.section", "fields": {"special_template": "", "description": "", "created": "2014-04-22T09:42:09.139", "modified": "2014-04-23T09:24:02.256", "gets_promo_items": false, "slug": "case-studies", "name": "case studies"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "articles.section", "fields": {"special_template": "", "description": "", "created": "2014-04-23T11:18:05.403", "modified": "2014-04-30T08:13:34.830", "gets_promo_items": false, "slug": "resources", "name": "resources"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "articles.section", "fields": {"special_template": "", "description": "", "created": "2014-04-23T11:19:33.782", "modified": "2014-05-22T01:48:51.195", "gets_promo_items": false, "slug": "training", "name": "training"}}, {"pk": 14, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "data-ethics", "section": 4, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:32:58.293", "name": "data ethics", "created": "2014-04-30T08:32:58.293"}}, {"pk": 8, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "events", "section": 4, "modified": "2014-04-23T11:20:08.236", "name": "events", "created": "2014-04-23T11:20:08.236"}}, {"pk": 11, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "exploring", "section": 4, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:18:13.498", "name": "exploring", "created": "2014-04-30T08:18:13.498"}}, {"pk": 9, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "open-development-news", "section": 4, "modified": "2014-04-23T11:20:08.236", "name": "open development news", "created": "2014-04-23T11:20:08.236"}}, {"pk": 10, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "opinion", "section": 4, "modified": "2014-04-24T02:22:31.848", "name": "opinion", "created": "2014-04-24T02:22:31.848"}}, {"pk": 7, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "projects", "section": 4, "modified": "2014-04-23T11:19:46.679", "name": "projects", "created": "2014-04-23T11:19:46.679"}}, {"pk": 13, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "reviews", "section": 4, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:22:59.775", "name": "reviews", "created": "2014-04-30T08:22:59.775"}}, {"pk": 12, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "toolkit-update", "section": 4, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:20:02.518", "name": "toolkit update", "created": "2014-04-30T08:20:02.518"}}, {"pk": 1, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "using-data", "section": 1, "modified": "2014-04-23T09:24:02.267", "name": "using data", "created": "2014-04-22T09:42:09.141"}}, {"pk": 4, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "data-projects", "section": 2, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:13:34.837", "name": "data projects", "created": "2014-04-23T11:18:34.587"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "events", "section": 2, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:13:34.843", "name": "events", "created": "2014-04-23T11:18:34.586"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "reading-material", "section": 2, "modified": "2014-04-30T08:13:34.846", "name": "reading material", "created": "2014-04-23T11:18:05.407"}}, {"pk": 16, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "building-tools", "section": 3, "modified": "2014-05-22T01:48:51.202", "name": "Building tools", "created": "2014-05-22T01:48:51.202"}}, {"pk": 6, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "courses", "section": 3, "modified": "2014-04-23T11:19:33.785", "name": "Courses", "created": "2014-04-23T11:19:33.785"}}, {"pk": 5, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "tools-review", "section": 3, "modified": "2014-04-23T11:19:33.784", "name": "Tools review", "created": "2014-04-23T11:19:33.784"}}, {"pk": 15, "model": "articles.category", "fields": {"slug": "training", "section": 3, "modified": "2014-05-09T07:17:27.894", "name": "Training", "created": "2014-05-09T07:17:27.894"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "It's unclear how comprehensive the source data is, so unsure how conclusive the results shown can be.", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Unlike the other aid data tools, it does not just include Official Development Assistance, but also includes other resource flows to the country, with more resource flows soon to be added. ", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "<b>This tool is closed source</b>; to get in touch with the team behind Aid Data, you can email them at <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">info[at]</a>", "screenshot": "img/uploads/code_screenshots/Screen_Shot_2014-05-22_at_14.32.54.png", "is_active": false, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "aid-data-dashboard", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [3], "name": "Aid Data Dashboard", "created": "2014-04-29T08:48:44.980", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-23T02:15:04.960", "summary": "Shows the bigger picture of development finance resource flows, including aid, at the project level. ", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": true}}, {"pk": 6, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "No dates are given, so the time scale for data given is unknown, rendering much of the data without context (eg. 9 billion spent in country X over unknown time period).\r\nWider context is difficult to grasp as not all donor data is included in IATI, so only part of the full picture is shown here.\r\n</ul>", "people": [9, 4], "repo_watchers": 7, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Allows you to save items you're interested in to your own dashboard; provides for multi-level filters, including comparing by sector, country or organisation; uses all IATI data.", "repo_last_push": "2013-10-08T18:02:21", "description": "AidView is no longer maintained; development + subsequent lessons learned were very well documented (see the Articles below).", "screenshot": "img/uploads/code_screenshots/Screen_Shot_2014-05-21_at_17.50.03.png", "is_active": false, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": 1, "slug": "aidview", "repo_description": "AidView", "organizations": [2], "name": "AidView", "created": "2014-05-08T02:36:41.901", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-23T02:15:11.752", "summary": "Shows how aid flows to different countries compares on a global level, using IATI data. ", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": true}}, {"pk": 9, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "Fiscal year is April 1-March 31 (not necessarily comparable to other data sets from other governments) - downloadable data is difficult to find - ; seems to show different data sets to those available on Canada's Open Data Portal ( ) but unclear which/why", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "International Project Browser is reasonably simple to use - and includes multiple search filters ", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "Allows people to explore development projects carried out by the Canadian government, with multi level filters (country, partner, organisation, year, for example) and come up with a summary page of a list of projects which fit those criteria. ", "screenshot": "", "is_active": true, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "canadian-international-development-project-browser", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [], "name": "Canadian International Development Project Browser", "created": "2014-05-08T02:58:08.403", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-22T06:52:06.538", "summary": "Finding out more about Canadian development projects", "is_live": false, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 1, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "Unclear if project duplication is an issue here or not, as multiple data sources are used. ", "people": [9], "repo_watchers": 6, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Provides accurate headline statistics and figures on any country; (it was originally called the 'country tracker' for that reason) - it's easily customisable, open source, and easy to access and understand.", "repo_last_push": "2014-04-27T23:49:05", "description": "d-portal has been developed as an open source platform, with the specific intention of being customised in-country to meet local needs. A prototype local application for Nepal is currently being developed in parallel with the core engine.\r\n\r\nIf you'd like to develop your own country version of d-portal, check out the source code, or get in touch with the team involved. ", "screenshot": "img/uploads/code_screenshots/Screen_Shot_2014-05-22_at_15.53.18.png", "is_active": false, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": 5, "slug": "d-portal", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [2, 10], "name": "d-portal", "created": "2014-04-24T04:01:31.360", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-23T02:15:22.284", "summary": "Shows Official Development Assistance activities by country, with clear headline figures and statistics, drawing from various sources. ", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": true}}, {"pk": 4, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "Though some visualisations are automatically generated on the country/sector profile pages, these images can't easily be saved (screenshot aside). It's not possible to click on a single implementing agency (eg. PriceWaterhouseCoopers) and see how much money is being transferred to them; the focus is very much on filtering information by sector and country.", "people": [8], "repo_watchers": 3, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Headline info/statistics presented in an easy to understand way. Don't miss the 'Results' tab on each country profile to see key figures on what UK aid has contributed to; this is a nice way of making the impact of aid very visible. Clearly aimed at the non-expert, easy to use and streamlined. IATI data for each country is available for download in XML. ", "repo_last_push": "2014-05-02T19:48:17", "description": "Built by a team at the UK's Department of International Development, the source code for Dev Tracker is on Github, and contributors are welcome, as well as repurposing and reuse of the code. \r\n\r\nTo get your own installation of DevTracker - follow the instructions on the <a href=\"\">documentation</a> page - and, let us know what you do with it! ", "screenshot": "img/uploads/code_screenshots/Screen_Shot_2014-05-19_at_15.49.52_1.png", "is_active": false, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": 3, "slug": "devtracker", "repo_description": "Current version of the DFID Development Tracker", "organizations": [5], "name": "DevTracker", "created": "2014-04-30T00:56:50.128", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-23T02:15:29.347", "summary": "Shows how UK development assistance is spent abroad. ", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": true}}, {"pk": 15, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "Data is pulled from various data sources, so presumably a project may be reported more than once. The infographics that are shown in the 'Aid Overview' section are displayed as images without the data behind them; in general, the raw data behind the infographics/tables is not available directly through the site (though presumably by going to the source of the data) ", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "It provides data from a number of sources, and you can filter what you see according to the data source. It also includes a number of different features; aid overview, infographics including mapping out aid through various filters.", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "<b>This tool is closed source</b>; to get in touch with the team, email them at <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">tr-aid[at]</a>.", "screenshot": "img/uploads/code_screenshots/Screen_Shot_2014-05-23_at_10.14.50.png", "is_active": false, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "eu-aid-explorer", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [], "name": "EU Aid Explorer", "created": "2014-05-08T04:15:12.493", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-23T02:15:40.747", "summary": "Shows aid projects funded by the European Union. ", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": true}}, {"pk": 17, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "Not aimed at being a particularly user-friendly interface for newcomers to the field, so probably not a good first entry point into making sense of IATI data. It helps to have an idea already of what you'll be looking for. ", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Searchable register, clear to use (presuming you have certain prior knowledge of how the standard and the data is structured) - and everything is downloadable in SML format. ", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "", "screenshot": "img/uploads/code_screenshots/Screen_Shot_2014-05-23_at_11.13.22.png", "is_active": false, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "iati-registry", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [10], "name": "IATI registry", "created": "2014-05-08T08:13:38.918", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-23T02:15:45.950", "summary": "The place to find IATI raw data in XML format.", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 5, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "It's unclear where the feedback from the 'contact' forms actually goes - a good feature here would be the ability to see previous comments alongside responses or resulting actions. ", "people": [3, 15], "repo_watchers": 3, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Very simple user interface, clear to use and understand where projects are occurring, with 'citizen dashboard' to enable users of the site to give feedback on the proejcts (online, or via SMS).", "repo_last_push": "2014-05-11T09:33:23", "description": "This is an instance of the Open Knowledge's PIATI code, implemented and designed by a team with consultants at Open Knowledge. To get your own site showing IATI activities from specified countries, get in touch with Anders Pedersen, on <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">anders.pedersen[at]</a>", "screenshot": "img/uploads/code_screenshots/Screen_Shot_2014-05-23_at_11.46.56.png", "is_active": true, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": 1, "slug": "laide-francaise-au-mali", "repo_description": "python IATI data viewer", "organizations": [1], "name": "L'aide fran\u00e7aise au Mali", "created": "2014-04-30T05:31:11.070", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-23T03:00:50.843", "summary": "Shows aid projects financed by France, happening in Mali. ", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 13, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "It appears as though you can only view one country at a time with detailed geocoded data mapped on it; it would be useful to see a region at a time, for example. ", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Focuses on providing detailed geocoded data; you can click on any country and find out the regional locations of projects within that country; useful to see what is going on if, for example, you are travelling to a certain country. Users can also change the 'base map' to show different development indicators, which helps get more context on the project locations", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "Visualizes the locations of World Bank-financed projects, providing project descriptions and details", "screenshot": "img/uploads/code_screenshots/Screen_Shot_2014-05-23_at_14.42.44.png", "is_active": false, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "mapping-results", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [6], "name": "Mapping for results", "created": "2014-05-08T03:55:20.267", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-23T05:47:46.586", "summary": "Shows World Bank-financed projects across the world", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 16, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "Raw data only, not visualisations or making it accessible to users ", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Comprehensive statistics on aid flows, clearly sorted by topic ", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "Not strictly a \"tool\" or portal, but rather a comprehensive raw data source of aid data, with spreadsheets available for download. ", "screenshot": "", "is_active": true, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "oecd-dac", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [], "name": "OECD-DAC", "created": "2014-05-08T05:09:25.236", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-08T05:09:25.236", "summary": "aid data from OECD countries", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 10, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "No aggregate statistics are provided, so it's impossible to see, for example, how much money in total the Netherlands spends on official development assistance, or even how much *per country* is spent (you can access a list of these projects but without any totals provided) ", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "The embed code is provided for the maps, with filterable features there (eg. highlighting only countries with health projects,; details of projects, with multi-level filters is also included", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "Country portal for the Netherlands, built using the same sourcecode as OpenAid Search", "screenshot": "", "is_active": true, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "open-aid-nl", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [4, 11], "name": "Open Aid NL", "created": "2014-05-08T03:26:52.844", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-08T03:30:20.363", "summary": "Finding out about Dutch government development projects", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 8, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "Without aggregation features it is not possible to see totals of, for example, how much was spent in Country A or Region B; adding this at the bottom of project lists, or along with the 'total projects' pop up that appears on the map, would be very useful. ", "people": [7], "repo_watchers": 21, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Has lots of levels within the filters; (country, region, sector, budget, reporting organisation).", "repo_last_push": "2014-05-07T15:51:42", "description": "Tool to see and search through projects published to IATI; includes multilevel filtering to see project lists (but not locations on anything more granular than a country level), and a search feature. ", "screenshot": "", "is_active": true, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": 6, "slug": "open-aid-search", "repo_description": "Akvo FLOW", "organizations": [4, 11], "name": "Open Aid Search", "created": "2014-05-08T02:44:14.649", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-08T03:30:12.867", "summary": "Aid projects published to IATI ", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 11, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "The bubbles are clickable only for two levels (eg. sector -- subsector -- end). Some project descriptors aren't that useful - eg. - can only access aggregate totals per year so gathering data for multiple years can only be done manually", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Includes historical data, so it's easy to see how Swedish aid both on a global and a country/sector level has changed over time. Aims to answer three main questions: Where is the aid going; What is the aid used for ; Who implements the aid. Very easy to see how much in aggregate has been spent on various subsectors/sectors, eg. health / HIV/AIDS. Supplementing documentation (eg. Sweden's policy documents on sector X) is also linked on the same page, providing good context", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "Shows aid data for Sweden as bubbles on a map and allows you to explore the data", "screenshot": "", "is_active": true, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "open-aid-sweden", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [], "name": "Open Aid Sweden", "created": "2014-05-08T03:39:16.680", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-08T03:39:16.680", "summary": "Find out more about Sweden's development projects abroad", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 14, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "It only allows search by funder, year, country or one of 4 UNDP focus areas (not sector). Definitions of the fields are sometimes unclear- no opportunity to get clarification. Eg. \"There are 15 projects for the BCPR office\" without saying what BCPR stands for. Data is shown either on a map or in a list; no possibility for other types of visualisation ", "people": [], "repo_watchers": 10, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "High level of granularity provided on geocoded data- subnational, some by street. Easy to see and understand which projects have been funded on a year by year basis, contact details for implementing country offices is provided too so potential feedback loop is there; embed option is also included", "repo_last_push": "2014-05-06T15:15:10", "description": "The Open UNDP website presents data on the activities of the UNDP in 177 countries, filtering the information primarily in terms of receiving country offices or donor organisations, rather than sectors or activities. Drawing upon data solely upon UNDP activities, the website uses the information published to IATI by UNDP and their subsidiaries. \r\nYou can download data in IATI XML, CSV, and JSON formats, as a whole database or for individual countries, regions, or sectors.* You can download a snippet of code to embed in your website and to visually depict data subsets (look for the \u201cEmbed\u201d button). A widget contains data presented as tables, maps or charts. As new data becomes available, it will be automatically displayed. *For developers, data is available as an API (JSON). ", "screenshot": "", "is_active": true, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": 10, "slug": "open-undp", "repo_description": "UNDP Project Portal", "organizations": [13, 12], "name": "Open UNDP ", "created": "2014-05-08T04:00:32.941", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-08T04:12:25.437", "summary": "You want to get an overview over *just* UNDP spending; the biggest funders, the countries which receive the most money, and, to an extent, see in which areas the UNDP is prioritising their funding. There's only four to choose from though! ", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "", "screenshot": "", "is_active": true, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "test", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [], "name": "Test", "created": "2014-04-25T04:45:24.474", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-12T00:17:02.136", "summary": "", "is_live": false, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 7, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "", "screenshot": "", "is_active": true, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "testing", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [], "name": "testing", "created": "2014-05-08T02:43:59.684", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-12T00:17:07.830", "summary": "", "is_live": false, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 12, "model": "code.code", "fields": {"cons": "Downloadable data is messy - in some, each line is repeated twice for example; there is a two year lag on publishing data;", "people": [], "repo_watchers": null, "repo_master_branch": "", "pros": "Provides quick stats and summaries as well as downloadable data ", "repo_last_push": null, "description": "\"Statistics on US flows to developing countries\"", "screenshot": "", "is_active": true, "source_code": "", "repo_forks": null, "slug": "us-official-development-assistance-database", "repo_description": "", "organizations": [], "name": "US Official Development Assistance Database", "created": "2014-05-08T03:52:24.911", "url": "", "documentation": "", "modified": "2014-05-08T03:52:24.911", "summary": "", "is_live": true, "seeking_contributors": false}}, {"pk": 8, "model": "people.person", "fields": {"twitter_bio": "", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Adams", "description": "", "created": "2014-04-30T00:51:46.509", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-08T02:21:22.534", "email": "", "twitter_username": "johnthegeo", "is_live": true, "organizations": [5], "github_username": "", "github_gists_num": null, "github_repos_num": null, "slug": "john-adams", "twitter_profile_image_url": ""}}, {"pk": 9, "model": "people.person", "fields": {"twitter_bio": "", "first_name": "Matt", "last_name": "Bartlett", "description": "", "created": "2014-04-30T02:22:34.572", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-08T02:21:29.601", "email": "", "twitter_username": "", "is_live": true, "organizations": [2], "github_username": "", "github_gists_num": null, "github_repos_num": null, "slug": "matt-bartlett", "twitter_profile_image_url": ""}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "people.person", "fields": {"twitter_bio": "Aid Information Advisor, particularly #IATI at @aidtransparency; also MSc Economics wrt Africa at @SOAS", "first_name": "Mark", "last_name": "Brough", "description": "", "created": "2014-04-29T09:05:49.489", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-08T02:21:40.101", "email": "", "twitter_username": "mark_brough", "is_live": true, "organizations": [7], "github_username": "markbrough", "github_gists_num": null, "github_repos_num": null, "slug": "mark-brough", "twitter_profile_image_url": ""}}, {"pk": 7, "model": "people.person", "fields": {"twitter_bio": "", "first_name": "Adrian", "last_name": "Collier", "description": "", "created": "2014-04-30T00:50:36.520", "show_in_lists": true, "modified": "2014-05-08T02:21:47.902", "email": "", "twitter_username": "adrian_collier", "is_live": true, "organizations": [4], "github_username": "adriancollier", "github_gists_num": null, "github_repos_num": null, "slug": "adrian-collier", "twitter_profile_image_url": ""}}, {"pk": 14, "model": "people.person", "fields": {"twitter_bio": "Research lead @odrnetwork #opendata & development. #WebScience & social policy PhD candidate. @berkmancenter Fellow. 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suggestions, or your question isn't answered below, please email Zara Rahman, Project Lead, on <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">zara[at]</a> or tweet <a href=\"\">@OpenDevToolkit</a>; we'd love to hear from you!\r\n\r\n<strong>What is 'open development'?</strong>\r\nOpen Development sits at the intersection of the 'open' movement, and international development. This could take the form of looking at how open data can affect decisions made within international development; open access to research materials; or opening up the ways we work, for example by being more inclusive, to name just a few examples. If you want to find out more about open development, join the Open Development mailing list, where a wide range of topics within Open Development are discussed. It's open to everyone to join!\r\n\r\n<strong>What is the aim of the project?</strong>\r\nTo see development data used and useful. Although there is currently more open data than ever before, data availability is not the same as data accessibility; with this project, we want to empower people to really use and make sense of data that is relevant to poverty reduction. The project will be focused upon the needs of citizens and journalists in aid-recipient countries, as they are well positioned to transfer the knowledge they gain to the wider public.\r\n\r\n<strong>Will the toolkit have a specific thematic focus?</strong>\r\nAs there's already lots of open data around the aid sector, thanks to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) there will be an initial focus on the aid sector, specifically on making it as easy as possible for civil society and journalists in aid-receiving countries to access and understand open aid data. It is envisioned that in the future, other aspects of open development data will also be included - election data, sanitation data, or education data for example.\r\n\r\n<strong>What is the project plan?</strong>\r\nWe're basing the project very much on user needs - so, it depends what feedback we get! A good way to share your ideas is via the <a href=\"\">wiki</a> - we'll be putting material up on the wiki as we develop it, and we'd love input and suggestions of how to make the project most relevant and useful for you.\r\n\r\n<strong>How will this be any different to other existing IATI data portals?</strong>\r\nIt's not a data portal; we're aiming to consolidate and curate resources, portals, tools and material around open development data. We want to make it as easy as possible for people to find out what is out there already, to encourage people in the open development community to build upon each others' work rather than starting from scratch, and generally make sure that our collective efforts of using (and encouraging use of) developing data are done in the most efficient, and effective way possible. \r\n\r\n<strong>How is the Open Development Toolkit funded?</strong>\r\nInitial funding is 50% provided by the Open Knowledge Foundation, and 50% by Development Initiatives. We're currently looking for funds to develop different aspects of the project; for example, software development of the new open source tools, training material and carrying out workshops with groups of potential data users. If you're interested in finding out more, please <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">get in touch</a> with Zara Rahman.", "enable_comments": false}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "flatpages.flatpage", "fields": {"registration_required": false, "title": "Resources", "url": "/batman/", "template_name": "", "sites": [1], "content": "Testing this text: ", "enable_comments": false}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "flatpages.flatpage", "fields": {"registration_required": false, "title": "Open Development Reading List", "url": "/resources/readinglist/", "template_name": "", "sites": [1], "content": "Here are a few of our favourite reads (in no specific order) around the open development sphere; some are more focused on international development but often talk about data, others around aid or specific aspects of development. As the list grows we\u2019ll categorise it more, but for now, here\u2019s a first iteration. Got any other suggestions? Add them to the <a href=\"\">etherpad</a> or <a href=\"\">ping us on Twitter</a> if you've got more to add. \r\n\r\nBlogs\r\n<ul><li><a href=\"\">Open for Change\u2019s blog</a> on all aspects of open development</li>\r\n\r\n<li>The Guardian\u2019s Global Development <a href=\"\">\u2018Development Data\u2019 section</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Publish What You Fund\u2019s blog</a> on aid transparency</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">BRAC blog</a> - the world\u2019s largest nonprofit organisation, which was founded in Bangladesh</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Development Initiatives blog</a> (disclaimer; they\u2019re involved in the toolkit!)</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Center for Global Development\u2019s blog</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">World Bank blogs on Information and Communication Technologies</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li>\u2018Data section\u2019 on <a href=\"\">Ushahidi\u2019s blog</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Aidnography</a> - an \u201ceclectic mix of reflections on development, communication, anthropology and academia\u201d</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Global Integrity\u2019s blog</a> \u201cInnovations for Transparency + Accountability\u201d</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Project updates Open Data research network</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Overseas Development Institute\u2019s blog</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Data Revolution section of the post-2015 site</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Feedback Labs</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Data section on</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Making All Voices Count</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Linda Raftree\u2019s personal blog, Wait\u2026What?</a> \u2018bridging community development and technology\u2019</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Tim Davies\u2019 personal blog</a> \u2018working for social change; exploring the details\u2019</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Tom Salmon\u2019s blog - The Hum of Dewey Digital</a> -mashing up education technology, learning and development politics</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Owen Barder\u2019s personal blog</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Internews Center for Innovation & learning Blog (Open data section)</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Impact and Learning Blog</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<h3 id=\"books\">Books</h3>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Aid on the Edge of Chaos</a> by Ben Ramalingam</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Reinventing Foreign Aid</a> by Bill Easterley</li>\r\n\r\n<li>Publishing house <a href=\"\">Zed Books</a> has a number of interesting series, including looking at feminisms and development, and a recently released title <a href=\"\">\u2018How Numbers rule the world\u2019</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Habiltando la apertura: el futuro de la sociedad de la informaci\u00f3n en Am\u00e9rica Latina y el Caribe</a> Editores: Bruce Girard y Fernando Perini and English version, <a href=\"\">Enabling Openness:The future of the information society in Latin America and the Caribbean</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li>Smith, M.L. & K.M.A. Reilly, (2013). <a href=\"\">Open Development, Networked Innovations in International Development</a>, London: The MIT Press.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<h3 id=\"articles\">Articles</h3>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Exploring Open Development</a> by Open Development Working Group members - see also the <a href=\"\">video archive from OKFest 2012</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Annotated Bibliography on Aid Transparency</a>, prepared by Rachel Rank of <a href=\"\">Publish What You Fund</a> - a very comprehensive (20 page) list of resources on aid transparency, with short summaries of each.</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Aid Transparency and Accountability: \u2018Build it and they\u2019ll come\u2019?</a> Citation: McGee, R. (2013), Aid Transparency and Accountability: \u2018Build It and They\u2019ll Come\u2019?. Development Policy Review, 31: s107\u2013s124. doi: 10.1111/dpr.12022</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">The Impact of Transparency and Accountability Initiatives</a> Gaventa, John; McGee, Rosemary (2013)</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Synthesis Report: Review of Impact and Effectiveness of Transparency and Accountability Initiatives</a>: Prepared for the Transparency and Accountability Initiative Workshop October 14 \u2013 15, 2010</li>\r\n\r\n<li>Learning Study on \u2018The Users\u2019 in <a href=\"\">Technology for Transparency and Accountability Initiatives: Assumptions and Realities</a>. McGee, Rosemary; Carlitz, Ruth. (2013)</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Understanding \u2018the users\u2019 in Technology for Transparency and Accountability Initiatives</a> (Briefing). Wanjiku Kelbert, Alexandra; McGee, Rosemary; Carlitz, Ruth (2013)</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Emerging implications of Open and Linked Data for Knowledge Sharing in Development</a>. Davies, Tim; Edwards, Duncan (2012)</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Open Development: A New Theory for ICT4D</a>. Matthew L. Smith, Laurent Elder, Heloise Emdon (2011)</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Budget accountability and participation</a> Becky Carter (this is helpdesk response which pulls together evidence on the subject rather than an article in itself)</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Citizen voice and state accountability: towards theories of change that embrace contextual dynamics.</a> Fletcher Tembo. March 2012.</li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">The Uncertain Relationship between Transparency and Accountability</a> Jonathan Fox. (2007)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<h3 id=\"reports\">Reports</h3>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Aiding Surveillance</a> by Privacy International</li>\r\n\r\n<li>Publish What You Fund\u2019s <a href=\"\">Aid Transparency Index 2013</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">World Humanitarian Data and Trends 2013</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Open Government Guide</a>, compiled and managed by the Transparency and Accountability Initiative. Includes sections on aid, budgets, climate finance, tax and extractives.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<h3 id=\"miscellaneous\">Miscellaneous</h3>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Aid for Aid have produced <a href=\"\">The Samaritans</a>, a satirical Kenyan sitcom series on NGOs</li>\r\n\r\n<li>Pernilla N\u00e4sfors\u2019 <a href=\"\">twitter list of people/organisations working on Open Development</a></li>\r\n\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Development 2.0 and beyond: Challenges for ICT4D in 2013</a>, talk from the Oxford Internet Institute</li>\r\n</ul>", "enable_comments": false}}, {"pk": 1, "model": "", "fields": {"domain": "", "name": ""}}, {"pk": 28, "model": "auth.permission", "fields": {"codename": "add_logentry", "name": "Can add log entry", "content_type": ["admin", "logentry"]}}, {"pk": 29, "model": "auth.permission", "fields": {"codename": "change_logentry", "name": "Can change log entry", "content_type": ["admin", "logentry"]}}, {"pk": 30, "model": "auth.permission", "fields": {"codename": 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