This is a direct port of the email helper from Kohana 2.3.3 source code.
It has been updated to work with SwiftMailer 4 and includes the libs dir from the 4.0.4 distribution.
Usage should be exactly as with old helper.
Methods defined:
Creates SwiftMailer object. $config is an array of configuration values and defaults to using the config file 'email'.
Note: PopBeforeSmtp is not supported in this release as I didn't know what was required to set it up. It IS supported in Swiftmailer through the Swift_Plugins_PopBeforeSmtpPlugin plugin class. This can be used manually if required. If anyone can modify and test the connect() method with this functionality I'll add it but I can't find documentation about how it used to work (i.e. is expected to work) so I have left it out for now.
$to can be any of the following:
- a single string email address e.g. "[email protected]"
- an array specifying an email address and a name e.g. array('[email protected]', 'John Doe')
- an array of recipients in either above format, keyed by type e.g. array('to' => '[email protected]', 'cc' => array('[email protected]', 'Jane Doe'), 'bcc' => '[email protected]')
$from can be either a string email or array of email and name as above
$attachments can be either an array of pathnames or an array of arrays of name and content
More complex email (multipart, attachments, batch mailing etc.) must be done using the native Swift_Mailer classes. The Swift Mailer autoloader is included by connect() so you can use and class in the Swift library without worrying about including files.
The Swift_Mailer object setup by connect is returned by it so if you need to access it manually use:
$mailer = Email::connect();
// Create complex Swift_Message object stored in $message