This repository contains a script to generate hundreds of convenient terraform aliases programmatically.
NOTE: The foundation of this repository is based on the amazing work done in kubectl-aliases project by @ahmetb.
Some of the generated aliases are:
alias tf='terraform'
alias tfa='terraform apply'
alias tfc='terraform console'
alias tfd='terraform destroy'
alias tff='terraform fmt'
alias tfg='terraform graph'
alias tfim='terraform import'
alias tfin='terraform init'
See the full list.
You can directly download the .terraform_aliases
and save it in your $HOME directory, then edit your .bashrc/.zshrc file with:
[ -f ~/.terraform_aliases ] && source ~/.terraform_aliases
Print the full command before running it: Add this to your .bashrc
function terraform() { echo "+ terraform $@"; command terraform $@; }
You can directly download the .terragrunt_aliases
and save it in your $HOME directory, then edit your .bashrc/.zshrc file with:
[ -f ~/.terragrunt_aliases ] && source ~/.terragrunt_aliases
Print the full command before running it: Add this to your .bashrc
function terragrunt() { echo "+ terragrunt $@"; command terragrunt $@; }
Does this not slow down my shell start up? Sourcing the file that contains
~500 aliases takes about 30-45 milliseconds in my shell (zsh). I don't think
it's a big deal for me. Measure it with echo $(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
command yourself in your .bashrc/.zshrc.