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Time Controlled Order Management in the Factory Manager

Johannes Heucher edited this page Oct 12, 2022 · 3 revisions

Time-Controlled Orders are managed inside the Time-Controlled Orders section of the Xyna Factory Manager.

List Time-Controlled Orders

The overview shows all current Time-Controlled Orders. It supports filtering by ID, name, Application, Version, Workspace, Order Type, start time, interval and status. Possible states are Active and Disabled. To also show the archived Time-Controlled Orders select Show archived TCOs above the table.

Create a Time-Controlled Order

Create a new Time-Controlled Order via the Create Time-Controlled Order button at the top right. Alternatively, an existing Time-Controlled Order can be duplicated by clicking the Duplicate button at the end of a Time-Controlled Order table entry. In this case, the fields in the arising dialog are pre-filled and can be changed if necessary.

Define the configuration parameter for the new Time-Controlled Order:

Name for the Time-Controlled Order.
Is Active
By default, a Time-Controlled Order is active. Disabled Time-Controlled Orders do not start Xyna Orders.
Order Type
  • Workspace / Application: Select an existing Workspace or Application, in which the Xyna Orders will be started.
  • Order Type: Order Type for the Xyna Orders to be started.
Input Parameters
Input definition for the Xyna Orders to be started. If the Xyna Order has at least one Input Parameter, then there are two different options:
  • Constant: Manually specify values that are used for each individual Xyna Order. The Query check-box must be deactivated.
  • Query Storable: Allows dynamic loading of input data from a database. The Input Parameter of the Xyna Orders must be Storables. In this case, each individual Xyna Order is started with a different input. After activating the Query check-box, the following fields appear:
    • Query Filter: Optional Filter Condition to restrict the input data.
    • Sorting: Optional sorting of the input data.
Execution Time
Time-Controlled Orders support repetitions with the declaration of start time and an optional end time.
  • Time zone: Select a time zone for the start and end time.
  • Start time: Before the start time no Xyna Orders will be started.
  • Execution Type
    • Always: No restrictions.
    • Time Window: The execution period can be restricted to a certain time window.
      • Interval and Every X Minutes: How often the time window should open.
      • Window Length: Length of the time window.
  • End time: After the end time no Xyna Orders will be started any more.
  • No end time: Unlimited execution.
Execution Restriction
  • Maximum Executions: The number of running orders from the same Time-Controlled Order can be restricted.
  • Execution Interval: The frequency of execution can be restricted by setting an execution interval.
  • Scheduling Timeout: Timeout to prevent Xyna Orders waiting too long for scheduling.
  • Execution Timeout: Timeout to prevent Xyna Orders waiting too long for execution.
  • Treat timeouts as error: A timeout should be treated as error.
  • Behavior on error: Not supported by Xyna, yet.
Custom Information
Define up to four custom fields. The custom fields can be reviewed in Order Overview section in the Xyna Process Monitor.
Finally start the Time-Controlled Order with the Start button. A unique ID is generated for the order.

Modify a Time-Controlled Order

Open the Time-Controlled Order Details by selecting a Time-Controlled Order. Apart from the generated ID, all parameters can be changed. Click the Save button to apply the changes. Archived Time-Controlled orders could not be changed.

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