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The CLI (command line interface) is how the user can configure the ESC, and also perform some simple tests.

Getting into the CLI

Required: USB Linker

To install, update, and configure Hydra firmware, you must use a USB-linker meant for communicating with ESCs. These are used with AM32, BLHeli_32, and BLHeli_S, for configuration and firmware updating.

See this wiki page for a list of USB-linkers you can use. That page also has links to the appropriate USB drivers that you might need to install.

Required: Serial Terminal App

You need a simple serial terminal app of some sort installed on your computer.

For Windows, some of the popular choices: Tera Term, PuTTY, RealTerm, Arduino IDE's built-in serial monitor, some of the extensions available in VSCode

For Linux, perhaps try: Minicom, picocom, screen, gtkterm

Please remember to choose the correct serial port (the name will vary), and then configure the serial port for 19200 baud rate, 8 bits, no parity.

SparkFun Electronics has a tutorial about serial terminals

Connecting the USB linker

These steps are different from installing the firmware. Please do not confuse the two different instructions.

  1. Make sure the ESC is disconnected from everything. Do not connect the USB linker to it just yet. Keep the power off.

  2. Power on the ESC. The LED should indicate that it is disarmed (LED will stay solid RED, or whatever colour is used).

  3. Wait 10 seconds. After 10 seconds have passed, the LED blinking should have changed to a different pattern (if there is no LED, then the ESC will make the motor start buzzing at a high pitch)

  4. Connect the USB linker to the computer

  5. Connect the USB linker to the ESC

  6. Run the serial terminal app

The LED blink pattern will change again to indicate successfully entering CLI mode

Send the enter keystroke into the terminal a few times and you should see > appear on your screen. This means you are ready to enter in a command.

NOTE: arrow keys will never work, the delete or backspace key will simply cancel the entire command

NOTE: the CLI will never exit until you reboot the entire ESC with the USB linker disconnected

The most important settings to change

  • vsplitmode is defaulted to the weakest mode that is easy to use, you might want to try out one of the boost modes
  • inputmode is obviously important if you are using CRSF or had problems doing the input wiring
  • phasemap is important because you don't know which motor output phase is the default common-shared phase (see this guide)

Using the CLI

Reading current settings

The command is read

It will output a giant list of all of the settings.

You can copy this block of text into a text file for safekeeping.

(there's a section later describing each of the setting items)

Changing a setting

The command looks like <setting-name> <value>, for example, inputmode 1.

A confirmation will shown if you are successful.

If you pasted in multiple lines, it will change multiple settings all at once. So you may paste in the text file you saved earlier.

WARNING: please don't go crazy with the values. The CLI is only smart enough to know if you forgot to include a value, or if you made a spelling mistake, but it cannot actually check if your value is within the correct range.

NOTE: for settings that are either true or false, please use 1 or 0

(there's a section later describing each of the setting items)

Factory Reset

The command is factoryreset

This will change every setting back to their default values.


The command is reboot

This will cause the ESC to enter into the AM32 bootloader.

Available Settings and What They Mean

command default range description
vsplitmode 0 0 - 2 voltage splitting mode
0 = boosted almost always
1 = half voltage
2 = boosted while not turning
loadbal 0 0 or 1 lowers load on common-shared MOSFET
inputmode 0 0 - 3 0 = RC PWM pulse input
1 = CRSF input
2 = RC PWM input through SWCLK
3 = CRSF input through SWCLK
tankmix 0 0 or 1 enables arcade tank drive mixing
phasemap 1 1 - 3 selects which one of the three phases is used as the common-shared phase
baud 0 baud rate used for CRSF
0 means default (420000)
useful for taking commands from slower microcontrollers
channel_1 1 0 - 16 which CRSF channel is the 1st channel, 0 = unassigned
channel_2 2 0 - 16 which CRSF channel is the 2nd channel, 0 = unassigned
channel_mode 0 0 - 16 which CRSF channel can control the voltage splitting mode, useful for temporary voltage boosting, 0 = unassigned
channel_brake 0 0 - 16 which CRSF channel can control the braking mode, 0 = unassigned
rc_mid 1500 800 - 2200 RC PWM pulse middle value, in microseconds, does not affect CRSF
rc_range 500 0 - 1000 RC PWM pulse range, 500 means 1000 to 2000, does not affect CRSF
rc_deadzone 10 0 - uint16 RC PWM pulse deadzone around the center
used if the signal is noisy
unit is in microseconds
does also apply to CRSF
pwm_period ???? 0 - 65535 PWM period, generator reload value, controls the PWM frequency
unit is in clock ticks
Do not modify
lower value = higher frequency
pwm_deadtime 50 0 - uint32 PWM cannot be always 100% since the MOSFET drivers use a charge pump. High value means lower power for the motors, but if the value is too low then the high-side MOSFETs might stop working at full throttle.
braking 1 0 or 1 If true, enables complementary PWM and never floats the output pins. If false, disables complementary PWM and floats the output pins if throttle is 0
chanswap 0 0 or 1 swaps the output channels
flip1 0 0 or 1 flips (reverse) the 1st output channel
flip2 0 0 or 1 flips (reverse) the 2nd output channel
tied 0 0 or 1 one channel controls both motors
armdur 100 0 - uint32 arming duration required, the number of valid arming pulses (zero throttle) required before becoming armed
setting 0 means always armed
disarmtime 3000 0 - uint32 number of milliseconds of signal loss before going into disarmed state
setting 0 means never
templim 0 0 - 255 temperature limit in degrees-Celcius
setting 0 means limit disabled
currlim 0 0 - 255 current limit in milliamps
setting 0 means limit disabled
voltlim 0 0 - 65535 low battery voltage limit in millivolts
setting 0 means limit disabled
please read this guide to understand this item
cellmaxvolt 0 0 - 65535 per cell maximum voltage in millivolts
setting 0 means "use absolute limit instead"
please read this guide to understand this item
lowbattstretch 0 0 - 65535 determines if reaching the low-battery limit will stop the motors or simply slow it down
please read this guide to understand this item
voltdiv ???? 0 - uint32 hardware voltage divider adjustment
default is dependant of hardware, do not adjust if you don't need to
curroffset ???? 0 - uint32 hardware current sensor offset adjustment
default is dependant of hardware, do not adjust if you don't need to
currscale ???? 0 - uint32 hardware current sensor scaling adjustment
default is dependant of hardware, do not adjust if you don't need to
adcfilter 10 1 - 100 analog signal low-pass filtering constant, for avoiding noisy sensor measurements
low value means strong filtering, slow changes
high value means weak filtering, fast changes
0 and 100 both mean "disable filter"
curlimkp 100 percentage PID constant P for the current limiting feature
do not adjust, 100% is default and ideal
curlimki 0 sint32 PID constant I for the current limiting feature
do not adjust
curlimkd 100 percentage PID constant D for the current limiting feature
do not adjust, 100% is default and ideal

There are other items that are not always used, they are described in other usage guides, including the page on fancy features

Changing Settings On-The-Fly

The voltage splitting mode and the braking mode can also be assigned to CRSF channels so that they can be adjusted on-the-fly. Please see this page about how.

Advanced Commands


Use the command version to show some version information.

Debugging Hardware

The command is hwtest, using it will enter into a test mode, it will ask you to press a key to choose a test mode.

  • key v will help you do voltage sensor calibration
  • key c will help you do current sensor calibration
  • key p will help you do test phase mapping

Please see this sensor-calibration guide

Please see this hardware guide for information on finding the common-shared phase