Compiler Principle, Design, Implementation and Optimization
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
- Modern Compiler Implementaion in C/Java/ML
- Engineering a Compiler
- Crafring a Compiler
- Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice
- Programming Language Pragmatics
- Language implementation Patterns
- Parsing Techniques
- Advanced Compiler Design and Implementaion
- Optimizing Compilers for Mordern Architectures
- Practical Foundations for Programming Languages
- Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
- Writing Compilers And Interpreters - A Software EngineeringApproach
- LCC - A Retargetable Complier
- Compilers - Stanford
- CS143 Compiler - Stanford
- CS243: Program Analysis and Optimization - Stanford
- Compiler - University of Science and Technology of China
- 15-411 Compiler Design - CMU
- 6.035 Computer Language Engineering - MIT
- 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software System - MIT
- CS426 Compiler Construction - UUIC
- CS548 - Advanced Compiler Design Reading List and Useful Information - DePaul
- ECE 663 Advanced optimizing Compilers - Purdue
- 263-2810: Advanced Compiler Design - ETH
- How to write your own compiler
- Les' Build a Compiler by Jack Crenshaw
- An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction
- Tiny C Compiler by Bellard
- Build Your Own Lisp
- Building a Parrot Compiler by Dan Sugalski
- Write a Compiler from zero - Chinese
- How to write a interpreter by YinWang - Chinese
- Learn Compiler Priciple with vczh - Chinese