- Install autolab_core, pyyaml, rospkg, pyquaternion
pip install autolab_core pyyaml rospkg pyquaternion
- Copy the dummy config to yk-god
scp config/dummy-1920x1080.conf mfi@yk-god:~/
- Add the following to the .bash_aliases file on yk-god
alias start_dummy_screen='sudo X -config dummy-1920x1080.conf'
- Install testbed_lin_actuator and testbed_camera_utils to yk-god.
- Copy over the yk_god.launch file to yk-god
scp launch/yk_god.launch mfi@yk-god:~/
- Enable the dummy screen on yk-god
ssh mfi@yk-god mfi@yk-god$ start_dummy_screen
- Start the linear actuator server, cameras, and amr detection on yk-god
ssh -X mfi@yk-god mfi@yk-god$ export DISPLAY=:0 mfi@yk-god$ roslaunch yk_god.launch
- Start the pallet pick and place server for each robot using the namespace argument
roslaunch pallet_pick_and_place pallet_pick_and_place_server.launch namespace:=yk_creator
- Start the resource server
roslaunch pallet_pick_and_place yk_robots_resource_server.py
- Send a pick and place command
python import requests task1 = {'msgType': 'StartTask', 'taskId': 1, 'name': 'unloadKit', 'resources': ['robotArm1', 'amr2'], 'structureType': 'human', 'location': 'Robot-Arm-1'} task2 = {'msgType': 'StartTask', 'taskId': 2, 'name': 'assembleStructure', 'resources': ['robotArm1'], 'structureType': 'human', 'location': 'Robot-Arm-1'} task3 = {'msgType': 'StartTask', 'taskId': 3, 'name': 'loadStructure', 'resources': ['robotArm1', 'amr2'], 'structureType': 'human', 'location': 'Robot-Arm-1'} task4 = {'msgType': 'StartTask', 'taskId': 4, 'name': 'unloadStructure', 'resources': ['robotArm1', 'amr2'], 'structureType': 'human', 'location': 'Robot-Arm-1'} task5 = {'msgType': 'StartTask', 'taskId': 5, 'name': 'disassembleStructure', 'resources': ['robotArm1'], 'structureType': 'human', 'location': 'Robot-Arm-1'} task6 = {'msgType': 'StartTask', 'taskId': 6, 'name': 'loadKit', 'resources': ['robotArm1', 'amr2'], 'structureType': 'human', 'location': 'Robot-Arm-1'} requests.post('', json=task1)