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  • debian-control can either
    • install .zwc file instead of .zsh one
    • install a .zsh then compile one

uze for impatients

uze make your zsh more perlish

download uze somewhere in your local drive and add this in your .zshenv

. /path/to/uze.zsh

or just

. uze.zsh

if uze.zsh is in your path

now, the behaviors described below applies. so you can write

uze my-lib :all

if {which perl} {
    warn "perl is ready to run"
} else {
    # yes! you can use yada now


general informations about uze are available on the project page. this document is the uze.zsh manual.

in the current manual, we expect uze.zsh to be loaded.

write and install a module

say ~lib is a directory declared in your $path and the content of ~lib/my/helpers.zsh is (possibly zcompiled)

my/helpers/greetings () {
    l "hello, ${1:-world}"

my/helpers/dont () {
    l "don't do this, ${1:-world}"

my/helpers/cheers () {
    l "cheers, ${1:-world}"

you can source it the way you usually do

.  my/helpers.zsh


uze gives you the ability to "export" fonctions another namespace (by default: no namespace, think of it as the perl main). so you can write

uze my/helpers greetings

uze/export/my/helpers () {
    EXPORT_TAGS=( :cool 'cheers greetings' )
    EXPORT=( "$@" )


default behaviours

those defaults are discuted in the programming guide, they became mine after years of zsh programming and hours of zsh debuging.

setopt warncreateglobal nounset pipefail  # make zsh stricter
setopt extendedglob braceccl rcquotes # make zsh more expressive
promptsubst promptbang promptpercent  # prompt goodness available in variable substitions

those options are described in man zshopt

see also the "yada yada operator" from the helpers section.



uze loads a module and execute the uze/import/the/module function. then exports the functions declared in EXPORT_TAGS and EXPORT variables.

see the project page documentation for more details about writting modules and dealing with namespaces.

shush, shush1, shush2

redirect standard IOs to /dev/null so you can silently run a commmand

shush  redirect both stderr and stdout
shush1 redirect only stdout
shush2 redirect only stderr


shush grep foo bar && echo ok

is like

grep foo bar &> /dev/null && echo ok


warn prints a message in stderr without changing the last command return ($?).


die warns and exit.


read multiple lines into a list of variables

date +"%Y\n%m" | getlines year month
echo $year


read multiple lines in an array

getent passwd | slurp users
print "entry of root is" $users[1]

typeset aliases

those are shorter, memorizable aliases for typeset -A (local associative array) and typeset -a (local array).

Perl                       | zsh                   | uze
my %foo                    | typeset -A  foo       | my% foo
my @bar                    | typeset -a  bar       | my@ bar
my %foo # in global scope  | typeset -gA  foo      | our% foo
my @bar # in global scope  | typeset -ga  bar      | our@ bar
ref $user                  | ${(t)user}            |
(ref $user) // 'no more'   | ${(t)user-no more}    |
exists $user{cpan}         | (( $+user[cpan] ))    | defined user\[cpan]

my@ is only useful inside a function to prevent the declaration of a global array.

the yada-yada operator (...)

warns an "unimplemented" message and returns false (255 actually).

Unimplemented in zsh line 6

f () {
    defined DEBUG && ...
    l 'i don''t know what to do in DEBUG mode' }

l 'see ?'
DEBUG=msg f

<stdout> i don't know what to do in DEBUG mode
<stdout> see ?
<stderr> at f line 1, warning: unimplemented


test if a variable is defined

defined 1

is a readable way to write

(( $+1 ))


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