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Pannous edited this page Jul 23, 2020 · 6 revisions

The fluid term of race is best redefined as clusters in genetic PCA charts. While nowadays there is a continuum between these clusters, before the onset of the Neolithic revolution, clusters were generally more distinct. Over time the genetic profiles and the associated clusters are ever mixing and shifting so that it makes little sense for modern Italians to say they belong to the Roman race. On the other hand one can find sub-clusters even in local populations, yet no one would say they belong to the Seattle race versus the Mississippi race.

"My race" could be defined as a borderless ordered set of individuals with similar genomes modulo a given hyper dimensional metric.

See Human colors, west east south north PIE Sea-People

So far we know|PIE that Egyptians were closer to European/Levant types than to Sub-Saharan ethnies. After the red headed mummies of the founding years, their skin color was indead almost as red as the color egyptians chose on their hieroglyph paintings:

A more realistic Egyptian painting of contemporary ethnies.

  1. First: 'Libyan'/European, note the Feathers and the tatoos
  2. Second: guess
  3. Third: 'Asiatic'
  4. Fourth: Egyptian

At Butmir sites 72 human figures made of baked clay were found. They are made in such way so that one can easily identify some racial features. There are 3 main groups of found figures that showed racial characteristics of Negroid, Armenoid and European races.

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