Gasherbrum (K3) - Release 1.2 - Beta 1
Changes from R1.1a - Mechanical:
added optional metal motor mounts and thermal backers to the dxf folder
z drives can now be printed on a 120mm bed sized printer
shallow angle maxwell joints are now a bit easier to print and hold the bed a little better
added beacon z probe support
added k3rabiner support for sherpa mini and micro, folded ascender support to return in a future release
removed support for some unused hotends and extruders (all dragonflys, slice copperhead, lgxlite)
belt tensioners now hold onto the belt much better and are easier to print on lower grade printers
xy motors are now easier to remove from the printer thanks to a change to the upper bearing mount
Remaining Open Tasks for R1.2 - Mechanical:
purge bucket not currently supported with beacon
k3rabiner changes not merged into main stl folder
generate CAD
generate updated eDrawings files
Changes from R1.1a - Software / Electrical:
Remaining Open Tasks for R1.2 - Software / Electrical:
Update config to support latest version of klipper
add beacon support to the mainline config
screw tracker is still in progress, this note will be removed and an announcement will be made on discord when it is finished.
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