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Flexible Modeling System (FMS) Coupler

The Flexible Modeling System (FMS) is a software framework for supporting the efficient development, construction, execution, and scientific interpretation of atmospheric, oceanic, and climate system models.

This repository contains the FMS Coupler, meant for use alongside FMS and other component models, such as the MOM6 ocean model and the AM4 atmosphere model. More technical information for coupling models is available below.

For additional information on FMS, please see the FMS github repository.

Coupling Models with FMS Coupler

FMS Coupler provides the capability to couple component models (atmosphere, land, sea ice, and ocean ) on different logically rectangular grids. Presently, the atmosphere and land models are constrained to be on standard longitude/latitude grids (not necessarily the same) and the ocean and sea-ice are constrained to be on the same grid which need only be logically rectangular. A logically rectangular grid has an array-like set of areas, each of which border one other area in each of the pseudo-north, -south, -east, and -west directions, except at the poles. The coupling between the models is designed to conserve fluxes. For coupled models, a grid specification file is used to initialize the model grids and perform exchanges between the models. The next sections describe how this file and associated grids are used in the coupler.

Grid Specification Files

At runtime, the coupled model sets up its grid using a given file that it reads from the INPUT subdirectory. This NetCDF file contains grid information for all of the component models as well as exchange grid information for the coupler to use.

For more information on generating the necessary files for coupled runs, please see the FRE-NCtools repository for information on grid file generation tools.

In the coupled model, ocean, sea ice, and land models will read their grids from the file. The land model areas must be read from rather than calculated because the land areas have been modified in the grid generation process to remove overlaps with the ocean/sea-ice grid cells. The land mask is set to true where this modified area is positive. The land model areas are used for conserving runoff on the land grid. The ocean and sea-ice grids are the same by virtue of initializing from the same fields of Additionally, the sea ice model uses this grid information to rotate vectors between the longitude/latitude atmosphere grid and the general ocean/sea-ice grids.

Exchange Grids

The coupler uses to initialize its exchange grids. An exchange grid between two component model grids is the grid formed with the union of the bounding lines of the component model grids. The exchange grid is, therefore, the coarsest grid that is a refinement of each of the component model grids. The coupler uses exchange grids for two purposes:

  • conservative interpolation of fields between models uses the exchange grid cell areas as weights and
  • the surface flux calculation takes place on the exchange grid thereby using the finest scale data available.

The coupler has two exchange grids. The first is for surface fluxes with the atmosphere on one side and the land and sea ice on the other. Under FMS the sea ice model serves as the interface to the ocean model — the atmosphere model never exchanges directly with the ocean model. The second exchange grid is between the land and the sea ice for runoff. No fluxes are computed on this exchange grid; it is used solely for conservation.

The coupler’s utility for interfacing to the file and performing exchange grid operations is xgrid_mod (from the FMS repository). Xgrid_mod uses the mpp_domains domain of each of the models along with information it reads from the grid specification file to determine grid and processor connectivities. The coupler’s fortran call to initialize the surface exchange grid (xmap_sfc) is:

call setup_xmap(xmap_sfc, (/ 'ATM', 'OCN', 'LND' /),                 &
                          (/ Atm%Domain, Ice%Domain, Land%Domain /), &
                          "INPUT/"                       )

Xgrid_mod reads the exchange grids from as a sequence of quintuples: the i/j indices of the intersecting cells of the two participating grids and their areal overlap. The names of the five fields are generated automatically from the three character ids of the participating grids that appear in the above initialization call. For example, for atmosphere/sea ice exchange on the coupler’s surface exchange grid, the following fields are read by xgrid_mod: I_ATM_ATMxOCN, J_ATM_ATMxOCN, I_OCN_ATMxOCN, J_OCN_ATMxOCN, and AREA_ATMxOCN. These fields were placed in by the make_xgrids utility.

Source Code Documentation

A publicly available version of this repository's doxygen-generated source documentation is available at It is updated upon every release.

Alternatively, documentation can be generated manually by running doxygen in the top level of your cloned repository.


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  • Fortran 98.6%
  • Shell 1.4%