This is a pytorch implementation of differentiable jpeg compression algorithm. This work is based on the discussion in this paper. The work relies heavily on the tensorflow implementation in this repository
This is the forked repository with such modify:
- Bug: gets NaN when the quality set to be 100. We add an assert expression in the initialization to ensure a proper quality value.
2. Set all the nn.parameter()'s requires_grad
flag to False in DiffJPEG, otherwise the JPEG quantization table could be changed after optimization.
- Add a
parameter to control the possibility of compression. - Convert the DCT parameters form from
. It avoids saving the DCT parameters again and again.
- Pytorch 1.0.0
- numpy 1.15.4
DiffJPEG functions as a standard pytorch module/layer. To use, first import the layer and then initialize with the desired parameters:
- differentaible(bool): If true uses custom differentiable rounding function, if false uses standrard torch.round
- quality(float): Quality factor for jpeg compression scheme.
from DiffJPEG import DiffJPEG
jpeg = DiffJPEG(height=224, width=224, differentiable=True, quality=80)