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zfl9 edited this page Mar 21, 2020
1 revision
ss-local 是 shadowsocks 的本地 socks5 服务器,如果需要使用 ss-local 提供的 socks5 代理,必须让应用程序使用 socks5 协议与之通信。但是很可惜,除了部分浏览器、软件直接支持 socks5 协议外,其它的都只支持 http 代理。因此,我们需要借助 privoxy 来将 http 代理协议转换为 socks5 代理协议,与后端的 ss-local 进行通信,与此同时我们还可以进行 gfwlist 分流操作。
为简单起见,这里选择安装 python 版 shadowsocks,当然你可以选择自己喜欢的任意版本(ss、ssr、ssh、v2ray,只要能提供 socks5 代理)。
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install python-pip
pip install shadowsocks
# ArchLinux
pacman -S python-pip
pip install shadowsocks
"server": "",
"server_port": 8989,
"method": "aes-128-cfb",
"password": "123456",
"local_address": "",
"local_port": 1080,
"fast_open": true,
"workers": 1
## 配置说明:
"server": "", # 服务器IP
"server_port": 8989, # 服务器Port
"method": "aes-128-cfb", # 加密方式
"password": "123456", # 端口密码
"local_address": "", # 本地监听IP
"local_port": 1080, # 本地监听Port
"fast_open": true, # TCP Fast Open
"workers": 1 # worker进程数量
nohup sslocal -c /etc/ss-local.json </dev/null &>>/var/log/ss-local.log &
## CentOS/RHEL
yum -y install privoxy
## ArchLinux
pacman -S privoxy
全局模式是最简单最粗暴的,即:所有流量都走 ss-local,不区分什么国内国外。 所以请确定是否需要这种模式,如果不需要,请跳过此段,直接到 - gfwlist 模式。
# 添加 socks5 转发配置
echo 'forward-socks5 / .' >>/etc/privoxy/config
# 启动 privoxy.service
systemctl start privoxy.service
systemctl -l status privoxy.service
gfwlist 是由 AutoProxy 官方维护,由众多网民收集整理的中国大陆防火长城的域名屏蔽列表; 因为这是 Firefox 浏览器直接使用的一种格式,要在 privoxy 上使用就需要进行相应的格式转换; 这里我提供一个 shell 转换脚本,除了正则语法无法自动处理外,其它的基本 OK,gfwlist2privoxy。
# 关于 gfwlist2privoxy 脚本
# 脚本依赖 base64、curl(支持 https)、perl5 v5.10.0+
# 获取 gfwlist2privoxy 脚本
curl -4sSkLO https://raw.github.com/zfl9/gfwlist2privoxy/master/gfwlist2privoxy
# 生成 gfwlist.action 文件
bash gfwlist2privoxy ''
# 检查 gfwlist.action 文件
more gfwlist.action # 一般有 5000+ 行
# 应用 gfwlist.action 文件
mv -f gfwlist.action /etc/privoxy
echo 'actionsfile gfwlist.action' >>/etc/privoxy/config
# 启动 privoxy.service 服务
systemctl start privoxy.service
systemctl -l status privoxy.service
有两种方式可以实现全局代理,推荐使用 proxychains-ng,因为更彻底。
环境变量:非强制性的环境变量,部分软件可能不遵守; - proxychains-ng 的
当然最彻底的还是利用 iptables 规则进行透明代理,有兴趣的请戳 linux 透明代理。
http_proxy 方式:
# privoxy 默认监听端口为 8118
export http_proxy=$proxy
export https_proxy=$proxy
export no_proxy="localhost,, ::1"
# no_proxy 环境变量是指不经过 privoxy 代理的地址或域名
# 只能填写具体的 IP、域名后缀,多个条目之间使用 ',' 逗号隔开
# 比如: export no_proxy="localhost,, ip.cn, chinaz.com"
# 访问 localhost、、ip.cn、*.ip.cn、chinaz.com、*.chinaz.com 将不使用代理
proxychains 方式:
# 安装 proxychains-ng
## ArchLinux
pacman -S proxychains-ng
## CentOS/RHEL
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
make && make install && make install-config
ln -sf /usr/bin/proxychains4 /usr/bin/proxychains
# 配置 proxychains-ng
vim /etc/proxychains.conf
# 注释 socks4 9050
# 添加 http 8118
# 替换当前 shell 进程
# 将 bash 替换为你的 shell
exec proxychains -q bash
# 访问网站,有网页源码输出说明 OK
curl -4sSkL https://www.baidu.com
curl -4sSkL https://www.google.com
curl -4sSkL https://www.google.co.jp
curl -4sSkL https://www.google.com.hk
curl -4sSkL https://www.youtube.com
curl -4sSkL https://www.facebook.com
curl -4sSkL https://www.wikipedia.org
# 获取当前 IP 地址,应该显示本机 IP
curl -4sSkL https://myip.ipip.net
# 关闭 privoxy.service
systemctl stop privoxy.service
# 运行 privoxy (debug)
privoxy <(cat /etc/privoxy/config; echo -e 'debug 1\ndebug 2\ndebug 1024\ndebug 4096\ndebug 8192')
# 查看 privoxy 的日志
tail -f /var/log/privoxy/logfile
# 访问百度,观察日志
curl -4sSkL https://www.baidu.com
##### 日志输出 [走直连] #####
2018-07-14 12:15:07.955 7f0f23f080c0 Connect: Waiting for the next client connection. Currently active threads: 1
2018-07-14 12:15:07.956 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Accepted connection from on socket 5
2018-07-14 12:15:07.956 7f0f2308d700 Request: www.baidu.com:443/
2018-07-14 12:15:07.956 7f0f2308d700 Connect: to www.baidu.com:443
2018-07-14 12:15:08.012 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Connected to www.baidu.com[]:443.
2018-07-14 12:15:08.012 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Created new connection to www.baidu.com:443 on socket 6.
2018-07-14 12:15:08.012 7f0f2308d700 Connect: to www.baidu.com:443 successful
2018-07-14 12:15:08.130 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Closing server socket 6 connected to www.baidu.com. Keep-alive 0. Tainted: 1. Socket alive 1. Timeout: 0.
2018-07-14 12:15:08.130 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Closing client socket 5. Keep-alive: 0. Socket alive: 0. Data available: 0. Configuration file change detected: 0. Requests received: 1.
##### 日志输出 [走直连] #####
# 访问谷歌,观察日志
curl -4sSkL https://www.google.com
##### 日志输出 [走代理] #####
2018-07-14 12:15:43.969 7f0f23f080c0 Connect: Waiting for the next client connection. Currently active threads: 1
2018-07-14 12:15:43.969 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Accepted connection from on socket 5
2018-07-14 12:15:43.970 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Overriding forwarding settings based on 'forward-socks5 .'
2018-07-14 12:15:43.970 7f0f2308d700 Request: www.google.com:443/
2018-07-14 12:15:43.970 7f0f2308d700 Connect: to www.google.com:443
2018-07-14 12:15:43.970 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Connected to[]:1080.
2018-07-14 12:15:43.972 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Created new connection to www.google.com:443 on socket 6.
2018-07-14 12:15:43.972 7f0f2308d700 Connect: to www.google.com:443 successful
2018-07-14 12:15:44.640 7f0f23f080c0 Connect: Waiting for the next client connection. Currently active threads: 2
2018-07-14 12:15:44.641 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Accepted connection from on socket 7
2018-07-14 12:15:44.641 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Complete client request received.
2018-07-14 12:15:44.642 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Overriding forwarding settings based on 'forward-socks5 .'
2018-07-14 12:15:44.642 7f0f17de8700 Request: www.google.com.hk/url?sa=p&hl=zh-CN&pref=hkredirect&pval=yes&q=http://www.google.com.hk/%3Fgws_rd%3Dcr&ust=1531541774610113&usg=AOvVaw1WKKuVWlVYxE2fELvMJW-Q
2018-07-14 12:15:44.642 7f0f17de8700 Connect: to www.google.com.hk
2018-07-14 12:15:44.642 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Connected to[]:1080.
2018-07-14 12:15:44.643 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Created new connection to www.google.com.hk:80 on socket 8.
2018-07-14 12:15:44.643 7f0f17de8700 Connect: to www.google.com.hk successful
2018-07-14 12:15:45.013 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Done reading from server. Content length: 232 as expected. Bytes most recently read: 232.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.013 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Closing server socket 8 connected to www.google.com.hk. Keep-alive 1. Tainted: 0. Socket alive 1. Timeout: 0.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.013 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Waiting for the next client request on socket 7. No server socket to keep open.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.013 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Client request 2 arrived in time on socket 7.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.014 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Complete client request received.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.014 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Overriding forwarding settings based on 'forward-socks5 .'
2018-07-14 12:15:45.014 7f0f17de8700 Request: www.google.com.hk/?gws_rd=cr
2018-07-14 12:15:45.014 7f0f17de8700 Connect: to www.google.com.hk
2018-07-14 12:15:45.014 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Connected to[]:1080.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.014 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Created new connection to www.google.com.hk:80 on socket 8.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.014 7f0f17de8700 Connect: to www.google.com.hk successful
2018-07-14 12:15:45.427 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Looks like we reached the end of the last chunk. We better stop reading.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.427 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Done reading from server. Content length: 11519 as expected. Bytes most recently read: 3662.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.427 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Closing server socket 8 connected to www.google.com.hk. Keep-alive 1. Tainted: 0. Socket alive 1. Timeout: 0.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.429 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Waiting for the next client request on socket 7. No server socket to keep open.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.429 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Closing server socket 6 connected to www.google.com. Keep-alive 0. Tainted: 1. Socket alive 1. Timeout: 0.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.429 7f0f17de8700 Connect: Closing client socket 7. Keep-alive: 1. Socket alive: 0. Data available: 0. Configuration file change detected: 0. Requests received: 2.
2018-07-14 12:15:45.429 7f0f2308d700 Connect: Closing client socket 5. Keep-alive: 0. Socket alive: 0. Data available: 0. Configuration file change detected: 0. Requests received: 1.
##### 日志输出 [走代理] #####
# 调试完成,恢复 privoxy
pkill privoxy
systemctl start privoxy.service