Automated processing of light microscope image stacks (.tif) using ImageJ, 3D skeletonization of processed stack, and efficient GUIs for neuron branching analysis. Saves results as excel file.
Alterations to pipeline:
- '' = lets user run GUIs and branching analysis from a csv file describing the x,y,z positions of every point in a point cloud of the neuron
- '' = UNFINISHED. ideally, will let the user save their neuron branching structure as a swc file that can then be analyzed using other software
- removing noise clutter
- connecting broken branches
- setting root,start,and end nodes of neuron
- setting threshold for branch length and number of nodes
- setting scale of x,y,z pixels
- removing branches
- naming branches
- measuring euclidean distance between points
- measuring angle between points
- measuring branch lengths by fitting
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Edit to point to correct file directory with .tif image stacks
root_folderpath = 'example\folder\path'
Edit thresholding, nuclei removal, and slice removal settings in as desired