The Open Development Toolkit is a site bringing together tools and training around development data. It's been forked from Source, which has been built with Django, using Mozilla's Playdoh web app template
You need Python 2.6 or 2.7, Mozilla's funfactory, MySQL, git, virtualenv, and a Unix-like OS.
First, make sure you've got funfactory installed, because the Playdoh app template will need it.
pip install funfactory
- Fork and/or clone this Source repository from GitHub
- Set up a virtual environment for your new project
- Activate your virtualenv and cd into the project directory
- Fetch the submodule dependancies
git submodule update --init --recursive
And make sure you have all the development requirements
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
The app has a base settings file that can be found at source/settings/, you can override any of the values there inside a file.
cp source/settings/ source/settings/
Please ensure that you create your own SECRET_KEY and HMAC_KEY
You can point your database config to sqlite for quick testing, or if you'd rather use MySQL, you'll need to create a new database. Adjust the DATABASES dict in source/settings/ accordingly, and then
python syncdb
The primary content apps are managed by django-south, so next run
python migrate articles
python migrate code
python migrate people
This repository includes a few fixtures with test articles, people, organizations and code records for you to play with. If you'd like to add them, next run
python loaddata test_data
python loaddata taggit_test_data
And then it's time to fire it up!
python runserver
Now you should be able view your dev server at http://localhost:8000/